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  1. Hi all, I don’t often comment on here but I do feel the need to clear this up. we did plan to run rr at home as we felt it was the best option and would reasonably cover for tofty, plus give our riders an extra ride. However as some of you know Kyle’s partner is heavily pregnant and is due anytime and late Friday night he informed me that she was having what they thought maybe contractions, it turned out to be a false alarm but myself and Rob felt it was too much of a gamble to run rr incase something happened before the meeting. Kyle also had my full support in whatever he chose to do. Getting a suitable guest was difficult, we tried all these riders and more but for whatever reason couldn’t or didn’t want to do it, it was never a financial issue as it never got that far. Ashton was more than happy to do it and yes it didn’t work out for him but if we had run rr and something had happened to Kyle Sunday morning the club couldn’t have put a team out as we had already exhausted all avenues, ok granted it didn’t happen but it could have. well done to Poole on their deserved victory yesterday, they are a formidable team that just keep coming at you heat after heat but I won’t let it take the shine off what has been a good year, we just came up short at the end. cheers David
    22 points
  2. Wherever he ends up he should be encouraged rather than vilified a young kid who clearly has talent but a raw talent. Starting a thread questioning if a young kid is dangerous is over the top.
    21 points
  3. A few more like him would make the sport better,a good honest rider who u know is going to turn up and do his best .
    14 points
  4. No wonder the sport is on its arse with posts like that
    13 points
  5. Just to let everyone know, all that can be done is being done. We have had unprecedented amout of rain this month. Last Fri I pumped off any standing water, Saturday I let it dry , was best to stay off the track, you can do more harm than good if you try and work it while it's to wet. Sunday I worked the track for 6 hours, it was bladed several times, wheeled many times, spun in, then graded, finally packing it for an hour with the lorry, if I knew how to post a pic of how it looked on Sunday I would, it looked really good. Monday and today we have had nothing but rain! My pump has been working since a week last Sunday. Sam has been up today to get any surface water off, horrible job in the wet and cold. As soon as is possible the track will be worked on tomorrow and Thurs, we are trying, very hard !!
    13 points
  6. I do however think there should be a test for some fans before they can access social media
    12 points
  7. A neutral's perspective, watching on TV. There were still plenty of exciting races and good moves to make it enjoyable. Hagon and NKI didn't seem overly bothered by the conditions and watching Bewley, Kurtz, Lidsey and even Blodorn using track craft to position themselves in the right position on the track to pass riders made it an enjoyable watch still
    11 points
  8. I have never been a fan of using play off's in speedway to decide a league winner, but I have been a lone voice on here over the years. I accept it may have worked in the past to offer some good finals, let's be honest it relies on luck as much as anything. Let the league winner be the team that finish's top of the league. Right now we are seeing 'luck' being the factor in the play offs. Luck that the weather plays nicely, and come late Sept/Oct in the UK it's not something you would put money on. Instead of the league winner being the team that have been consistent from Apr-Sept, that team could have bad luck in one match and lose the title, so the league winner to some degree relies on luck in the play-off's. Recent years we have seen play off matches full of guest riders, and riders who only sign on once their lucrative Polish leagues finish. The biggest farce of all this season, there's only seven bloody teams in the league. If we the TV deal insists on this farcical play off situation, with just seven teams let's just make it that the top two in the league contest a play off final and let that be at the first week in September when we may still have acceptable weather.
    10 points
  9. If Carlsberg made councillors. . . . . She has been 100% with us since day one, we cannot thank her enough for her unwavering support.
    10 points
  10. Then pull out. The CL shouldn't be backed into a corner by one party, or a minority of parties.
    10 points
  11. I'd like to say a few words in defence of Peter Schroeck and ht 12 . . . . . . . . . . but, honestly I can't think of any.
    10 points
  12. Two British lads in the top 4.... And World Champions too... A shame those who run the sport in this country cannot market it.... Two very marketable lads....
    10 points
  13. If you want to watch proper racing go to Belle Vue. If you want to sit in bar outside the stadium all day, go to Cardiff.
    10 points
  14. Congratulations for the most stupid ill-informed childish post of the day
    10 points
  15. I know Pete's a German, but surely he wasn't in the S.S.
    9 points
  16. There’s a lot of scenarios now how a satisfactory conclusion can be achieved. We are certainly in a better position now than we were 24 hours ago. It is an amazing achievement from a group of seven blokes who got together to fight this one year ago. Supporters should rightly celebrate this moment, let’s face it they haven’t had a lot to celebrate in the last year, but it’s important to understand we have only won a battle not the war.
    9 points
  17. Saw that myself earlier. I know the competitive nature of supporters is to not want your rivals to look good and sign strong riders, but there surely can’t be any true fan that doesn’t want him to return. There are few riders in Speedway that have the X factor but he’s one of them. Box office and he’s great for the league.
    9 points
  18. Just a thought - Have you considered boycotting the BSF as an alternative. I'm sure if you refrained from posting it will bring thd FIM to its knees.
    9 points
  19. 9pm finish, frank ebdon would of been proud of that
    9 points
  20. What a great advert for speedway that would be.... "meeting postponed because Poole want to host the second leg..." For Heavens sake.
    9 points
  21. You can see a big difference in the team managers of the two clubs. Last week Schroeck leaves Boughen in his 4th ride, doesn't give Killeen a 6th race. Tonight despite Poole being well ahead & having one hand on the trophy, Middlo drops Hagon for Thomsen in heat 8. Perhaps a shame for Hagon, but shows Poole's mentality when it comes to winning. Then Jack Smith scores more than Connor Coles (who doesn't beat an opponent) but Coles gets more rides! Does Schroeck even fill in a programme?
    8 points
  22. Credit where it's due, Vinnie Foord showing "future world champion" Ashton Boughen the way to ride Speedway tonight!
    8 points
  23. Well done to the Save Peterborough team for putting up arguments to defeat the application for 650 houses on the track site. No doubt this will now go to appeal, but well done to the Chair of the Committee for saying, not directly in these words, that AEPG should have done more to comply with the Local Plan and NPPF to retain existing facilities. The war may not have been won, but at least the Save Peterborough team will be able to fight on. Well done
    8 points
  24. Sad news, the sport has lost another old-school promoter & more importantly a true showman. In the mid-1980's, when the Boulevard had closed & before Craven Park opened for speedway, in between coach trips the Hull Speedway Supporters Club held regular get-togethers & often invited guest speakers; promoters, riders, team managers, etc. Len Silver was one such guest and very entertaining & interesting he was too. All were offered travel expenses most didn't accept anything, Len flatly refused to take a penny saying "save your money, put it towards a bus trip to a speedway meeting". He likely had business in the area anyway, I don't know, but it struck me that there was a guy from all the way from down south come to chat with us northerners brought together by the sport of speedway. RIP Len....
    8 points
  25. He had a good innings and kept the sport going at great financial cost to himself. Lived and breathed Speedway. Former Provincial league riders champion but as others have said he really came to the fore as a promoter. Inextricably linked to Hackney and Rye House, particularly the latter where the sport only existed because of him and his financial input. One of the best if not the best GB team managers in his day despite backstabbing from other promoters with half his ability. Throw in the fact that he was a top rate track curator and we see there weren’t many areas a of the sport where he was wasn’t a powerful force. The sport is now a poorer place without him
    8 points
  26. Hi there I'm a Nigerian Prince, I wonder if you could help me? ....
    8 points
  27. It wasn't a terrible advert for the sport at all. It actually made it look interesting on TV for a change. I watched as a neutral, and found myself rooting for Oxford as the two meetings went on (Lord knows why!), but the way people are moaning about Poole actually having a bit of character and spirit is ridiculous. Do speedway fans really just want deckchairs, flasks and programme boards?
    8 points
  28. Ref bottled excluding 2 pie rats in a row. Simple as
    8 points
  29. Give me 40 with an 8 team league and 2H2A, rather than 38 with a 9 team league and 1H1A.
    8 points
  30. I don't get all this anti-Madsen stuff, he's finished 2nd, 5th, 7th, 2nd, 5th & 9th (with all his "problems" this year) in the world. He's shown far more over the years than any of the other Danes
    8 points
  31. I’ve just been called by a usually reliable source who has said Laguta and Sayfutdinov both said it would be unfair for them to be seeded back into the GPs so they are looking to get a slot in the GP Challenge qualifiers. Meanwhile, WBD contacted Hancock to see if he would consider a return as they need a USA representative. He declined but suggested another American. So the wildcards will be Blodorn (because they want a German) Tai because of the Monster connection, Berge because of the French Eurosport connection and Manzares. But, like LagutaRacingFan, I might have just been listening to the voices in my head.
    8 points
  32. Was he, well you kept that quiet😆
    8 points
  33. To think, in my heyday of watching speedway.....all tracks had at least 25-30 home meetings.......
    8 points
  34. Alderly Edge!!! You're paying him far too much!
    8 points
  35. Tonight highlighted the difference between Zmarzlik and the rest... When he has a "poor night"... He wins!!!!!!
    8 points
  36. And most are there because it’s their team not because it’s speedway, it’s tribalism and it’s the very foundation of any team sport but the concept is lost on British speedway
    8 points
  37. for me the RS system needs to be scrapped, the list is getting weaker and weaker every year,
    7 points
  38. Have resisted posting on this thread till now but..... VF does ride like he stole it, does look like he's on the ragged edge, and does witness quite a few offs from close up. But he is a highly entertaining rider, I'm not a great fan of his reactions to opposition fans but can see where it comes from. He will improve with time/experience, and referees will be well aware of his reputation. But the real question is "can he afford to carry on racing" at the rate he currently wrecks his bikes (he reminds me of the early years of The Who).
    7 points
  39. There is a lot of talk about admission prices and the correlation with attendance figures. If prices were a couple of quid lower, would a few more of hundred spectators show up? Trying to apply simple business economics in this sport in its current state is pointless. If prices went up or down by around £3 to £5 next season I do not think it would make much difference to attendances, due to the fans age demograph. The sport relies on die hards in the 60 plus age group who will always moan about prices but will still pay to watch the sport because ‘we always have done’. Being brutally honest, even when some clubs have offered serious discounts on certain meetings, the number of additional attendees is usually underwhelming. Getting people through the turnstile is one thing, but then delivering a product to want the casual supporter to return is another. Club’s are not naive enough to think that there are queues of people waiting for admission price tweaks to visit their tracks. Fact of the matter is, the people that could make an impact financially aren’t aware of the sport and worse still, are not aware of a track that might be local to them. Promotion of the sport in the UK on the whole sums up all of the above.
    7 points
  40. I am one of your pensioners living only on state pension, I paid my NI and Taxes from when i left school until I was about 70 actually i paid Tax as Ni stopped at retirement but has changed again recently, lets get this straight most of my generation expected the state pension would be enough to live off, other gold plated pensions were/are for civil servants, council workers, NHS etc etc they are the ones that have a decent standard of living, neither am i one of the pensioners of which there are more and more that has had a property or such like left in a will, so yes some pensioners have never had it so good but others have to rely solely on state pension, and then you have those on pension credit who for various reasons did not pay enough into the system yet end up better off (housing benefit, council tax paid, free dental care, optical care, winter fuel payments) than those that did, don't say i didn't plan ahead it's the people that abused the system (Mental Health is the new lazy ) then and now that need sorting out but none of our politicians will grasp the nettle.
    7 points
  41. I wonder if you would say that if you were one (Pensioner). I somehow doubt it. It is largely PENSIONERS who are keeping Speedway going in this country and have done for years. Some Pensioners ARE rich, however, a hell of a lot aren't. You need to think about that.
    7 points
  42. 50/50 decision, Killeen can count himself unlucky but so could foord if it went other way, love Vinnie winding up Oxford fans, what speedway needs
    7 points
  43. Apologies if I'm repeating a thread posted elsewhere. Just been caught up on the shooting of young Jay Cartmell who died after being shot in a field in Cumbria ten days ago. Very sad story of an apparently shocking accident. He is reported to be an ardent supporter of Workington and was a regular at the track on race nights along with his Dad. Absolutely shocking for the whole community. All my thoughts are with Jay's Mum & Dad and all his family and friends. They must be devastated at losing him at only eight years old. Hope you can still hang around the pits up above Jay on race days. Rest in Peace young man
    7 points
  44. Peter Schroeck is the Christina Turnbull of TMs.
    7 points
  45. Always a subjective discussion, but... He did nail six world titles in the "golden era" when competition was truly at its fiercest... Fundin, Briggs, Moore, Collins, Olsen, Michanek, Jessup, Simmons, Louis, Crump, Jancarz, Plech, and so many many more truly World Class riders, raced at the top level against him... To win it six times in that era was trruly staggering...
    7 points
  46. Neither do any of the other 14 to be fair - maybe they shouldn't bother.
    7 points
  47. Didn't think we had much bad luck last night. We just weren't that good and got beaten by the better team.
    7 points
  48. That Russian boy Laguta is quite good,maybe should be in GP’s.
    7 points
  49. The bikes are less forgiving these days and you have such a small optimal useable range that outside that range the bike is uncompetitive and it’s reading things like that you think well why don’t we make the engines like we had before where it was competitive without a limited range, well the answer is because the sport is run by the riders for the riders via the tuners and it’s quite the little cartel they have going and turkeys don’t vote for Xmas
    7 points
  50. well all my newbies i took enjoyed it.
    7 points
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