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Phil The Ace

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Phil The Ace last won the day on August 28

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About Phil The Ace

  • Birthday 01/25/1984

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    Engaged to my lovely girlfriend
  • Music
    indie, RnB
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    Chief cashier

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  • Interests
    Speedway, speedway and yes speedway, oh i nearly forgot, how could i, girls, fit girls, or ne type of girls
  • Team
    Belle vue aces

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  1. WOW, super proud of the boys. From start of play offs to end they gave there all, unbelievable performances. It’s the top hitters that win you titles and these stats for our top 3 are insane. This is where it was won Kurtz averaged 9.3 in the final (9.41 in play offs) Lidsey averaged 8.4 in the final (8 in play offs) Bewley averaged 12 in the final (10.2 in play offs)
  2. We have had 6 before. So guessing we can do 6 teams again. Although not ideal
  3. He only moved out because he achieved an average over 4, he’s now back under 4 so we are all assuming he will fit the criteria again
  4. That’s to far from the stadium but having at Man City would be good
  5. Im pretty sure it’s Thursday. that confident I’ve booked Thursday and Friday off to celebrate
  6. Also, if what I hear is correct belle Vue won’t be setting the ticket prices this time, WB will, so should be cheaper than SoN, won’t be Cardiff cheat (£20l but I’m guessing £50-70 grandstand, £40-£50 south, £30-£40 temp. Warner brothers paid us to host it apparently. But then they get all the ticket money. How it use to be under BSI
  7. But the GP should be about the racing. Not everything that goes on but that like Cardiff. makes me laugh, well angry actually that everyone says they go Cardiff just for the day part, maybe just speedway fans are all alcoholics
  8. Warrington for Kurtz, fricke lives in knutsford 😳😳, so your paying way over the top for a rider to score you 4 points in a final 🙈
  9. He lives on Warrington. his partner is aussie and they will be going back to Aussie for the winter
  10. What are you on about that rule was thrown out years and years ago hence you getnpolish speedeay the day before most GPs now
  11. yeah, good point, forgot about the RS having a 3 average
  12. just award the trophy to us, job done, enjoy the winter, see you in march
  13. and when was the last time we had a 43 point team limit????
  14. Not if the team limit is the rumoured 39 points
  15. I’m at the track and the track already looks considerably better than when they put the pics on. currently blading all the dirt off. Got 2 hours to do it. Shouldn’t be a problem
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