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Mumsie last won the day on June 5

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    Natural History and The Seagulls
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    I'm a Pirate

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  1. No it doesn't https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast/gcr5qn5jy#?date=2024-09-23
  2. Just out of interest, if Chris is insinuating that paying fans don't pay his wages at Sheffield, who does ?
  3. IPSWICH: 1. Jan Kvěch (G) 9.36 2. Adam Ellis 5.61 3. Keynan Rew 5.43 4. Tom Brennan (G) 9.12 5. Danny King © 6.48 6. Ashton Boughen (G) 3.74 7. Dan Thompson (RS) LEICESTER: 1. Max Fricke 8.70 © 2. Richard Lawson 7.21 3. Sam Masters 7.17 4. Luke Becker 6.17 5. R/R for Ryan Douglas 7.59 6. Lewi Kerr (G) 5.03 7. Sam Hagon (RS)
  4. He's an immature obnoxious donk with zero class, even the GP riders can't stand him.
  5. Jenkins has a scaphoid injury and King has a foot injury. https://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/22880/oxford-redcar-ckoc-2024-30pm
  6. https://www.discoveryplus.com/gb/sport/speedway
  7. It can't be any worse than the absolure garbage dished up last week.
  8. The drone shots are absolutely pants. Someone shoot it down please.
  9. Ipswich failed to defend a healthy lead in the second leg at Sheffield last year with Doyle and Emil in the team. This final will be over after the first leg imo.
  10. Ipswich couldn't beat an egg at the moment, let alone Sheffield over two legs. Bit like their football team. 😁
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