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  1. Robin

    Swc Final

    Love my speedway but not very gened up about the technicalities so please be easy on me but I have a few questions. 1. Do the GB riders ride in Poland?. 2. If they are competative against the other riders in the Elite league and the Gps why were they so far off the pace tonight?. 3. Why when they were 1st or second by the 2nd bend were they 3rd or 4th by the 3rd bend ?. 4. Do the GB riders not ride in the same countries , on the same tracks as the Poles , Danes and Australians ?. 5. Is there something wrong with Speedway in this country ?. 6. I play darts ( laugh if you like ) but to to be successful I have to to perform on any board no matter how bad and I only play in a village league so my point being why were GB so bad tonight ?. I thought it was a great meeting with some wonderful passing and congratulations to the Poles , unlucky Denmark but the Brits were an embarrasment. To be represented on the world stage like that i'm sorry but it was pathetic. I don't blame the riders, i'm sure they gave they're all but please if we're that bad don't enter again. That's quite critical I know but I don't think i'll be the only person that is disappointed with our team tonight. I'm a great patriot and i'm sure there will be lots of people putting me right. i welcome that.

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