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Posts posted by Reviresco

  1. Does Crayford being in the London Borough of Bexley fall under the scope of this too, with the Highwaymen operating in 1970?


    Not that I visited Crayford that year as my introduction to speedway only started in 1970 as a young teenager being taken to Brooklands to watch the Bombers on Thursday nights. And I was hooked from then on. The smell, the raw energy, the noise, the crowds, the simplicity of 4 x 'warrior' riders over 4 x laps. Made a huge impression on a 13 year old. Crowds of 5,000+ for league meetings with more for the Young England v Young Czechs match (don't think The Boro got a crowd of 500 for their home football matches). Health & Safety did not dominate in those days. One lone resident's complaints shutting down the sport by the end of 1971. Only 3 x TV channels in those days. No computers. Lots of hair. T Rex. There and back on the bus. A different age. Excitedly telling my class mates at school the next day about my visits. A reported £700 bid for John Louis at the end of the season. It started a lifetime of travelling to speedway tracks around Britain and provided the opportunity to visit Poland, Sweden, Germany, Australia and New Zealand.

    • Like 1

  2. As there are 8 teams only in the current EL, why not go the whole hog and involve all 8 in the Play Off's?


    1st v 8th [A], 2nd v 7th , 3rd v 6th [C], 4th v 5th [D].


    [A] v [D] & v [C] to determine Finalists.


    Give every team a 2nd chance - a bit like the use of GP Wild Cards which can allow riders a 2nd chance after not being good enough to qualify by right in an earlier round.

    • Like 2

  3. The issue with Doyle isn't the clash with GPs, there enough free weeks in the EL to not ride GP weeks. The issue is finishing racing at 10pm Friday then having to get to Poland in the morning. Run on a Friday and he has a whole day to travel and rest. Then just don't run on GP Fridays like Leciester didn't run on GP Saturdays this year.


    I wonder how many fixtures some people think the EL has! Theres plenty of time to fix fixture in, even around the GPs


    And this is where British speedway ranks these days - fitting in fixtures around other countries' leagues and the GPs.

    • Like 1

  4. I believe that Central Park has an agreement now to also run meetings on Fridays between 6pm & 9:30pm with the 8:30pm curfew still applying to Monday night meetings.


    On that basis, it would look as though EL meetings could be held on Fridays, with maybe PL (or NL) meetings being held on Mondays.


    If speedway can be held only once a week at Central Park, does that mean that fortnightly alternate league meetings would have to be staged?


    And on this premise, does this mean that the Lakeside EL operation will move to Central Park either on a 'stop gap' or permanent basis?


    Having campaigned previously to have speedway restored to Essex, I hope that this does not mean the loss of the sport to the County once again.

  5. In answer to some tweets, the Fours Final will be 16 heats. Admission £15 adults, £12 concessions, £4 juniors, Under 11s free. Prog £2.50

    BREAKING NEWS: @casesrebels team for PL Fours @redcarbears Oct 1: Kurtz, Worrall, Wright, Grajczonek, Starke.

    BREAKING NEWS: @ipswichspeedway team for PL Fours @redcarbears Oct 1: King, Covatti, Tungate, Heeps, Manzares.

    (Edinburgh & Newcastle teams still to be announced - Diamonds awaiting response to request to use a Guest or operate R/R :lol: )

  6. If a visual explanation helps, probably not, one can be found at.....




    That was in the days when it wasn't staged at the end of the season and the winner (that's on overall points, not necessarily the winner of the actual 16 lap final) received a Weslake engine, not just a bottle of lambrini.


    (Until I watched this again today, I'd forgotten John Cook's interview and his explanation of how he tried to fix the problem - 'it came out on this turn, so I fingered it, got it going, and by the time I got my rubber back on...... and Phil came underneath me'. Probably not the only time that Cookie ran into similar problems up on the Heath ;) )

    • Like 1

  7. I remember Reg more as a referee and only saw him a few times as a rider, although I do remember seeing him ride in a 4TT at Arlington in October 1970 when they held penny farthing races during the interval and the late Colin Sanders fell off and broke his collar bone.


    (Reg refers to his exploits on a penny farthing in his interview on The National Speedway Museum website, but I don't know if this is the same meeting: http://www.national-speedway-museum.co.uk/reg%20trott%20interview.html )


    I also saw him ride at Brooklands in 1970 and again as part of the Eagles 1971 BL2 Title winning side and at Custom House the following season.


    A fantastic achievement to have had such a long riding career and overall association with the sport.


    R.I.P. Reg.

  8. Cant agree with you on Laguta,and lets be honest a quarter of this years field are not all great starters .Lindback a no for me he was eliminated in the qualifier what signal does that send out get eliminated but after gets the big consolation prize.If there has to be a Swede i think AJ should get it,but it would not bother me if we didnt have a swede in the field at all.


    On that (Lindback) basis, Sidney, Kildemand shouldn't get a look in for a Permanent Wild Card either as not only did he fail to achieve a Top Three position from the Qualifier in Rybnik, but also failed to get through the earlier round in Riga on 27th June when he fell and was excluded from his first ride and then withdrew from the rest of the meeting. Lindback, at least, qualified from Riga.


    It normally always is a decision between: political/commercial/geographcal factors; injuries; riders failing from the GP series and; those failing from the qualifiers. Is any better than another? I would fall probably on the side of the injured rider, e.g. Hampel, as, even in pre-GP times an injured rider had a chance of recovering and qualifying for next year's Championship whereas these days an injured rider like Hampel not only misses the opportunity of qualifying by right (top 8) from the GP series but also misses the opportunity of competing in the qualifiers for next year's series. Hampel could well have finished Top Three in the series this year and this probably strengthens his claims for a 2016 PWC.


    I think it will be: Lindback, Hampel and whoever finishes 9th & 10th in this year's series.

    • Like 1

  9. Can anyone please provide some background to what appears to be a very interesting story for this gentleman?


    It appears that in the mid to late '50s, 'Teo' took part as a Pole in the European qualifiers of the World Championship, reaching the European Final in 1956, before coming to Britain and taking part via the British rounds, qualifying from the British Semi-Finals as the British Reserve for the 1963 World Final at Wembley.


    Tragically, after having reached the British Final the following year 'Teo' lost his life as a result of a fall riding for Swindon at West Ham on 1st Sept that year, never regaining conciousness and succumbing to his injuries on 22nd Jan 1965.


    It looks as if Memorial meetings were staged at Blunsdon for some years after his passing.


    Many Thanks.

  10. If this was a one off Final staged in 1983 at Norden, then Muller would win it.


    If it was held in any other country, Muller would not win it.


    Then again, if it was held in 1973 at Chorzow, maybe Szczakiel would win it?


    Putting that aside, I would say: Collins, Lee, Michanek.


    (However, I think Gollob should be included and that would change my prediction)


    I didn't see Knutsson ride, but his record of: 2nd, 4th, 2nd, 5th, 1st, 10th looks mighty impressive.


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