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heathen52 last won the day on April 5

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    Cradley Heath

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  1. With regards the Team manager Rosco is one of the best team managers of recent years, Rosco or Ermolenko ? and If Rosko is available and affordable then he would be a big improvement, with regards the track the 1st & 2nd bends as a minimum require work on the banking to improve what little overtaking occurs on those bends, you can usually count on one finger the number of overtakes on those bends during a season, however any work may not be feasible due to the short time scale before Perry Barr closes. I would like to congratulate the Brummies on there new tie up with Warwickshire County Cricket Club, if any Warwick members venture over to watch Speedway the noise from the bikes should at least wake up some of those County Cricket supporters more used to having a snooze during games 😁. https://www.birmingham-speedway.com/_mobile/news.php?extend.3579
  2. Before going ahead and tying up riders for 2025 maybe they could bring in a new team management such as Rosco, if they sign the team then get a new manager I can't see that working, if they continue with the 2024 managers then I think it will be more of the same old same old results.
  3. I am one of your pensioners living only on state pension, I paid my NI and Taxes from when i left school until I was about 70 actually i paid Tax as Ni stopped at retirement but has changed again recently, lets get this straight most of my generation expected the state pension would be enough to live off, other gold plated pensions were/are for civil servants, council workers, NHS etc etc they are the ones that have a decent standard of living, neither am i one of the pensioners of which there are more and more that has had a property or such like left in a will, so yes some pensioners have never had it so good but others have to rely solely on state pension, and then you have those on pension credit who for various reasons did not pay enough into the system yet end up better off (housing benefit, council tax paid, free dental care, optical care, winter fuel payments) than those that did, don't say i didn't plan ahead it's the people that abused the system (Mental Health is the new lazy ) then and now that need sorting out but none of our politicians will grasp the nettle.
  4. When did Birmingham Speedway last make any money, when it was over the road at the old Ladbrokes Stadium or when it was 3rd division with Tony Mole here at Perry Barr?, answer that and you have an answer to Birmingham's future and why it won't be around in 2025, where is the point in throwing more good money after losing money over many years.
  5. And that is exactly what will happen with Brandon Estates, they simply are not bothered about how long it takes because they know they have an appreciating assett in the land that Brandon Stadium is built on.
  6. "I think if there is a future, we need to be told, do we have one, or will we be lost again. I most certainly won't be travelling for my fix. I wish Wolverhampton, Cradley and Coventry fans all the best with their endeavours, but I won't be watching". That is the big issue, I am a Cradley fan first and foremost who watches the very occasional meeting at Birmingham, last season (2024) I never went to one though I did watch the Birmingham streams early in the season, I simply cannot drag myself over to Brum to watch a poor team that was nailed on for the wooden spoon even before the season started, I wish Birmingham well but fear the worst.
  7. You my friend have made some pretty valid points, right location with 2 teams and two different tracks one inside the other but where I differ is it could be with two different promoters sharing overheads, the obvious teams in the West Midlands would be Wolves and Cradley, Birmingham Brummies simply do not have enough support, unless this scenario comes to fruition I cannot for the life of me see where the West Midlands will have a Speedway again team in the near future, from what I have posted you will gather I doubt Birmingham will come to the tapes in 2025, what's the point when it will only be for one season anyway, well done for those that have kept Brummies going over the past few years but it will most probably all have been in vain.
  8. Here is a short excerpt from a retirement announcement by the ARC Greyhound operations director Rachel Corden. The timing to step down is right for me but also right for our stadia as we have just finalised all the plans for the move of our Perry Barr operation to Wolverhampton, which will happen in September 2025, ahead of the Landlord requiring the return of the Perry Barr site. The full statement is here https://greyhoundscene.proboards.com/thread/87317/on-corden-leave-all-posts This will hopefully enable Birmingham to make an early decision on whether or not they will come to the tapes in 2025, as i understand it Birmingham are dependant on Greyhound racing continuing to take place at Perry Barr in 2025, this brings a little clarity to timelines.
  9. Here is a quick past or present 4 man team, mind you if these riders took to the track may as well give it to Wolves with Cradley being Wooden Spoons. Wolves; Masters Douglas Becker Flint Birmingham; Lampart Cook Palm Toft Batchelor Coventry; Harris King Barker Nicholls Cradley; Brennan Kemp Edwards Newman Starke
  10. Thank you Brum especially Pawlicki for making me look an idiot, I can do that myself thank you without any help from you guys 😁. I feel so sorry for Nigel Tolley the Birmingham fans and loyal band of helpers they deserve so much better than what they have been served up this season. It is pretty obvious to everyone now if it wasn't before that Birmingham have had there pants pulled down by Pawlicki, I would get rid of him instantly (nothing to lose) and replace him with anyone that is available and wants to ride, back to the result and firstly well done Kings Lynn you wanted it more than Birmingham who sadly are simply unable to get seven riders to get it together on the same night, I will say in my opinion the track does not help their cause and that needs to be looked at if they are to be back next season in fact I would put it at the top of the list of things to do for 2025.
  11. We are approx 10 miles or so south west of Perry Barr, its been cloudy most of the day had a few spots of rain (not enough to keep the wipers on constant) for about 2/3 minutes at about 4-00pm since then occasional sunshine and cloud, unless their are monsoon like showers their should be no way this meeting is going to be off and now Tom & Freddie have got the GP out of the way I expect both to get double figures, ably backed up by Lampart, Cook & Co I expect Brum to get their biggest win of the season, if they don't then they don't deserve to win anything except the wooden spoon.
  12. It's not only the Sport that's dying it's us fans as well, and there are very few new fans replacing us old farts that are keeping it going, when this generation has gone then so will the Sport in the UK, but the powers that be can't/won't refuse to see it.
  13. From what I saw of the video, Emil seemed a little unsteady (a little wobble) down the back straight prior to going in to the 3rd bend, footrest issue ?.
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