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5 hours ago, MANSE said:

Pulled because Workington would not accept the 7/10 is that possible Sunday is not a off day it is our alternative race day and as we wanted second leg  is why it was Sunday [our choice ]


I will type this slowly so you have time to digest it, just in case you are not a quick reader, Okay here goes; you are correct  (there I said it) Workington did not accept the 7/10 initially as they were unsure that they would receive a facility for their missing rider.

If they had not acquired a facility they would have had to go to Glasgow with a National League Rider in the Number 1 slot so who in their right mind would agree to that, (even for a league match let alone a play off one) not a guest or rider replacement; a NL rider.

Teams have refused to  travel to Worky this season due to there being the possibility of having to run with a guest or R/R let alone a NL replacement. Never mind, (which is why this race night; not your race night; thing has reared its head) (could be wrong and this is just my opinion) (Glasgow Friday Workington Saturday)

Worky then sought clarification as to what facility they would receive if any, for running on the Sunday; this took time to come back, (now I honestly don't know how long unfortunately) in the mean time Glasgow pulled the plug on the 6/10 then Worky got confirmation that they could have a facility for their missing rider, (again I don't honestly know which way round this happened, but it did) however in the interim Craig went and unfortunately got himself injured (the scan will prove how badly I would have thought) so we are where we are. (A Brian Rix Farce maybe or that American Sit Com Soap from the 70's) (I just cant decide)

Workington have an available Saturday on the 6/10 at DP and if Glasgow want to run later than this I honestly cant see what the problem is. Why cant Glasgow run on their usual Friday at Ashfield on the 13/10 is that not sensible, and Worky do their night on the 6/10 and lets be honest if Craig cant make it Glasgow can bring in any other rider in the league (not in the play offs) as his replacement due to his high average. (and as explained Workington's options are limited with dates)

Or here's an idea as Craig is a GP rider I am sure with the "clout" Glasgow have they could arrange for Woofy or Greg Hancock to replace him and I am sure Worky would appreciate such a high profile rider going along to Derwent Park to swell the crowds. Oh hang on its a GP weekend on the 6/10 so that cant happen oops my bad. Maybe the following Friday up at Ashfield if Craig cant make that one due to injury eh?

Now please do not take this the wrong way as I do not know your ethnicity however I have taken a crude guess and just in case you have difficulty with English please find the above in Scots Gaelic and apologies for any spelling errors or mispronunciation 

A-nis, na gabh an dòigh ceàrr seo oir chan eil mi eòlach air do chinneasachd ach tha mi air tomhas mì-laghail a ghabhail agus ma tha duilgheadas agad le Beurla, lorg an rud gu h-àrd ann an Gàidhlig na h-Alba agus leisgeulan airson mearachdan litreachaidh no fuaimneachadh sam bith

Gu h-onarach

Sgrìdaidh mi seo gu slaodach agus mar sin bidh ùine agad a chuairteachadh, dìreach ma tha thu nad leughadair luath, bidh e ceart gu leòr; tha thu ceart (an sin thuirt mi) Cha do ghabh Workington ris an 7/10 an toiseach seach nach robh iad cinnteach gum faigheadh iad goireas airson an marcaiche a bha a dhìth orra.

Mura h-eil iad air goireas fhaighinn bhiodh aca ri dhol a Ghlaschu le Rideradair Lìog Nàiseanta ann an slot Àireamh 1, agus mar sin, cò leis a bha iad a 'faireachdainn ceart, dh'aontaicheadh iad sin (eadhon airson geama lìog gun a bhith a' cluich dealbh dheth) ionad aoigheachd no marcaiche; marcaiche NL.

Tha sgiobaidhean air diùltadh siubhal gu Worky an t-seusan seo air sgàth 's gum bi cothrom aca a bhith a' ruith le aoigh no R / R gun a bhith a 'leigeil le NL ath-àiteachadh. Na cuir dragh air, (is e sin an t-adhbhar air an oidhche rèis seo: chan e oidhche an rèis agad; tha rud air a cheann a thogail) (dh'fhaodadh a bhith ceàrr agus is e seo mo bheachd) (Glaschu Friday Workington Disathairne)

Dh'iarr an obair an uairsin soilleireachadh air dè an goireas a gheibheadh iad ma tha e airson a bhith a 'ruith air an Didòmhnaich; thug seo ùine seachad a thighinn air ais, (a-nis chan eil fhios agam dè cho fada gu mì-fhortanach) anns a 'mheadhan a chuir Glaschu an plug air 6/10 agus fhuair Worky dearbhadh gum faodadh iad goireas fhaighinn airson a' marcaiche a bha a dhìth orra (a-rithist na bi fios gu h-onarach dè an rud a thachras seo, ach rinn e) ge-tà, chaidh Craig a dhèanamh agus gu mì-fhortanach chaidh a leòn (bidh an scan a 'dearbhadh dè cho dona' sa bhiodh dùil agam) agus mar sin tha sinn far a bheil sinn. ('S dòcha gur e Brian Rix Farce a th' ann no So-ruigsinneachd Sit American bho na 70an) (chan urrainn dhomh ach co-dhùnadh a dhèanamh)

Tha Workington ri fhaighinn Disathairne air 6/10 aig DP agus ma tha Glaschu airson ruith nas fhaide na seo chan eil mi gu cinnteach a 'faicinn dè an duilgheadas a th' ann. Mar sin chan eil Glaschu a 'ruith air an oidhche àbhaisteach aca aig Ashfield air 13/10 nach eil e ciallach, agus bidh Worky a' dèanamh an oidhche aca air 6/10 agus bidh e iongantach mura h-urrainn Craig a dhèanamh gum faod Glaschu marcach sam bith eile a thoirt a-steach don lìog ( chan ann anns na cluicheadairean cluiche) mar a thionndaidh e an àite mar thoradh air a 'chuibheasachd àrd aige. (agus mar a mhìnich e tha roghainnean Workington cuingealaichte le cinn-latha)

No smaoinich an seo mar a tha Creag na marcaiche dotair teaghlaich. Tha mi cinnteach leis an "clout" Glaschu an urrainn dhaibh Woofy no Greg Hancock a chuir air dòigh agus tha mi cinnteach gum biodh Worky a 'cur luach air mar a bha marcaiche àrd-inbhe cho àrd a' dol gu Pàirce Derwent gus a dhol fodha an sluagh. O cuimhnich air deireadh-seachdain an dotair teaghlaich agad air 6/10 gus am bi e comasach dhomh a bhith a 'tachairt gu math dona. Is dòcha an ath Dihaoine a-nise aig Ashfield mura dèan Craig an aon sin air sgàth eh?

All in all its a load of "Hydraulics" really isn't it?(and yes that is a euphemism)


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I'm intrigued by your 'TotallyHonestJohn' handle. What does 'Totally' add to 'HonestJohn'? Or is there a 'PartiallyHonestJohn' down there with whom you do not wish to be confused? Are you making the point that you are the honestest of all the Johns who post on here? More honest than 'SeldomHonestJohn'?

It's a bit like the word 'Strictly' used on signage. What difference is there between 'No ball games' and 'Strictly no ball games' or 'No parking' and 'Strictly no parking'? I reckon it's just a scam perpetrated by signwriters to make more money.

Anyway, I think the current fixtures debacle is, Strictly, TotallyC*ckedUp.  



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33 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:


I will type this slowly so you have time to digest it, just in case you are not a quick reader, Okay here goes; you are correct  (there I said it) Workington did not accept the 7/10 initially as they were unsure that they would receive a facility for their missing rider.

If they had not acquired a facility they would have had to go to Glasgow with a National League Rider in the Number 1 slot so who in their right mind would agree to that, (even for a league match let alone a play off one) not a guest or rider replacement; a NL rider.

Teams have refused to  travel to Worky this season due to there being the possibility of having to run with a guest or R/R let alone a NL replacement. Never mind, (which is why this race night; not your race night; thing has reared its head) (could be wrong and this is just my opinion) (Glasgow Friday Workington Saturday)

Worky then sought clarification as to what facility they would receive if any, for running on the Sunday; this took time to come back, (now I honestly don't know how long unfortunately) in the mean time Glasgow pulled the plug on the 6/10 then Worky got confirmation that they could have a facility for their missing rider, (again I don't honestly know which way round this happened, but it did) however in the interim Craig went and unfortunately got himself injured (the scan will prove how badly I would have thought) so we are where we are. (A Brian Rix Farce maybe or that American Sit Com Soap from the 70's) (I just cant decide)

Workington have an available Saturday on the 6/10 at DP and if Glasgow want to run later than this I honestly cant see what the problem is. Why cant Glasgow run on their usual Friday at Ashfield on the 13/10 is that not sensible, and Worky do their night on the 6/10 and lets be honest if Craig cant make it Glasgow can bring in any other rider in the league (not in the play offs) as his replacement due to his high average. (and as explained Workington's options are limited with dates)

Or here's an idea as Craig is a GP rider I am sure with the "clout" Glasgow have they could arrange for Woofy or Greg Hancock to replace him and I am sure Worky would appreciate such a high profile rider going along to Derwent Park to swell the crowds. Oh hang on its a GP weekend on the 6/10 so that cant happen oops my bad. Maybe the following Friday up at Ashfield if Craig cant make that one due to injury eh?

Now please do not take this the wrong way as I do not know your ethnicity however I have taken a crude guess and just in case you have difficulty with English please find the above in Scots Gaelic and apologies for any spelling errors or mispronunciation 

A-nis, na gabh an dòigh ceàrr seo oir chan eil mi eòlach air do chinneasachd ach tha mi air tomhas mì-laghail a ghabhail agus ma tha duilgheadas agad le Beurla, lorg an rud gu h-àrd ann an Gàidhlig na h-Alba agus leisgeulan airson mearachdan litreachaidh no fuaimneachadh sam bith

Gu h-onarach

Sgrìdaidh mi seo gu slaodach agus mar sin bidh ùine agad a chuairteachadh, dìreach ma tha thu nad leughadair luath, bidh e ceart gu leòr; tha thu ceart (an sin thuirt mi) Cha do ghabh Workington ris an 7/10 an toiseach seach nach robh iad cinnteach gum faigheadh iad goireas airson an marcaiche a bha a dhìth orra.

Mura h-eil iad air goireas fhaighinn bhiodh aca ri dhol a Ghlaschu le Rideradair Lìog Nàiseanta ann an slot Àireamh 1, agus mar sin, cò leis a bha iad a 'faireachdainn ceart, dh'aontaicheadh iad sin (eadhon airson geama lìog gun a bhith a' cluich dealbh dheth) ionad aoigheachd no marcaiche; marcaiche NL.

Tha sgiobaidhean air diùltadh siubhal gu Worky an t-seusan seo air sgàth 's gum bi cothrom aca a bhith a' ruith le aoigh no R / R gun a bhith a 'leigeil le NL ath-àiteachadh. Na cuir dragh air, (is e sin an t-adhbhar air an oidhche rèis seo: chan e oidhche an rèis agad; tha rud air a cheann a thogail) (dh'fhaodadh a bhith ceàrr agus is e seo mo bheachd) (Glaschu Friday Workington Disathairne)

Dh'iarr an obair an uairsin soilleireachadh air dè an goireas a gheibheadh iad ma tha e airson a bhith a 'ruith air an Didòmhnaich; thug seo ùine seachad a thighinn air ais, (a-nis chan eil fhios agam dè cho fada gu mì-fhortanach) anns a 'mheadhan a chuir Glaschu an plug air 6/10 agus fhuair Worky dearbhadh gum faodadh iad goireas fhaighinn airson a' marcaiche a bha a dhìth orra (a-rithist na bi fios gu h-onarach dè an rud a thachras seo, ach rinn e) ge-tà, chaidh Craig a dhèanamh agus gu mì-fhortanach chaidh a leòn (bidh an scan a 'dearbhadh dè cho dona' sa bhiodh dùil agam) agus mar sin tha sinn far a bheil sinn. ('S dòcha gur e Brian Rix Farce a th' ann no So-ruigsinneachd Sit American bho na 70an) (chan urrainn dhomh ach co-dhùnadh a dhèanamh)

Tha Workington ri fhaighinn Disathairne air 6/10 aig DP agus ma tha Glaschu airson ruith nas fhaide na seo chan eil mi gu cinnteach a 'faicinn dè an duilgheadas a th' ann. Mar sin chan eil Glaschu a 'ruith air an oidhche àbhaisteach aca aig Ashfield air 13/10 nach eil e ciallach, agus bidh Worky a' dèanamh an oidhche aca air 6/10 agus bidh e iongantach mura h-urrainn Craig a dhèanamh gum faod Glaschu marcach sam bith eile a thoirt a-steach don lìog ( chan ann anns na cluicheadairean cluiche) mar a thionndaidh e an àite mar thoradh air a 'chuibheasachd àrd aige. (agus mar a mhìnich e tha roghainnean Workington cuingealaichte le cinn-latha)

No smaoinich an seo mar a tha Creag na marcaiche dotair teaghlaich. Tha mi cinnteach leis an "clout" Glaschu an urrainn dhaibh Woofy no Greg Hancock a chuir air dòigh agus tha mi cinnteach gum biodh Worky a 'cur luach air mar a bha marcaiche àrd-inbhe cho àrd a' dol gu Pàirce Derwent gus a dhol fodha an sluagh. O cuimhnich air deireadh-seachdain an dotair teaghlaich agad air 6/10 gus am bi e comasach dhomh a bhith a 'tachairt gu math dona. Is dòcha an ath Dihaoine a-nise aig Ashfield mura dèan Craig an aon sin air sgàth eh?

All in all its a load of "Hydraulics" really isn't it?(and yes that is a euphemism)


You have made 4 mistakes:nono:

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T.H.J.  how do you type stuff slowly when the person reading your post cant read @ at a  slow pace . leave bigger g a p s  between the words and they may get what you are   t r y i n g . to tell them . (S)

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2 hours ago, SharpenRake said:

The thing is, the play offs are meant to be the financial saviour for some teams and meant to be looked forward to by fans. One way to ensure a big crowd for both legs is to give advance notice of the dates so fans can plan ahead and promoters promote, I realise this is a alien concept for most worky fans who obviously have spent time working in or close to Sellafield. Fans also in the past have welcomed fixtures that are back to back rather than spread out. The suggested 6 and 7th would have done that. Some worky fans are upset that Glasgow suggested Sunday 7th for there home leg as it isn't there raceday although forgetting its our alternative day. Other worky fans think we should hold it when it suits worky as we can race anytime we like. So no thought for what might be the best day to promote the match and get a good crowd. It is that type of thinking that has got Workington in to a mess from which it will be difficult to recover. This thread alone and the lack of dates will cost worky c250 Glasgow fans that will no longer travel. 

First off I am 130 mile away from Sellafield on the East coast with more chance of turning green from Chernobyl than Sellafield and believe me the Play Offs are in no way the financial saviour of any club ask Edinburgh, Newcastle and Sheffield to name but three. it is an absolute myth and a misconception that the play offs are the saviour of any club all they do is compound losses, and 250 "weegies" coming South wont be the saviour of Workington. (sadly)

Yes fans look forward to them but the impact on the clubs for a bit of silverware is colossal


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6 minutes ago, MANSE said:

You have made 4 mistakes:nono:

Hoots Mon!!!

Must try harder

I am off now, need to go and walk the dog and get out of this office, but back Monday all refreshed

Good luck to all in their endeavours in life, and as me Mam used to say "remember you only pass this way once so be as nice as you can to as many people as possible"

But being such an A-wipe I do find it hard at times... Sorry


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12 minutes ago, MANSE said:

You have made 4 mistakes:nono:

and you my friend are making ONE BIG mistake .

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16 minutes ago, jenga said:

T.H.J.  how do you type stuff slowly when the person reading your post cant read @ at a  slow pace . leave bigger g a p s  between the words and they may get what you are   t r y i n g . to tell them . (S)

The W FI is not so good when your cruising the Med

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26 minutes ago, Tapeworm said:


I'm intrigued by your 'TotallyHonestJohn' handle. What does 'Totally' add to 'HonestJohn'? Or is there a 'PartiallyHonestJohn' down there with whom you do not wish to be confused? Are you making the point that you are the honestest of all the Johns who post on here? More honest than 'SeldomHonestJohn'?

It's a bit like the word 'Strictly' used on signage. What difference is there between 'No ball games' and 'Strictly no ball games' or 'No parking' and 'Strictly no parking'? I reckon it's just a scam perpetrated by signwriters to make more money.

Anyway, I think the current fixtures debacle is, Strictly, TotallyC*ckedUp.  




It was to just nick the THJ handle really although not a favourite rider or anything it just fitted and as my Granddad said he was once going to open a bookmakers called Honest John the Bookie (he was also a John but never a bookie, I think he fibbed on that one to an admiring little kid) I liked the ring it had. Oh and not an Edinburgh fan either although I do get up there several times in a season.

"Gating Tart" might have been more appropriate but that's taken and "Gobsh*te" was rude with "Soft Puff" borderline. However Tapeworm was definitely safe as we once had a dog with one and it was Feckin Awful... Honestly

Also at work my go to dismissive word is Honestly it has so many meanings with just a different inflection


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i will wait until you get into Liverpool docks tomorrow . how was the I.O.M.  then ?

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13 minutes ago, TotallyHonestJohn said:

First off I am 130 mile away from Sellafield on the East coast with more chance of turning green from Chernobyl than Sellafield and believe me the Play Offs are in no way the financial saviour of any club ask Edinburgh, Newcastle and Sheffield to name but three. it is an absolute myth and a misconception that the play offs are the saviour of any club all they do is compound losses, and 250 "weegies" coming South wont be the saviour of Workington. (sadly)

Yes fans look forward to them but the impact on the clubs for a bit of silverware is colossal


So why the hell do the promoters persist with play offs. This years are already a farce with all 4 teams having to use guests and/or rr meaning the league title will be determined by the choice of guests rather than the best team 

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4 minutes ago, jenga said:

i will wait until you get into Liverpool docks tomorrow . how was the I.O.M.  then ?

Royal CARIBBEAN docking at Southampton the posh port

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5 minutes ago, SharpenRake said:

So why the hell do the promoters persist with play offs. This years are already a farce with all 4 teams having to use guests and/or rr meaning the league title will be determined by the choice of guests rather than the best team 

because it keeps the season alive


This season was a really good nail biting race to gain a top 4 spot with a few teams in the mix right up to the cut off point


even with a month to go the teams at the bottom had a outside chance which  must be a good thing i think

Edited by montie
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5 minutes ago, SharpenRake said:

So why the hell do the promoters persist with play offs. This years are already a farce with all 4 teams having to use guests and/or rr meaning the league title will be determined by the choice of guests rather than the best team 


Who knows or Feck knows might be the better response

As someone once sang, Why do birds suddenly appear, Why do stars fall down from the sky, and all that tosh

More money than sense maybe, don't honestly know

Montie above has put a valid post up




Edited by TotallyHonestJohn

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