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Everything posted by Jaizer

  1. Adds 1.5 to his average despite woeful management of him at reserve and not deemed good enough to return. Madness.
  2. By my quick check you have 13 8+ riders in the league, make it 9 potentially next year without picko, B Cook, Tom and schlein. Sorry 10 if add in Steve worrall. If you limit to 1 each you're putting 1 out of work or by making it 2 there's no point as would be same position with some teams having 2 and others not having any.
  3. Thought Friday track might not suit him for the full season. Assume be Poole or Oxford if he does champ next year being midweek tracks. Fought so hard to get away from Sunday's because of Poland, now it's affecting Fridays!
  4. Would Connor be a natural target assuming feels ready to resume his racing?
  5. A basso/ Lawson style switch between ivacic and foord lol. No you're right I struggle to see them letting him go
  6. I'm bit old school and worry about home wins first rather than away averages personally so would gladly have JP back. Yes foord is certainly entertaining on the track would be brilliant if was a possibility. Think he's south coast based though which might be an issue.
  7. Seen bit of discussion on other threads so why not have a dedicated one. For me bomber, Rowe and JP would be back. But from rumours none of them may be. Spencer and hodder did themselves no harm in guest appearances for the reserve slot.
  8. Friday clubs don't suit Tom's continental commitments/ aspirations. I would have doubts championship will be in his thoughts at all for next year given how his form has improved this year in the big league
  9. Well the seasons finished. Suppose we have to remember when this would've been classed as a good season and be grateful! Some of the racing been very good this season so can console myself been entertained at least!
  10. As one of the most vocal detractors of bomber when he signed last year I have to say I've never changed feelings on a rider so quickly. His previous spell left a bitter taste but he's more than made up for it this year. He's been a joy to watch last 2 years and hopefully for 3 or 4 more. JP, Leon and Anders should be soaking all of the information he's given them up if want to have half the career he's had. Legend of British speedway
  11. Pretty good meeting, few good races with some dubious team management thrown in. Josh is flying just now, good to watch. If anyone can explain how a rider whose never seen the place in the dry having 1 ride in 7 heats is beneficial I'm all ears.
  12. I've noticed the flaw in my prediction. Need a TM competent enough to give him 7 rides 🙈
  13. The stripes to romp home inspired by a 21 point maximum from ivacic...
  14. Since it's a Poole 2025 thread.. I wonder given how his only decent performance since he signed was at WR would he be a consideration for Poole on a 4?
  15. Why? Lasse went from 5 to 4 when his first average was known. Janowski, pawkicki etc have all been given new averages once their true averages kicked in well below their assessed ones. It's my understanding it can't go below the minimum of 4.
  16. He's only looked good at Poole, looked slow at home and at Edinburgh and Oxford was worse than an NL novice. Not even worth the risk on a 4 for next season if that had been the plan.
  17. It's just a pleasure to watch our TM at work...
  18. But Adam Roynon and Max Perry over last couple years appearing for teams they didn't represent that was ok? Leon was at Cardiff, Anders is in our 1-7 and has appeared in a competitive match in the 1-7. The only time the rules were changed for such an occasion was to stop screeny representing, you guessed it, Glasgow at the pairs. The meeting was clearly benefited by Anders riding in it. Pick up your petted lip on the way out
  19. Given Oxford's one of bombers home tracks, Anders surely won't need to score too heavily in order to get us in top 4? Didn't we get to semis with basso and hume few years ago and Ben was unbeaten? Then you just never know.
  20. Given we had Adam Roynon a few years ago riding for Plymouth despite being a Scunthorpe rider would be a bit rich to refuse a member of a 1-7 to compete... However this is the bspl so who knows
  21. No I mean he'll get his 2023 champ average. Sure that's what happened with gilkes on next set of averages with Redcar. He's also not a guest now as declared in 1-7
  22. Maybe the cynic in me but Rowe will come in converted prem average. Gets new average bases on previous champ results which was around 6 if memory served. Points saved on next season's team building?
  23. So should've been called back as unsatisfactory start and both riders warned. Which it wasn't. As others have said who knows who would or wouldn't have won with the perceived correct decisions made but there were certainly some dubious calls that the losing team will always call out (see rob Godfrey after Glasgow)
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