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Sings4Speedway last won the day on February 17 2020

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  1. Big problem is that its the wrong time of year to resolve it. Ashton can and likely will spend the winter doing countless laps of very fast practice and equipment testing but will never know if the issue has been dealt with until he returns to the tapes in competitive fixtures. No doubt a huge talent but can't shake the feeling he will walk away over the next season or two.
  2. Curse old man Spencer! To be fair that lasted an entire fixture until the Thompsons turned 19 but fun little stat to have.
  3. Whilst i respect your viewpoint the list of riders chosen is a little skewed. Bickley, Smith, Flint, Palin to a degree and certainly cairns were known entities before they signed for the Colts. Yes Bewley, Bailey, the McGurks, the Woodhulls, Joe Lawlor, Pie Man Bowen were all chances taken that paid off but plenty were on the road to success before joining Belle Vue and several do very little away from the place. Still jealous that you get to do your regular viewing there though.
  4. Other tie ups afterwards.....possibly Brummies vs Warwickshire speedway fixture......imagine the Tolley write up afterwards.... "i thought it was a very entertaining meeting although disappointed to lose after going in with such high hopes but they were just better out of the starts than we were"
  5. Belle Vue do have the massive lure of a great rack to ride every week and some useful insider knowledge on setups which is crucial there. That alone has been enough to turn mediocre riders into match winners over the years, in fact its fairly safe to say if you can't increase your average at Belle Vue your not going to do it anywhere.
  6. That Crang was a real spring chicken. Seriously though some clubs get a similar level of support win, lose or draw but others rely on a winning side to draw the numbers, its just how fickle fans can be. A smart side would be looking at tracking their number 7 plus a few riders who could progress to that position in a year or two and prepping the track similar to CL meetings not just the slick surfaces most NDL are treated to.
  7. Agree with everything above, the silencers are shocking and the tyres are dire. These have been introduced as money spinners rather than improvements to the sport. Sadly forcing engines changes is unlikely to take and the rev limiter idea was coming in 3 years ago and has moved nowhere (plus is still another rider cost). A usable tyre is whats need and 1 per rider per meeting, none of this they shred so have 2 nonsense. If the bikes are destroying the tyres then the riders will have to look at ways of managing it (via engine/setup changes). Riders will change their equipment, riders have changed their equipment but they need an incentivised reason to do so rather than just pandering to their demands.
  8. Heard he was on an upright.....still could sell it to Barker if Ben is looking for an upgrade....
  9. As already covered Garrad feels a hard sell for a starting CL place especially when he turns 38 next season. Dayle Wood is hardly a spring chicken and Sam McGurk should feel pleased if he lands a NDL spot next year. The positives are the likes of Scott, Vale and Perry. Spencer has been a slow burner likewise Clouting are both edging closer. End of the day some will make it, many won't but thats the nature of the sport
  10. Its one they appear to flip flop on whenever it suits so theres a 50/50 chance it could get voted in. Wouldn't matter if the over 4 CL rule stays and in all honesty Killeen might be the only one interested in doing NDL next year anyways
  11. Really hope thats genuine but fear its more speculative interest and will be scared off by the costs involved, add in that late entries often get to build with the scraps and the current teams will decide the rules with no say from any new side its hardly an appealing option anymore
  12. Killeen, Hagon and Mulford would probably be prevented by the 3 leagues rule, Thompson shouldn't want NDL anyway and Ablitt should really be looking higher. I can understand the benefit of another year for Foord and Harrison so maybe the rule could be tweaked to say if average over 4 in CL the +1 added to NDL average? The idea is/was to push riders up into higher leagues and stop blocking up the NDL. Providing the team building averages are kept the same the new inflated numbers should see Garrad, Vale, Hodder and Wood as the type of riders to take over the heat leader positions. Im not saying thats progress but it was the plan and direction that the league was being taken in and therefore should actually be stuck with whatever the outcome.
  13. Its a handy enough achievement but makes me think he is an even harder signing next year. Yes there will be riders giving the CL a miss and very few riders moving up from NDL so might be spots available but is Foord on a 4.00 better value than Scott or Springer on a 2.00?
  14. Ive thought this from his very early days, nice lad, over rides and lacking some basics from his skill set. Will need to land a fairly hefty sponsor to keep up with the repair bills. Whatever happens Vinnie is not responsible it is the promotors who ultimately have the say on who is put on track and far far too many take gambles on riders who are not ready. I completely understand why Vinnie took the opportunity at Poole but is it doing his longer term reputation any good?
  15. Obviously points limit dependent and a fair few not doing NDL next season but i can also see several o that list struggling for a team spot with the inflated averages.
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