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Posts posted by MattK

  1. 19 minutes ago, Grachan said:

    This year, for example, the points limit would be set at 46.34 for next season. Peterborough finished on 37.83. The top side will always average over the current 42.50 limit, meaning the league would have to strengthen every year if sides wanted to match the champions.

    There are two problems I foresee with that. Firstly, are there riders available for team to strengthen up? Take Peterborough, they finished 8.51 points under Swindon. Who are these mythical 10+ point riders who didn't ride in Britain in 2019, but will next season? Secondly, even if these mythical riders existed, could teams afford them?

  2. 4 hours ago, A ORLOV said:

    I see that a new set of plans have been submitted in July.

    The stands and pits are shown on the north side of the stadium between the track and Lady Lane.




    Well spotted.

    This has more twists than an M. Night Shyamalan film.

    Interestingly, the status is still marked as "Unknown" despite claims it has been approved and if you read the two emails from Janet Busby (Swindon council's senior planning officer) it sounds far from a done deal.

    Presumably these new plans are materially different that new planning permission will need to be granted anyway?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Sidney the robin said:

    Total rubbish Matt,       England are expected to go close be competitive to win going by this forum response .  Rossiter's cv stacks up against most managers hence why I don't see Addam's taking the job insteresting to see how it pans out.

    Be competitive yes, that's not the same as being expected to win.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Sidney the robin said:

    Really is this job attractive ? if you have other considerations this job is chicken feed we shall see.

    Yes of course it is attractive. As I said, there is no expectation on you to win anything, you get a nice foreign jolly and if you're an egotistical maniac you also get bragging rights among your fellow team managers.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Sidney the robin said:



    Hand on heart Matt is this job attractive? i think not by the way do you think Rossiter has he done a good job or not.?

    If you're a team manager, then yes I'd say it is attractive, as you can easily do it alongside your day job. It isn't attractive to someone like Phil Morris, as he has a proper job which presumably he couldn't do alongside being FIM Race Director.

    As for Rosco, I think he achieved what could have been reasonably expected with the riders at his disposal. Clearly he doesn't see eye-to-eye with Woofy and the TeamGB promoters have made a decision and chosen one over the other. I do have to wonder if all the hangers on really add value and I would love to know if Rosco asked to take a spare rider once he knew how many support staff would be going to Russia.

  6. 19 hours ago, Sidney the robin said:

    Exactly city, i could not care less Rossiter is better off out of it it is a poisoned chalice .As long as Neil Vatcher is left alone to continue his job with the youngsters i am more than happy.

    How is it a "poisoned chalice"? No one expects GB to actually win anything given we only have one world class rider. All people expect is that the team don't make schoolboy errors, like taking six sports scientists and no reserve rider to the finals.

  7. 12 hours ago, MD said:

    No one has probably stopped to ask if the CL teams want the PL to join and the answer is no. There is nothing in it for us and we dont want the politics, bulls*it and crap tracks your league suffers from. We are doing just fine on our own thanks and have no interest in rescuing the big league, as if the shoe was on the other foot it wouldnt even be a consideration.

    This is the elephant in the room which no "one big league" proponent seems to be addressing. Why would CL teams want a huge increase in costs for a minimal increase in revenues? It makes no sense.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Trees said:

    I bet every promoter would do this IF people could be trusted but we can't, end of ......

    I don't think that is an insurmountable challenge. When I worked for a large local employer I knew most of the people there who attended speedway. Therefore, let's say I was a Robins Ambassador, I could "invite" 20 people from my work to attend speedway for free each week and escort them through a meeting. If clubs were really invested in this the it could also include a pre-meeting pit walk, meet and greet with a rider and even watching a heat from the centre green, all things that cost nothing for a club to put on.

    If there were 10 ambassadors, each bringing 20 new fans per week and if only 10% of them returned as paying customers, over the course of a 20 meeting season it would generate 200 new fans and increase income by over £30,000. All for little more than a bit of effort.

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  9. I think speedway is quite a hard sell. Convincing someone to spend £18 to watch four blokes going round in circles needs more than just a leaflet.

    For me, you have to offer newcomers free entry and then a "guided" experience in order for them to get the most out of their first time and encourage them to return.

    I leaflet simply won't do that in my opinion.


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