The wet night in 1965 when unknown Bernie Lagrosse headed home Ivan Mauger in a second half heat, though his Kiwi pal got the better of him in the trophy final. We went home thinking we had a star in the making. Sadly he failed to score in a handful of meetings for us, though he was part of the Tigers party for whom the Supporters Club paid for a trip to Germany to watch the World Team Cup. Later rode as Roy Williams at Berwick 1968-70.
A couple of races where the time was given as 90.0 - the KO Cup semi final v West Ham when Sverre Harrfeldt was the only finisher and slowed to walking pace coming out of the fourth bend, taking off his goggles. He got the appropriate response from the crowd. The other in meeting against Cradley in 1966 shen a mid race cloudburst of biblical proportions caused the riders to slow dramatically. It went on for about 15 minutes during which we all had to shelter. This was Cradleys fourth attempt to race in Scotland that year and although the 36-29 scoreline wasn't decisive- two 5-1s woukd have given the Heathens the match- it was agreed the score shoud stand. This was the last meeting of the season and Trevor Redmond and Maury Mattingley manfully stood in the rain singing a farewell to the crowd. For Trevor it would be his last as Tigers promoter, selling his interest to Danny Taylor that winter.