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Everything posted by Beeone

  1. The only official statements made yesterday were on the websites of Peterborough, Coventry and the BSPA, the fact that a local radio station picked it up and ran a story around it has no official clout at all and I would suggest that some journalistic license was exercised by the station in question. I should have put the word official in my previous post (now amended)as that would have made clear that I do not consider a local radio report as being that. Regards, Martin
  2. Blimey I nearly fell off my chair..................someone on the BSF being polite Certainly no need to aplogise to me, I was just having a pop at the Poole numpty who can't help but put the boot in at every opportunity. Merry Christmas by the way!! Regards, Martin
  3. You can't help yourself can you?! Where in yesterdays official statements did it say that there would be an announcement today....nowhere, discussions are taking place is what was said, personally I doubt there will be a final statement before Christmas , much as I would like it to be sooner. Regards, Martin Edited for clarity, to add the word "official"
  4. You won't believe me, but yes, because it was not against the rules as they stood at the time, I might not like it, in fact I'm sure I would have had a good moan, but in the end the letter of the rule was obeyed, so I would have accepted it. I would argue that the rule was faulty and must be changed so that it cannot happen in future, but as no rules were broken at the time then on this occasion it was completely legal. A rule change should be made so that in future there must be a bona fida reason for a rider being replaced, but it should surely only apply from this coming season onward. Regards, Martin
  5. That sounds disgusting, couldn't they use beans instead? ..................I'll get me coat
  6. You keep on saying it and you are still wrong, the letter of the rule was abided by, not bent not broken. The rule may have been wrong, but that is a different matter. Any manager who had not taken advantage of it would not have been doing his job properly, that job being to gain every advantage for his team within the letter of the law, which is what was done. Regards, Martin
  7. It surely should be so Sandie, I'll bet that would go down well over Monmore way Regards, Martin
  8. Good point, I was in stitches a couple of seasons ago when the SKY cameras caught Rosco banging his head on the wall at Poole, top entertainment, real frustration, just showed how much he cared I guess. The world is generally a more entertaining place with a few characters on show for sure. Regards, Martin
  9. Bloody hell, there could be another hundred posts in this one yet!! Regards, Martin
  10. I would just love that to be the case. Then we can get back to slagging off each others team building plans and generally baiting Shovvy et al about actual speedway stuff rather than the politics of it. Personally I think the sooner this stuff can be put to bed the better. Let's just hope against hope that the optimistic noises from Coventry radio prove to be correct and we are not being led up the garden path !! Regards, Martin
  11. Yeah why not, nothing like a bit of anarchy to focus a governments attention!!
  12. Yet another assumption used to have a cheap shot at the Bees promotion. You can have no actual knowledge who it was who told the BBC, but don't let that stop you from putting the boot in eh! Regards, Martin
  13. I can't believe that a simple Xmas greeting has illicited such a response. As has been pointed out, there has been no official announcement that there was ever going to be any meeting today. Someone may have been simply speculating, "99% certain according to Sandhu", but who if anyone did he speak to. This whole thread may be based around the false premise that it's title is actually a true statement. Like many of the threads devoted to or diverted toward this situation, there are no absolute facts other than this one "As it stands neither Peterborough or Coventry speedways run next year" Incidentally I totalled up the replies to the various threads on this ( and yes I probably should get out more!! ), as of saturday evening there were 6,500 replies, not including the Peterborough (rip) one as that was started months ago and re-titled, pretty impressive when none of us actually know anything concrete!! When it comes to speculation, this one hell of a place to be.
  14. Or they could just be sending an electronic Christmas greeting to Coventry supporters. Much like me sending cards to people, not to disguise some shortcoming or disappointment, but simply to wish them Merry Christmas. IMO
  15. I can't believe that people actually took Rosco's bait. He was taking the michael, pulling ones leg, extracting the urine, it was a wind up for God's sake, why would a speedway club be signing a national hunt jockey???!!!!!!??? His facebook post read along the lines of 'for the BSF and Shovlar, have signed AP on a four pointer', Now if he had announced an actual signing on facebook then sure it would be unprofessional, but this was just a joke!! Regards, Martin
  16. Yeah right on that is really gonna have the Bees management gagging to get back in!! The one thing that many people on these numerous threads are agreed on os that the current BSPA administration is deeply flawed, so to suggest that someone from within should be posted as "gatekeeper" at Brandon is utterly ludicrous. Who do you suggest Mat Ford or CVS? I'm sure that either suggestion would have the Coventry management falling over themselves to be granted re-entry to the League!! NOT Regards, Martin
  17. I suspect that Panthers will be in the National League, due to the fact that Mr Frost said he wasn't going in the Elite, I still can't see why the Premier league was so hastily deemed to be full, other than vindictiveness, but that's what was done and I believe at least some of the fixtures have been published. A shoddy business all round I reckon. Regards, Martin
  18. I think the point being made is that we the paying public have not been made aware of any of the proposed "new" rules, therefore it could be said that we would never know if they had been changed/compromised or not. I guess the 40 limit is pretty certain as Gary patchett said as much in Speedway Star, but as for the rest, nothing has been published officially, not as far as I am aware anyway. Regards, Martin
  19. I can't speak for the promotion but for me it would, mind you it would have to be a root and branch review of the organisation, and performed by an independent person, not some sort of carve up by the usual suspects. Someone or some organisation who have absolutely no connection to any speedway club either now or historically. I reckon I would want assurance also that any future AGM inspired regulation changes would be for a season ahead, ie, decisions made in 2011 stand for 2013 etc. Of course if the retrospective change of regulation regarding Przemek Pawlicki and others affected by it was rescinded, all the better!! Regards, Martin
  20. Maybe spit the dummy out, flounce off and transfer all their riders to Peterborough!! Joke OK

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