The seizure is more than likely the body responding from being knocked out. Brain and body not as one. I passed out 20 years ago from a knock and my wife said she was very worried as my body was jerking about all over the place. Once I had come around I was fine and had no idea what had happened. Looks scary to witnesses.
Found the rolling pin in the drawer with blood on it the next day.
Not much we can do but wish him well. Eurosport didn’t even capture on camera what happened buy it sounds like he high sided and it could be a collar bone injury.
Rather BV in the final than Sheffield simply due to the track. One the best in the country, the other a bit of a death trap.
Will be very easy for BV in the final.
Why do the Sheffield track staff allow the dirt to build up against the fence in such a way to make it dangerous? Not difficult to bring it back towards the center.