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Speedway Museum

Dave Stummings

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In 2005 like so many speedway fans, put a few quid into the Speedway Museum fund being organised by George & Linda Barclay. Their goal to raise £50k or there abouts to build a permanent Speedway Museum, within the grounds of Paradise Wildlife Park. With a great deal of hard work, which I don’t think has ever been appreciated, they succeeded and the Speedway Museum opened and a massive amount of speedway memorabilia was donated on loan to the museum. I believe they became a charity, tried unsuccessfully to get a Lottery grant and without knowing all the politics the Barclays left and a committee –unelected, just the glory hunters- were left to run the museum. I have to say when George & Linda stepped aside the museum just didn’t seem the same and it still doesn’t, but I believe it was always there intention only to raise the capital.

Now I am hearing the whole Speedway Museum is being run by Paradise Wildlife Park, which may I say is not a bad thing, I have a lot of respect for Pete Sampson but I do have a few issues.

I was on the understanding this would always be run separate from PWP, which I still believe it should be. I donated some hard earned £’s in 2005 because I thought it was going to be separate concern. What happens to all the speedway memorabilia does it become part of PWP and not the people who loaned it? If they want to raise money to extend the museum, which I understand they do, surely this should come from within PWP or do they want donations again?

I personally feel a little disappointed that the Speedway Museum has had to go down this road, maybe it is for the best, maybe my facts are incorrect.

I would ask the moderators to leave this on the general board until such times you think it should go onto the Speedway Museum board


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The Speedway Museum is inside Paradise Wildlife Park. If Peter Sampson hadn't donated the ground and the time and money for his staff to help build the Museum and maintain it, it would never have been built. There simply just wasn't enough money raised for it to be built and maintained as a separate entity.


The Speedway Museum as such though is not an integral part of Paradise Wildlife Park. It retains its own existence and all the objects in the Museum belong either to the Museum or the people who loaned the objects and is run by an independent committee.


You talk about the "Glory Hunters" on the Speedway Museum Committee. Presumably if they are all in it just for the glory you will have no difficulty in naming everyone the committee and nor will anyone else on this Forum. Can you? Yes, the Barclays put in a lot of hard work, but so did a lot of other people, whose names, unlike the Barclays, you probably don't know. I think it is a big slur on the integrity of the people who have worked hard not just to keep the museum going, but have improved it out of all recognition to when it first opened to accuse them of just being "Glory Hunters". And I hope you will withdraw that remark.



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We here at Sunderland ran a Reunion the profits of which all went to the Museum. We raised a lot of money for it - more we were advised - than some Tracks still operating. Remember - Sunderland only had Speedway for nine (home) Meetings in 1964 and a National League Division 2 side from 1971 to 1974. There has been NO Speedway in our City since. We were assured that the Museum would have something, no matter how small, to show that Sunderland Speedway existed on display. There was not when I asked some time ago. Has this matter been rectified? We feel that as we had such financial stake in the Museum - that gives us the right to ask. A Poster on display or a Programme would make us feel so much more part of the Speedway family - and - keep the name and memories of "SUNDERLAND SPEEDWAY" alive.

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We here at Sunderland ran a Reunion the profits of which all went to the Museum. We raised a lot of money for it - more we were advised - than some Tracks still operating. Remember - Sunderland only had Speedway for nine (home) Meetings in 1964 and a National League Division 2 side from 1971 to 1974. There has been NO Speedway in our City since. We were assured that the Museum would have something, no matter how small, to show that Sunderland Speedway existed on display. There was not when I asked some time ago. Has this matter been rectified? We feel that as we had such financial stake in the Museum - that gives us the right to ask. A Poster on display or a Programme would make us feel so much more part of the Speedway family - and - keep the name and memories of "SUNDERLAND SPEEDWAY" alive.
You are indeed correct Ian, we did raise a large amount of money for the museum at our Sunderland reunion. It is also a credit to George and Linda for the huge amount of effort they put in to raising the money required. I have recently contacted Brian Longman, who has printed a set of Sunderland Speedway posters, which have been sent to the museum via Richard Greer, hopefully they will be on display soon. Many thanks to Brian!


Bob Ferry

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Before you accuse me of putting Dave up to that Norbold I DIDN'T!!!!!


Oh and I could name the committee as they were thanked over and over again at the WSRA dinner this year unfortunately much to the disgust of a few ex riders (and I can name them as well but it wouldn't be fair to) George and Linda were overlooked in the thanks.

Edited by shazzybird
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I am sorry to read that Dave Stummings is unhappy with the Speedway Museum at Paradise Wildlife Park but I really take exception to Dave saying that the when George & Linda stepped down, the Committee, of which I am a member, elected to run the Museum were, (quote), "Glory Hunters".


Dave, nothing could be further from the truth. If you think the Committee are "Glory Hunters", why is it that you only seem to know the names of George & Linda who were involved? They did a fantastic job travelling the country and raising funds and everyone appreciates what they have done, but others were involved in fund raising too. If the Committee were "Glory Hunters" as you say, then their names would be plastered all over the Museum and in the adverts instead of remaining in the background.


Perhaps as "Shazzybird" says, more could have been done in the speeches at the World Speedway Riders' Association Dinner to thank George & Linda for their great efforts, as it would have been very difficult, if not impossible, to raise the neceessary funds without them but George always said that when the funds were raised, he and Linda would step down and return to a "normal" life.


Regarding the Museum Committee:- As in the WSRA (World Speedway Riders' Association) Committee, everyone on the Museum Committee is a volunteer and gives up their time and effort to help free of charge and there is no money paid for travelling or other expenses to attend Committee meetings during the year. Every member does it for the Love of The Sport and to try to raise the profile of Speedway for everyone, riders, promoters, supporters, media, etc., hence the building of the National Speedway Museum at Paradise Wildlife Park. Did you know that Museum brochures have been distributed to the Press Centres at the various Grands Prix? This also helps raise the profile and spreads the Speedway word.


Dave reckons that the Museum is not the same since George & Linda stepped aside. Yes, it has changed. The small cinema which was in the centre of the floor is now part of the Wembley Twin Towers exhibit, leaving more room for other bikes and displays and the Museum shop. The best thing for anyone, is to come along and have a look and make up your own mind as the exhibits are always changing. For example, the Simon Wigg display has so many trophies that we cannot show them all at once so they have to be rotated, no wonder the Museum needs to expand.


As 'Norbolt' says, without Peter Sampson there would be no Speedway Museum. Peter has helped enormously with the building and running costs of the Museum plus we have the overnight security of being inside Paradise Wildlife Park, so we are safe from thieves who would love to get their hands on some of the rare motorcycles on display. Peter also supplies an office to be used for Committee meetings at the Park F.O.C.


So thanks again to everyone who donated to the Museum Fund and loaned bikes and memorabilia to go on display. Remember that it is a NATIONAL Speedway Museum, open to everyone, comments whether good or bad are welcome and are taken on board, but please do NOT call the people involved, "Glory Hunters".



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We here at Sunderland ran a Reunion the profits of which all went to the Museum. We raised a lot of money for it - more we were advised - than some Tracks still operating. Remember - Sunderland only had Speedway for nine (home) Meetings in 1964 and a National League Division 2 side from 1971 to 1974. There has been NO Speedway in our City since. We were assured that the Museum would have something, no matter how small, to show that Sunderland Speedway existed on display. There was not when I asked some time ago. Has this matter been rectified? We feel that as we had such financial stake in the Museum - that gives us the right to ask. A Poster on display or a Programme would make us feel so much more part of the Speedway family - and - keep the name and memories of "SUNDERLAND SPEEDWAY" alive.



Don't worry, Ian, Sunderland ARE part of the Speedway family. I will check that the Sunderland poster is on display and thanks for sending them in.


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The Speedway Museum is inside Paradise Wildlife Park. If Peter Sampson hadn't donated the ground and the time and money for his staff to help build the Museum and maintain it, it would never have been built. There simply just wasn't enough money raised for it to be built and maintained as a separate entity.


The Speedway Museum as such though is not an integral part of Paradise Wildlife Park. It retains its own existence and all the objects in the Museum belong either to the Museum or the people who loaned the objects and is run by an independent committee.


You talk about the "Glory Hunters" on the Speedway Museum Committee. Presumably if they are all in it just for the glory you will have no difficulty in naming everyone the committee and nor will anyone else on this Forum. Can you? Yes, the Barclays put in a lot of hard work, but so did a lot of other people, whose names, unlike the Barclays, you probably don't know. I think it is a big slur on the integrity of the people who have worked hard not just to keep the museum going, but have improved it out of all recognition to when it first opened to accuse them of just being "Glory Hunters". And I hope you will withdraw that remark.


Well done Norbold, got it in one! The fundraising was all George and Linda ever wanted to do. Now they have moved on the Museum must move on too and it's a credit to Pete to donate his workers to run it now.


Can't we just move on and enjoy our speedway? Some of you are lucky to have a local track to go to.


Bye for now. Stu Towner - Glory Hunter and Man in Black

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Haggis, Credit for the Sunderland Speedway posters, must go to Brian Longman who produced them at my request, having previously done a set of posters for our Sunderland Reunion. We are grateful to Brian for producing these posters (all free of charge) and posting them to the museum via Richard Greer. I hope they can now be seen at the museum, and that Sunderland Speedway can be represeted there. Hope you will like them.

Bob Ferry


"The Mackem"

Edited by scarletrider
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Haggis, Credit for the Sunderland Speedway posters, must go to Brian Longman who produced them at my request, having previously done a set of posters for our Sunderland Reunion. We are grateful to Brian for producing these posters (all free of charge) and posting them to the museum via Richard Greer. I hope they can now be seen at the museum, and that Sunderland Speedway can be represeted there. Hope you will like them.

Bob Ferry


"The Mackem"


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