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Posts posted by bruno

  1. Maybe league meetings should be 4 teams in a meeting with 5 riders over 16 heats. 20 would be better but most tracks would take 3 hours. Needs less riders so possibly do away with guests. Might seem radical but something needs doing. After more or less a lifetime of following the sport I'm thinking I'm on my final stretch with it now. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, mikebv said:

    Let's be honest, they shouldnt have any issues completing the play off qualifiers given the fact that the sport allows any number of random riders to make up two, seven man teams...

    As long as you can get 14 lads in the same stadium in the sane night, then job done...

    Two captains selected, then they turn around whilst the clerk of the course gives out a number to the other 12 lads who are all liined up against the pits wall..

    The captains then take it in turns to pick six numbers...


    Not as far fetched as it sounds

  3. 2 hours ago, bigcatdiary said:

    After having my star come on time pretty much every Thursday by their alternative deliverer the second week back to Royal Mail it was late arriving.


    Mine came today again, 2 weeks running late with Royal Mail. Barely had a problem with Newsteam

  4. The difference to how BSN engage is massive as well. I've emailed them a few times and they get back very quick and sort the issue or at least explain if they can't. Because Wolves are shutting I've began to wonder shall I bother next year with BSN, Discovery+ , speedway star and save a bit of money but because of the excellent service off BSN I've decided il keep my subscription going with them. My star subscription is up this week and I'm not sure il bother renewing but like speedway itself they seem a bit stuck in the past eg reminders sent in post rather than email


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