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Everything posted by justspeedway

  1. Well I enjoyed last nights meeting very much! Glad Linus won, was hoping he was going to prove himself tonight n he did! He talked of wanting to come back to England next year... Was impressed with most the riders tonight Roynon, Summers, Poole, Davies obv but then riders like Nelson and Palm Toft though their scores didn't show it I thought were impressive. Palm Toft is so little but has a very nice riding style at Lynn and was using all the track which was nice to see for me he had a similar riding style to Roynon - he does look like he could have some potential! Overall well done to Linus though he was simply a class above - maybe at Pride of the East he can prove himself to be EL reserve quality for next year
  2. Personally I am hoping to see Eklof win, to see him come back to the UK in excellent form would be very good - possible reserve place in EL maybe?
  3. No more news as yet to confirm names? with only 3 more meeting at the NA this year have to say I am looking forward to all of them (Young Guns, Vs USA Team & Pride of the East)
  4. Should be going to this one have to say my main interests will be how well Taylor Poole, Adam Roynon and Linus Eklof get on though will be interesting to see how some of the others who have not ridden at the NA will get on, though as I have said before I am a little bit gutted that there are NO untried (in the UK) Danes/Swedes riders in either this or Pride of the East currently wouldn't mind seeing someone like Mikkel Michelsen be given a chance...
  5. Thanks Speedy17!!! Have to say Im a bit disappointed that there isn't any unknown riders coming over for a spin!
  6. See KL had in the program last night who some of the riders were who they have sent invites out to for Pride of the East, and also it looks like KL will be holding a Young Guns meeting. It wasn't my program (another family members)so I don't have it to hand to write the names on here and my memory is rubbish so if anyone is able to post the names on here would be good thanks for Pride of the East and Young Guns please!
  7. I am taking it the first announcements will be on Monday regarding line up
  8. justspeedway

    Ipswich 2012

    Jonathan has said before that things are going well, and even if ticket sales were down a bit Lynn would still be ok. There is a good crowd at Lynn (not on sky though we easily missing at least 1/3 of crowd when they show up!), seriously though it the best crowd we have had in a few years now and they know the PL got stale and the fans got bored, this year has been incredible for us with the EL boys you get some cracking racing and awesome skills - on our track anyway ;-) . The Chapmans are very good business men, like for instance using riders based in the UK they are saving themselves a fortune on air travel etc, I could well be wrong but I think our stay in the EL will be a little bit longer yet... only thing that will change that will be if very very stupid ideas are passed at the AGM in regards to the EL. The Chapmans will do whatever is best for the club and I respect that and will always follow the Stars! Regarding more assets lets see if anything happens after the Pride of the East but mainly there probably will be activity during the silly season. Anywwwo I'll leave it there after all this is a Witches thread.
  9. justspeedway

    American Touring Team October 2011

    So glad your coming back to KL ! looking forward to it!
  10. justspeedway

    Cameron Heeps

    I could be making this up but isn't Mason Campton coming over to the Uk for a lil while very soon, if he is riding surely he could be an option (as I say, I could have just made that up, but I thought I read it somewhere).
  11. Was a cracking meeting last night, brilliant entertainment! Kozza, Masters, Sitera, Kus and Poole really stood out and Lambo was very determined. Larsen definitely likes our place as if I remember rightly he did quite well for Redcar at Lynn last year. And what a final to top it off Kozza's and Master's battle to win was brilliant!
  12. justspeedway

    New/updated Official Rider Websites,

    Kozza Smith's 2011 revamped website http://www.kozzasmithracing.com/
  13. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    Totally agree Bagpuss - nail on head!
  14. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    I am quite excited about the possibility of EL speedway at Lynn next year, though can understand peoples opinions and wanting to stick with PL which has been right for us so far. But personally I quite like the changes being made, I think it will make the EL and PL much closer which is what the sport needs. I think the EL won't have as strong riders, so costs should be slightly lower therefore making a meeting between a EL or PL team much closer. I also think with the changes there is slightly less chance of one team running away with the league or making crafty changes etc. I think it has somewhat been blown out of proportion because Peterborough and Coventry have taken a disliking to it, which has gone far too long and too deep much to the annoyance of most of this countries speedway community. These ongoings also make the EL even more of a NO GO then before...even though the changes appear quite good! IMO anyway
  15. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    I totally agree AJH, personally think EDP have it wrong and have just guessed thats what it means, I think it will be regarding EL or PL. Buster I think will always have a fan forum as he likes to hear what we have to say
  16. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    According to the EDP Lynn will announce their septet monday...... http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/kings-lynn-stars/king_s_lynn_poised_to_announce_2011_line_up_1_739160
  17. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    Oops the message (above) when posted frooze then upon refresh it doubled! hence this post in its place
  18. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    This is getting annoying now, why are people so inpatient? Lynn have said by the end of the week we will find out "team news" this obviously ties in with the statement regarding the Elite League future in the next 48 hours. So they are probably finalising the elite league and finding out what clubs are going to be competing ....so to find out early or getting a statement early just isn't going to happen. As to people telling Buster and Co what to do.........fair enough you want to voice your opinion but look what Buster has done for the club, if you can't agree he has done a brilliant job for us then you need a slap with a herring. Buster himself has said he would not go in the Elite league unless it changed dramitically or the club was sold, he would not put the club in jeopardy! So maybe something has changed which he is now happy with or there has been a large money incentive - right now I think we just have to be patient and have faith in Busters decision..... I am a STARS fan and will support them as much as I can, whatever league they race in.
  19. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    quote from King's Lynn Stars on facebook "have allowed Lasse Bjerre to fufill his wishes of becoming a Peterborough rider alongside his brother, thankfully as part of the negotiations Lasse still wishes to ride for the Stars for at least one more season "
  20. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    Wouldn't surprise me now!! Diamond fans have been expecting it in a while now!
  21. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    Haha do we know for sure now that Lasse will def be a Star in 2011?
  22. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    seeing that we are losing assets all over the place wouldn't mind seeing Austin Novatril signed up, a very talented young yank who will turn 16 just before the season starts
  23. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    Maybe Workington might like a swap Doolan for Nermark
  24. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    King's Lynn tend to field a team which the majority are assets, I dont see it likely that they will have 4 riders on loan, could be wrong but normally the way its goes, hence I talked about Henry, as looking at the assets list with Doolan leaving we do not have many strong riders left who will ride over here, unless we purchase a new rider/s or get more youngsters.
  25. justspeedway

    King's Lynn 2011

    Does anyone know what is happening with Christian Henry? he is a Lynn asset and I should imagine come in on a reduced average - if he is wanting to return to speedway that is.

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