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British Speedway Forum

Vsm Issue 53


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VSM 53 is now out and it is probably the best issue ever - certainly for me anyway. It conains articles on Tom Farndon, Stan Stevens, Ove Fundin and Ron Johnson. Four of my all-time favourite riders. What more can you ask for?


There is also an article on Gordon Byers another great rider. Just thought I'd throw that one in!


Well done, Tony. The VSM gets better and better. But I'm not sure what you can do for a follow-up now as you've almost exhausted my favourites. It'll have to be Split Waterman and Aub Lawson in the next issue....

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  • 3 weeks later...
For thosewho have read VSM, any views on the 'second Ron Johnson' article?


Interesting article.With speedway riders being seen as "glamourous" it is not surprising that imposters could crop up from time to time. When Bristol was operating at Eastville in 1977/78 I understand that one of the staff claimed to be George Newton and was illustrated as such in contemporary literature. Maybe he really was the genuine article or it was a case of "the names the same". I also met a man at Exeter once who said his name was John Surman and he claimed to have ridden second half at Perry Bar in the 1940s although my then extensive programme collection did not support this. I think I will start a separate thread on the Years Gone By Feature on imposters although it could be a dodgy issue!

Edited by Knowle
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There is even some chap on here claiming to be Steve Hone who rode in the 80's. :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

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