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  1. 14 points
    Think he is getting married the weekend we are at Edinburgh. So I’ve heard.
  2. 14 points
    Tate has released the following statement from his hospital bed:- Tate Zischke 1h · Hello everyone just want to jump on and thank everyone for all the messages and hospital visits this means a lot I haven't been able to get back to everyone but thanks everyone. It's going to be a long bumpy road to recovery I will spend the coming weeks in hospital fighting to get better each day. It has been a rough few days so far but we will keep flighting. So far I can let you all know I have fractured 7 vertebrae and 5 ribs and have a nasty entry and exit hole in my left bum cheek where I was penetrated by my bike when I followed by bike into the fence. I have so far had 1 surgery on my ass cheek and have been told I will need a couple more in the coming days. I want to let everyone know this crash was 100% a racing incident and nobody is at fault. I will keep everyone updated on what is happening next Good to read that he doesn't blame Keynan Rew in any way for the accident. Wish him well.
  3. 12 points
    Whatever individual track loyalties are, I cannot believe that any true speedway fans on here are not 100% supportive of what the Panthers Consortium are trying so hard to achieve!
  4. 11 points
    Belle Vue Speedway Trust Announcement. Following the events of Monday evening, the Trust has been in discussion with the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund and has agreed to provide Tate's mother with the air fare to travel to the UK, from Australia, to be with her son. The Trust will also contribute to any additional welfare that is required during her stay, over and above that which the SRBF will provide. Whilst it is too early to be precise, the Trust intends to provide further assistance to Tate during his period of rehabilitation, be it in the UK, or back in Australia. All this would not be possible without the tremendous support we receive week in week out from the Supporters of Belle Vue and the unfailing efforts of David Burroughs and his team from the BVSSC. A huge thank you to you all. Philip Gunning Chair of Trustees. The trust money comes from fans doing 50/50 draws, interval ball game etc.
  5. 9 points
    Rather not hand pick guests for the duration to be honest. We need to get a rider in, get him a team suit and crack on with a proper Witches 1-7 again.
  6. 9 points
    He'll fit right in at Glasgow then, we barely have a meeting from one week to the next. Its becoming ever harder to maintain enthusiasm for a sport thats become so infrequent and dragged out over 6 months when it could be done in 3 - 4 including rain offs and play offs.
  7. 9 points
    I do enjoy these qualifiers, it’s riders we don’t get to see a lot of,although there were no surprises it was I thought an enjoyable meeting I just wish they could get a crowd in to see it
  8. 9 points
    Glad it’s hammering down. If any club should be afforded some leeway its Workington. First year in the second league, had their star rider injured in horrific circumstances earlier this week and clearly the place to be for up and coming youngsters. were they not also running speedway/sport evenings in the gazebo before they were burgled by the lovely caravan folk. this forum is mental, club does all the right things and gets hammered for rightly calling a meeting that probably would have cost them thousands, early, and everyone’s ready to stick the knife in.
  9. 9 points
    You are really quite vile aren’t you Rew is not a dirty rider not by any stretch of the imagination Clearly he was at fault but not everytime another rider takes someone else off is it dangerous riding …. A rider can simply make a misjudgement it happens ….. I remember in a GP Mark Loram coming under Rickardsson and taking his front wheel away … was Mark dirty? No he just got it wrong Keynan will be devastated about what’s happened … it didn’t need forum idiots like you running their mouth off. Belle Vue fans on here and on social media are attaching no blame to Rew and rightly so as they are speedway fans We should all be wishing Tate the best and every Ipswich fan will do ….. so wind your neck in on here
  10. 8 points
    100% on this. In the past speedway was my no.1 priority on Friday nights, missed more meetings last 2 seasons than have in the previous 15. And it's all down to not having the constant weekly fix, if I'm finding something else to do with my Friday nights you can bet the casual supporter most definitely has. Sport has to have a long hard think about where it's going because champ in particular has been run into the crapper last 3/4 years. Also having a TV advert running saying speedway every Friday night when there's no match for 3 weeks seems bit daft too!!
  11. 8 points
    Whether we get pumped or not ,I'm on my way to support my team . C'mon the Stripes
  12. 8 points
    3500+ local residents who don’t want 12 years of upheaval.
  13. 8 points
    All the moaning,we all have seen “crap” speedway meetings,poor track prep and electrical problems maybe uncommon but I would bet we have all suffered it at sometime.I certainly seen worse racing.Need to take a leaf out of the Josh Pickering book and just get on with it.
  14. 8 points
    Not seen the accident and I don't have any desire to. But I find it hard to believe that any rider would go out of their way to deliberately injure another rider and serious one at that. It is said that Tate and Keynan are close friends, so it is even harder to believe it was deliberate. As I have already posted best wishes to Tate, lets hope he makes a full recovery from what appears to be a nasty crash. Also lets hope that this does not have an effect on Keynan mentally as I am sure he will be upset that a friend has suffered and injury.
  15. 8 points
    For someone whose team closed down after buying the league and now is very fortunate to now have northside your comments are truly concieted and ignorant, you're constantly slagging Plymouth off,sniping at Glasgow and Poole, envious obviously and when I introduced myself to you at Plymouth the first thing you said was it's only banter to which I replied no problem and offered to buy you a drink, you're obviously happy to give it the big one on here and yes you won cookie maxed out and troy has guested for us twice so I suggest get back in your box until you can come up with some decent banter.
  16. 7 points
    Great effort from track staff and riders and all involved in getting this meeting on. Speedway U K needs the NSS and it is impressive. The aerial views show what a great facility it is.
  17. 7 points
    So Antti Vuolas wins a race, gets back to his pit bay….. and puts his glasses on!
  18. 7 points
    Also people need to remember Garrad may not score more than Pijper, but he was signed because they expect Ivacic to score more than Starke. Can't make one change without the other due to the points limit. If it was a single change Garrad for Pijper I could understand the outcry
  19. 7 points
    Jack’s home average is too good to let go. It’s unfortunate timing given Ace has just had his best week of the season, but the trouble is, they’ve been looking at team options for weeks, and this was likely done before those improved performances. It looks harsh now, but if Ace had continued his previous form for the last week, it wouldn’t look nearly as harsh - he’d hardly beaten an opposition rider all season. Before last week, I’d have (reluctantly) said, for Ace’s long term benefit, it was probably better to have him focus on the NDL where he can do well, rather than continually get beaten and lose confidence in the Championship. Awkward timing, but removing the emotion from the decision, I see why it’s been done. I’m sure fans will be split down the middle about whether it’s right or not, but if they’d done nothing, they’d be taking heat from the other 50%.
  20. 7 points
    We should sign whoever flies around the NSS next week so we only get comfortably beat there next time instead of slaughtered
  21. 7 points
    Let’s not start the political b0llocks on here as well ffs I’ve had a gutful of that on just about everything else
  22. 7 points
    You really are a nasty piece of work
  23. 7 points
    Instead of having a dig at Rew, Fans should be wishing the best for him as well as Tate. Horrible accidents happen in our sport and tonight was one of those occasions. Rew's mental state can't be good tonight and Tate's physical state isn't good period so just keep both riders in your thoughts.
  24. 7 points
    Anyone who says they wouldn't swap out a perfectly pleasant, 26-year-old, reserve journeyman, for an 18-year-old, next-big-thing, exciting talent, is either lying or foolish.
  25. 7 points
    Just seen some of those comments and they are laughable but typical of the Facebook crowd. I.e the type of people who’ve never heard of Tate or even Workington. Connor Mountain is a run of the mill 5 point Championship rider at 26 years old and they’ve just signed an 18 year old who’s already achieved a higher average than Connor ever has, who cares about nationality. Top level professional sport should be cut throat and I applaud the BV promotion for the change.

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