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Had a couple of trips there in the 80s as a kid. And of all the away visits, I have to say - as a kid - the area always felt like a bit of a rough and ready place. Much more so than other tracks. I went back there to the same area many years later with the intents to shoot a video of inner city kids doing Olympic sports as a legacy piece. The reality was it was very different, very gentrified and difficult to find the grit and grime I was looking for! The kids too were annoyingly brilliantly articulate....not the poor urchins we had planned on! :unsure: 

In a roundabout way, what I am saying is, when an area gets the "regeneration" treatment, then speedway's days in that area are numbered. It's difficult to pick out exactly where it was now, I know Waterden Road is still there, but as I understand it, the roads have also changed. Is the Copper Box now sited on the old Hackney Stadium footprint?

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Thanks to all for taking the time and trouble to respond.




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Looking forward to a Your West Ham thread. 

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I went there as a kid in 1970 & 1971. Nice to have stadium to yourself ; )

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