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  2. Supersteady84

    Scunny V comets

    I've seen gypsy sites in a better state hahahaha
  3. Supersteady84

    Scunny V comets

    The best thing that can happen to Plymouth for the good of the sport is that they fold !!!!! Rathole
  4. lewy

    Scunny V comets

    Most things are beyond you I suspect
  5. Glad you enjoyed the meeting, was a cracking one, enjoy your flat white and trip to Workington, congrats to Poole
  6. Today
  7. Great performance and some good racing throughout tonight. Justin was always going to be a big miss but the rest of the lads stepped up well. Hume and Kemp probably deserved more for their efforts but the result was never in doubt. More of the same tomorrow hopefully
  8. Yesterday
  9. I'll be toasting victory with a flat white in the morning!

    Polish Extraleague Round 12 Sunday 28th July Live on TV

    I see the will to win in zmarzlik like no other rider, he is 100% no matter if GP or challenge meeting and I guess it must demoralise the opposition somewhat how he is on it all the time and he looks like he enjoys doing it too
  11. Yes has been really sick all week - he should be congratulated on a great result.
  12. Another phenomenal pirates performance. Where is trackrat? Thought he would be the first to congratulate us!!
  13. Sadly he was getting passed in some races tonight.
  14. So because Edinburgh, like other clubs run a streaming service at their own cost and Glasgow dont, BSN should go there?
  15. Supersteady84

    Scunny V comets

    It's beyond me how anyone would wanna ride at that dump!!!!!!
  16. What an absolutely pulsating meeting to attend and witness speedway at it's best. The races involving Ben, Richard & Bomber were phenomenal. Heat 10 with Ben & Bomber throwing everything at each other to pass & re-pass was incredible to watch. That race was a classic! It's a great shame that it wasn't captured on film because even the controversial reffing decisions involving Richard & Ben were worth another watch to see if the ref was right or wrong. But where would we be without a bit of controversy to talk about?! Special shout out for Vinnie as he contributed a vital 5 points and the way he rode you wouldn't think he was a 2 point rider! Well done Vinnie. Thoroughly enjoyable evening and well done to Glasgow for playing their part in an incredible meeting. The Boyzzzz dug deep NID
  17. James Pearson was really struggling tonight he was being sick after every ride guess that’s why he never got more
  18. BacktrackBandit

    Berwick v Edinburgh CL 27/07/24 7-00pm

    Hopefully back to winning ways tomorrow night and the playoff push will be back on. See you all trackside.
  19. Doesn't matter why. Just that they don't. If BSN were at Glasgow tonight then everyone could have decided what stream to watch seeing as Edinburgh have one anyway. Not if they want to split the Poole top 4 up. Though Tom might pull out of Champ next season? Sure Redcar would love one of the Cook bro's! Or Richard lol. Though Matt has said in the past he has a team for every possible points limit, so I don't think it will work imo. We might even move back up! Even if it means getting away from Godfrey's bad fixture planning.
  20. SpeedwayFan91

    King’s Lynn vs Sheffield - 29.07.24

    If Sheffield use R/R for Woffi then I can see us winning by a few… if they get someone like Fricke or Janowski then I can see them winning by a few
  21. flagrag

    Brummies v Aces Monday 29/7

    I have it on good authority that unfortunately Bewley was knocked out for a good few mins hence the delay so I would expect minimum of 7 days. There was also a query over whether may have broken wrist so that maybe more what they are treating in Poland
  22. What happened to 'First Bend' videos? They used to film all the meetings and sell the DVDs. And what was that drone all about?? They sent it up into the sky and then it vanished never to be seen again. The social media side of the promotion is pretty poor as well which is highlighted by the Tigers website which is often neglected by whoever is meant to be running it.
  23. Spot on the lowering off the points limit to 38 was diluting the product unnecessarily and has made team building a challenge at best. You would like to think with only Glasgow and Poole against this the rest will hopefully see sense at the next AGM. Won’t they ?.
  24. Has it been used yet or is it still too cold?
  25. Is it possible to make it from the Sprint Race in Cardiff to Oxford on Friday night I wonder?
  26. Looking a bit odd with a traffic cone on his head!
  27. SteelShoe

    Scunny V comets

    First 4 heats were a disaster for the Comets and we never fully recovered. The Scorps exploited the inside line off turn 2 multiple times with Claus going so wide on one occasion he was nearly in the next postcode. We had some battling heats in the middle of the meeting but a 2-4 and 1-5 in heats 12 and 13 effectively killed off any chance of the aggegate bonus point. Cookie led from the front tonight and he showed tremendous courage in heat 15 to squeeze round the outside on turn 2 to come out in front. Thanks to Jason Edwards for guesting tonight he battled in every race and maybe deserved more points . The warning signs are there that if we don't all fire tomorrow we will be another scalp for the Pirates so come on you Comets it's time to raise the bar and come out fighting especially Sam and Celina.
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