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  1. Rumours that there will be another northern NDL team , to fill up the clubs fixture list, but as previously said…where are the extra riders to come from ? Teams struggled last season to fill the spots with a number of juniors thrown in just to make the numbers up on occasions. No one can guess what gems the top table will / already have come up with as the ridiculously named ‘rising star’ programme has already been ‘arranged’ and rider signings already announced so they already know what they are going to do with the top two divisions. The sport desperately needs a proper NDL system with many more fixtures than last season where riders can develop over time , not just ride every four weeks and hope we unearth a large crop of British youngsters, not just the odd one . They said they were going to have all sorts of opportunities for NDL standard riders last season, three individual meetings doesn't bare that out to me. The sport is dying from the bottom up because of the way its being run, lets hope a miracle happens and they get the mess sorted out.
  2. So now there is only 4 entrants for a national championship and only two of those are British. What happened to the 25 plus ladies who attended the Belle Vue training school event aimed at getting more female participation?
  3. Better a poor ref than no ref at all.
  4. It appears you are posting just to get attention, as stated, there aren't any ‘ dangerous ‘ riders. Occasionally a rider makes a mistake , rides too hard or simply gets it wrong, …..thats it!
  5. Of course it should….in ANY sport, thats why we have them , right or wrong. You cant have a sport without a ref.
  6. The TV contract is only for the Premiership as it stands and then only for a set number of matches. The TV money to the clubs is minute these days in the scope of things. When one league was last discussed at the top table , 2017/18 , some existing clubs declined to be involved due to the increased costs ,I wonder if the same issues would still apply? Race nights being a large one with so many clashes and the ‘Monday-Thursday’ agreement with Poland.
  7. Riders do not get paid points money in these events, payment is on the pairs finishing position.
  8. Quite right. I can’t understand squabbles about rules as they are written in pencil, change daily depending on who's asking what and all then dependant on who shouts the loudest. Its become a weekly joke in the pits when the team managers can’t agree, then the ref refers it to a higher level who makes a decision but then changes it for the next club that asks. Berwick on Saturday was a fine example then at Leicester a rider got excluded with the ref telling the ‘offender’ that he asked those around him in the refs box and they agreed he made the other rider ride into him ! Get a grip folks, this is modern day speedway, don't take it seriously.
  9. Because you need to engage your brain cell before typing perhaps ? The sport has always had its ‘ back up ‘ riders who were never going to be world beaters but are the backbone of the sport and are essential back up to the ‘ stars ‘. Halder has scored in every meeting and is as solid a second string as you will find in the NDL.
  10. Is that why he scored double figures at Sheffield ? and is fourth in the averages ?
  11. I do. once he’d been ‘excluded’ , under 2 mins, then allowed to go off 15 m and then further ‘excluded’….the Adrenalin wore off somewhat and he was referred back to the Paramedic due to a shoulder injury and then medically withdrawn. Simple as that.
  12. Just helping out due to availability issues with the now regular Trackman. His advice and guidance is helping out the club but he’s not available on a regular basis as he still does Sheffield .
  13. Your quite right….. Ive got it wrong as I thought it was THE Riders FINAL , sorry…….but the advertising is very, very misleading and I have no idea which other clubs are holding rounds of this competition.
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