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Posts posted by nobrakeshere1

  1. A very interesting read - and amazingly committed research Mick (haven't you got any work to do!? :lol: )


    Many contrasting opinions - and it's notable that a large number of those names don't bother posting any more. Have they walked away, or simply got fed up of the debate? Whatever, there are too many in agreement for the poor track to be a non-issue.


    Not quite walked away but no longer a regular, by that I mean I go along less and less and I will probably only watch 3 or 4 meetings this year. The reason is simple - there are more interesting ways to spend my hard earned cash than watching gating practice, I don't feel that a visit to BP offers value for money.


    I have no axe to grind with anyone, but a businesss that fails to take heed of it's customers needs will find hard times are looming. Unless "real" changes are made to the track I would guess that support will at best stagnate and at worst reduce to a level that's uneconomic. I hope I'm wrong and honestly wish the Lions and the promotion every success.

  2. I have to say every rider i've seen take it wider ends up lengths further back than he started. Pretty much every pass that i've seen at BP involves the leading rider making a mistake and going off line or else having considerably less speed that the man behind, and i mean considerably.


    Surely the obvious answer to all this would be to actually make some meaningful changes to the track though. I think you're skirting around the edges of the problem to make excuses of the riders and not the track. The track is dreadful. Rather than make threats about pulling the plug if people don't turn up and blaming the likes of me for harming Leicester Speedway It's about time he stood back, had a reality check and finally figured out what it is that's causing the discontent among the supporters.


    I don't think the track changes are anywhere near what most were expecting or anywhere near what is required to make a substantial improvement. What we have certainly doesn't match the description of what I was led to believe was planned.


    DH is without a doubt a person that can get things done, his mind set is to be totally committed to his cause and won't let anything stand in his way and sometimes you need that. however it can also cause problems. The track, in my opinion, has not been changed as much as it should because DH will not admit his mistake.


    Something isn't working quite right. We lost a vital back room member before the season got under way and my guess is that others may find it a difficult place to work, well volunteer, to be more accurate. DH is not easy sometimes.


    But he is the man in charge and to be quite honest i cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to buy the promoting rights off him, although apparently there have been offers. Even at a well supported track like Leicester making money must be almost impossible, the figures just don't seem to stack up.

    • Like 3

  3. Here we go again, any excuse to have a go!

    How many Premier League tracks have even got an Air Fence IN the season ??

    If you bothered to go to the Practice Sessions you'd know that when the riders are going round on their own, virtually all the falls are slide offs almost laying the bike down and never end up anywhere near the fence!

    Try saying well done for getting the track into great rideable condition after all the snow, frost and heavy overnight rain!


    Quite right. It's a practice/training session and insured as such - it's certainly not racing, The cost of repairing a damaged air fence is way more than you could imagine, it's not just an Elastoplast job, My guess is that it's use for such sessions would make the cost to riders way over the £40 mark,

  4. Out of order laddie. You're not exactly coming out smelling of roses in this debate. Your denial of Gemini, her age and gender, kids nobody.


    Gemini - nice friendly lady with nice friendly dogs, leave her alone!


    On a brighter note the Lion cubs are a positive move, it brings back good memories. I happened to be talking to Kevin Smith recently who was telling me that one of his first competetive rides was at Blackbird Rd against the cubs and our top man Chris Sully and I remember quite a few other well known riders who raced at this level on their way through the ranks.

    • Like 3

  5. I'm sure most people want the track changers to happen, in fact it's very important that they do.


    ​The management at Leicester have said this will be done so we have no alternative other than to believe them. I believe that this is to important for them to ignore or do nothing about. And I'm sure they realize what a negative impact not changing things would have.


    We have a great looking team for 2013 and I'm sure come March we will also have a better race track with much improved racing.


    Quite right Nightshift, it should have been done before, no doubt about that. But before the 2013 season starts the track will be changed, the entry to the bends will be wider but the overall length will not alter a great deal. We should all remember that a problem with any forum is that some people know what's going on beacuse they hear it first hand and others just try and guess,


    I'm not guessing.


    And the training days have been great, some of the youngsters looking very quick. I'm even tempted to get my old leathers out......maybe not, may get shown up by a thirteen year old!

  6. Heres some facts for you !!!. The leicester promotion have known for 2 seasons that support has been drifting away because of the tracks reputation for crap racing and has done nothing about it , that is not forward thinking .........Fact .. The elite league is struggling because of the Gps ruining the continuity of their fixture list and the expense of trying to employ the top riders ....Fact.. there is no pot of gold from the Sky money . by the time the crooked gospeed have taken their cut from it it barely covers the losses generated by stay at home and watch on TV supporters ...fact ... Wie-Ja is blinded by his defensiveness of Leicester speedway and too thick to see what has actually been posted ..........Fact oh and while we are about it fails to read posts and take on board what they actually say before posting his usual Braindead rant !!!


    Track - going over old ground here, Would have been nice earlier but now it's being done, there is no use constantly moaning. EL - let's get real here, don't you think the promotion have done their homework? Do you know the promotion well enough to assume that they have no idea what they are doing? Well I do and have done for a very long time. Here is a fact - if David and Alan think that EL is the way to go then you can guarantee that it's been researched properly. Do you honestly think that a business would look to go in a direction that will guarantee a loss? I run a business. if you stand still you go backwards. EL is an attempt to move forward, best of luck i say.
    • Like 3

  7. I'm pretty sure last year he said he wanted to be back at Sheffield.......


    At the rates Sheffield were paying I'm not surprised he left!!! The annoying thing is that he could have been at Leicester in 2011, Ash asked me about the possibility but our management didn't proceed - I'm sure they regret that now!!!

  8. This weekend (Bank Holiday) it is the British Championships being held at Filton and Newport. Sunday and Monday the racing will take place as Andy Angell will be looking to defend his British title as their will also be Womens Final, Under 10's and Under 16's


    Sept 2nd at Leicester, Elite League v Wednesfield - Sky TV filming the action, 14.00 start

  9. Copy of a press release from Leicester:


    Next Saturday June 2nd Leicester are hosting the Veterans (Over 40) Team Championship. They are the defending champions having taken the title for the first time last year at the Slater Street track.


    Led by the current Veterans Individual Champion Jason Ashford, the team will include Mick Skinner, also a former Individual Champion and a current Sothern Track rider. Former World Veterans Champion Norman Venson, a recent winner of the Euro vets, plus Leicester Speedway promoter David Hemsley.


    David, a double World Champion and five times British title holder, is looking for his first title at Veteran level. He showed last Sunday in defeating British Champion Andy Angell that despite limited training he is still a difficult man to beat.


    Leicester compete in the first semi-final which starts at noon, with the final scheduled for 4pm. As always admittance is free and you are welcome to come along and enjoy the action .

    For further information about the club go to www.leicestermonarchs.co.uk

  10. Ah well next time I am thier and see you I will pop over and say hi. I am like a lobster this morning after that weather yesterday! That was my first time at Leicester and I was really impressed with the track, stadium, great setup and would recommend any newbie who wants to watch the sport to go their.


    Anyone who wants to go watch any racing this week here are the fixtures:


    Sunday 13th


    Astley & Tyldesley v Newcastle - Veterans Match

    Edinburgh v Sheffield - Northern League

    Heckmondwike v Bury - Northern League

    Hull v Stockport - Northern League

    Astley & Tydlesley v Bury - Northern League

    East Newport v Poole - West/South Wales League

    Exeter v Swindon - West/South Wales League

    Newport v Hellingly - West/South Wales League

    Horspath v Southampton - West/South Wales League

    Ipswich v Hethersett - South East League Div 1

    Great Blakenham v East London - South East League Div 1

    Norwich v Kesgrave - South East League Div 2

    Wednesfield v East Park - Midlands League

    Birmingham v Stoke - Midlands League


    Tuesday 15th


    Birmingham v Coventry - (2nd Team) Midlands League

    Astley & Tyldesley - Go Ride Racing Grand Prix Round 2


    Wednesday 16th


    Norwich v North Park - South East League Div 2

    Suffolk GP U9/U11 League 2


    Thanks for the comments about the stadium Rich, the work we did over the winter increasing the banking seems to have paid off, anyone going too slow is likely to get passed around the outside and the fourth bend creates a great cut back.


    Did you see DH pass the British Champion Gemini.....just like the old days!

    • Like 1

  11. Leicester stage the Wil Burns memorial trophy on Sat. The senior best pairs kicks off at 11.30 with the first semi, semi final 2 is at 13.00 and will not doubt hold interest for speedway fans with the appearance od Lions promoter David Hemsley - and don't be surprised to see Ashley Birks at the track, this time in a role reversal as mechanic to brother Jono.


    The ladies event is at 15.00 with world champ Laura Watson and the senior pairs final at 16.30.

  12. The Birmingham V Leicester match sounds interesting on Bank holiday Monday - not only does it clash with the holiday but also the U13 boys and girls championship up at Sheffield. I know that a combination of the two means that Leicester are struggling to raise a even slightly decent squad (second team included) and most of the Birmingham lads will only just have returned from Poland.


    Mind you I reckon that anyone -even with a full strength team - will find Birmingham hard work this year, particularly at home.

  13. Most people who comment on here have a good idea of what's wrong with the track, the "experts" who talk to me certainly seem to know, I believe that even the Leicester management know.


    But the fact remains that nothing was done during the winter that was likely to rectify the problem - so there seems little hope of it being done during the summer.


    Best thing we can all do is accept the fact that what we have is what we have and just hope for better in the future.


    My only future comments about the Leicester track will be made via the £15 I pay/don't pay to go/not go to BP.

    • Like 2

  14. Olsen makes debut for Leicester


    The Midland Division 3 is all about rider development and Leicester took the opportunity to give debuts to five riders, all of them enjoyed the experience and acquitted themselves well. The match against Birmingham was entertaining throughout, Ewan Hancox and Dylan Hexley looking impressive for the visitors and debutant Sarah Olsen picking up a couple of wins for the home side.


    Leicester 64 (Luke Whitehead 14, Sarah Olsen 13+1, Elizabeth Rigley 10+1, Joel Duckham 9+1, Abbey Duckham 8, Matthew Walpole 7, George Olsen 3)


    Birmingham 62 (Ewan Hancox 17+2, Jake Ryan 14+1, Dylan Hexley 12, Reece Winwood 9+2, Ryan Winwood 9, Honey Whitehead 0)


    Leicester's next home meeting is the Wil Burns memorial on Sat May 12th. World champion Lukas Nowacki and British Champion Andy Angell are just two of the big names taking part in the senior pairs event. The ladies individual includes Leicesters other world champ Laura Watson.

  15. Any info on what the council said in their rejection of support for the event?


    Not 100% certain but I believe the logistics of putting on the event at the same time as the Olympics was a factor. You may well say that the council should have known that when they offered their support in the first place of course............................

  16. If i remember rightly it was pretty much how the track was being prepared week in week out at the time and from a spectators point of view generally produced great entertainment. My abiding memory of Jessup as a second tier rider was of him always complaining about track conditions and pulling out of meetings.




    Yep, the track could be a little on the wet side but after a few heats it usually produced great racing. I actually started to go before Leicester closed and always thought the racing was better there than Blackbird Road was towards the end. Mind you standing with John "Mooneyes" Cooper was entertainment in itself! Facilities were pretty terrible though!

  17. Isn't the East London club planning a major event to coincide with the Olympic Games?


    Several clubs had applied to stage the Europen Champs, including Leicester who had the event fully sponsored. However it was allocated to East London - for all the right reasons given it's proximity to the OG - but after promising so much Newham(?) council pulled the plug and left them high and dry.


    The event is now in Ipswich.

  18. Which was something once being suggested. Still a hope that the rebuilt Eastway at Temple Mills/Ruckholt/Eton Manor after the OGs MAY contain a Cycle Speedway facility...


    Well it would be nice but I can't see it myself. We have had no support at all from anyone, whilst the British Cycling officials linked with CS push the cause those in charge (and Sky who give them the money) are only interested in medals at the OG, and as a non OG sport we count for nothing. The original idea to have a CS track built on site was rejected and we can't even gain access to do a demo.


    Unfortunatly we're a minority sport and it's very difficult to get noticed. The proposed deal to get on Sky TV involves CS providing all the footage at it's own cost, to pay someone to do it is out of the question and even using our (speedway) contacts we could do with a thousand pounds per match, and for this we have to find our own sponsor. Nothing is easy I'm afraid!!!


    Donations in an envelope please...................

  19. SUNDAY APRIL 22 2012

    Edinburgh 62

    John Murphy 10 (4), Marcin Czarkowski 11 (5), Gav Kennedy 14 (5), Colin Cairney 2 (2), Tommy Lee 12+1 (5), Dave Baxter 9+2 (5) Derek Lee 1 (1), Chic Mackie 4+1 (3)

    Newcastle 88

    Mikey Parr 17+2 (5), Jason Keith 17+2 (5), John Wilson 15+1 (5), Terry Kirkup 9 (4), Gavin Parr 19+1 (5), Ashie Paterson 6 (4), Fred Mitchell 3 (2), Keith Oldham 2 (1)


    SUNDAY APRIL 22 2012

    Edinburgh 95

    Chris Lee 15+1 (4 rides), Douglas Morgan 13+1 (4), Michael Lee 17+3( 5), Marcin Czarkowski 8+2 (3), Mark Lee 12+2 (4), Calum Slight 16 (4), Paul Kelly 8 (3), Ewan Kennedy 6+1 (3)

    Newcastle 55

    Fred Mitchell 12 (5), Keith Dyer 3 (3), Keith Oldham 3 (2), Jimmy Smith 5 (5), Neil Magee 11+1 (5), Norman Carson 6 (5), T Kirkland 11 (3), Ashie Paterson 4 (2)


    What's the average age of the Edinburgh team? I reckon adding up Chic, Johnny Murphy and Dave Baxter would make my calculator work pretty hard! I've had many long, but happy days and weekends up there whem we rode in the same league, always a friendly place to visit.

  20. How international is cycle speedway?

    I have seen mention of England, Poland and Australia. I believe there may be participation in Wales, Scotand, USA, Holland - not sure,

    Does anyone have a full list of countries where the sport takes place please?


    You have most of it covered there raceleader, Sweden, Ukraine and Russia can probably be added but at a very low level and New Zealand are just in the process of getting organised with the help of the Aussies


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