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  1. btfan

    Memories Of Waterden Road

    I also have fond memories of Waterden Road in the eighties. 1) The drive through the Blackwall Tunnel, I remember a strange smell as you approached the Tunnel from the south, my dad always said it was a brewery, not sure if that is true. Mind you, he would know 2) Having our car broken into twice, once in the carpark, and once out on the road!! Seemed to spend a lot of time at the Police Station!! 3) Turning right and then left at a big pub after the Blackwall Tunnel on the way to the stadium, can't remember the name? 4) Thommo always missing the start, swooping around the boards, and nobody was better at making their way from the back!! 5) Andy Galvin, a stylish performer, a great NL rider. 6) Somebody mentioned a girl called Mel, using a bicycle pump airhorn. Think I remember her, did she stand on the back straight with her family, around 1984, had shortish hair. I fancied her from afar, but never spoke to her. 7) Remember the closure in 1991? Wasn't there some sort of robbery of the takings?? 8) My Dad buying the monkey nuts for me during the meeting!! 9) Sitting on the bar which surrounded the greyhound track to watch the racing. 10) The "Sean Willmott Tra la la la la chant from the second bend in the early eighties. 11) Overall great racing, at a slightly delapidated stadium, but one with history. BT Fan
  2. btfan

    Barry Thomas

    Hello, I am a newbie on the forum. Was a fan of the Hawks & kestrels, and Barry was my favourite rider of all time with Andy Galvin as a close second!! Not been to a speedway match for many years, but thought Barry was married to the Lovely Barbara (I think). Don't wish to offend anybody but what happened to Barbara. BT Fan

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