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So it seems that the BSPA want to take their money rather than pay the riders out of a bond they hold for these such circumstances :mad: Bloody disgusting treatment!


Their fines should be last on the agenda after the riders have been settled up otherwise what is the point of the bond in the first place? :blink:

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And of course everything that has been written by or qouted by mr bartlett is all absolutely true, and there can be no doubt it is his side that should be treated as a true representation of the facts ?


Exactly, he would like to appear to be the victim but he doesn't look like from from my direction. :(

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And people slate Neil Machin and Buxton for being tight arses... :rolleyes: at least they can pay their riders every penny they are owed - immediately!


From what I've read, Phil Bartlett isn't a great loss to Speedway. Good riddance springs to mind...

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So it seems that the BSPA want to take their money rather than pay the riders out of a bond they hold for these such circumstances :mad: Bloody disgusting treatment!


Their fines should be last on the agenda after the riders have been settled up otherwise what is the point of the bond in the first place? :blink:

i agree with you. :mad:

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And people slate Neil Machin and Buxton for being tight arses... :rolleyes: at least they can pay their riders every penny they are owed - immediately!


From what I've read, Phil Bartlett isn't a great loss to Speedway. Good riddance springs to mind...


I dont know Neil but i do know Jayne and Richard Moss and I cant understand how anyone can slate them :( I have the upmost respect for them and I am sure that had we not been so far away George would have ridden for them and may be still riding now. they run a great club and always been very good to us and every visit was a pleasure

Edited by Wildcat Steve
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Perhaps a new Weymouth promoter should learn from Buxton, a club that produces riders on what is a tight budget. Buxton have proved it is possible.



It would also seem odd, if you were trying to attracted attention to a business you were selling, you would tell potential investors "Speedway just isn't viable in this town".

Edited by Deano
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The bond is only £1500 so would not have covered the riders costs very sad to lead them to think the BSPA would pay them :mad:

As to the money the BSPA would have owed it was most probably been the Shared event money and withheld cause money would have been owed to them and the shared event money would have been very little and I believe that 6 months money was owed to the BSPA which would have been over £5500. So probably if the money for shared event was owed to Weymouth from way back then money was owed to them for some time also.

Looks like everyone got shafted :mad: :mad: :mad:

Edited by Wildcat Steve
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Taken from todays Weymouth Echo.




Its people like Cockle and the other riders and companies that he owes money to that I feel sorry for. Its Ok saying the BSPA bond will cover it but 6 months unpaid fees is an awful lot of money, I'm not sure how much is held in bond but by the time the fees and riders wages are taken out there ain't going to be much left if any. I also think that riders only get the minimum points and travel money as dictated by the league not what they were being paid by the club although I am sure none were on anymore anyway, I m ay be wrong though. Its a very sad time for Weymouth speedway, I hope someone comes in who has a passion for the sport, knows how to run a club and is aware of all the financial implications before they commit to something they cannot sustain.




That's bad news for James and the other riders concerned Jules. If there was any money left from the bond to pay the riders (which it appears there isn't from other posts) then my understanding from talking to riders who have this happen to them in the past is that you only get the standard point and travel rates.

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This saga beggars belief. One minute Mr Bartlett had the most profitable season ever, not a week later hes lost thousands :unsure: Thank god no one actually beleived the waffle and bought the club, exactly how much debt would they have been taking on I wonder??I think the BSPA do need to take some responsibility for the riders wages as if they were not getting paid they should have monitored the situation, the warning signs were there for all to see with bouncing cheques last season and this. Personally I think the writting was on the wall when both Wessex Bus and Doonans withdrew thier sponsorship last year. Both companies put in an awful lot of money to the club it would be very interesting to know why these long time sponsors withdrew thier support :unsure: I do think you are correct, Mr Bartlett would like us to beleive he is the victim here, and maybe had he been straight from the start he would have some sympathy, instead he has stitched up the riders and supporters who now have no club to support and wil no doubt walk away scott free.


Hopefully the Phoenix will be getting ready to fly again but I dont hold out much hope after MR Bartletts comments about the sport be unviable in Weymouth, would you buy it??!!

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This saga beggars belief. One minute Mr Bartlett had the most profitable season ever, not a week later hes lost thousands :unsure: Thank god no one actually beleived the waffle and bought the club, exactly how much debt would they have been taking on I wonder??I think the BSPA do need to take some responsibility for the riders wages as if they were not getting paid they should have monitored the situation, the warning signs were there for all to see with bouncing cheques last season and this. Personally I think the writting was on the wall when both Wessex Bus and Doonans withdrew thier sponsorship last year. Both companies put in an awful lot of money to the club it would be very interesting to know why these long time sponsors withdrew thier support :unsure: I do think you are correct, Mr Bartlett would like us to beleive he is the victim here, and maybe had he been straight from the start he would have some sympathy, instead he has stitched up the riders and supporters who now have no club to support and wil no doubt walk away scott free.


Hopefully the Phoenix will be getting ready to fly again but I dont hold out much hope after MR Bartletts comments about the sport be unviable in Weymouth, would you buy it??!!

I know a lot of what went on before and am not going into it on here. things have unfolded that I find staggering. If I had the money yes i would love to run it. Every one runs it down. I know its tough but we used to have great crowds and many supported my second half events. Problem is most of the good people who played a major part in the life and soul of the club have been upset and banned etc. People have to be entertained and a great atmosphere is essential. With supporters up on the banking looking down it lends itself to a great nights entertainment. you have one of the best men on the Mike with Tim Helm. it is possible lets not loose heart yet :-)

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Can anyone out there confirm is there a restriction on the amount of meetings/days per week, track can be used.

And when is planning in place for with regards to the facility?


Weymouth Speedway can run once a week on a Friday or Saturday night March to October 7.00pm until 9.30pm Also they can run 2 training schools per month in the winter November to February

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Weymouth Speedway can run once a week on a Friday or Saturday night March to October 7.00pm until 9.30pm Also they can run 2 training schools per month in the winter November to February


Just to add the winter training schools are 12.00-4.00pm on Saturdays that the football club are playing away.

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