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bruno last won the day on March 3 2017

bruno had the most liked content!

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1,805 Excellent

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    Cradley Heathens

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  1. bruno


    One for me was around 76 I think, it was a cup meeting v Newport. We went down 49 - 29 on the Friday but at Dudley Wood the next day won 51 -27
  2. Didn't think you could award a race in GPS
  3. Tai to miss out on getting to the final knocked out in semi's?
  4. bruno

    YOUR Hackney

    I remember my first few cars, used to go out on long journeys never knowing if I'd get back. Never seemed to matter either still went
  5. bruno

    Gp world Championship qualifying rounds

    Woffy needed to ride in qualifiers if he wants to be in it next year
  6. bruno

    Swindon Stadium

    Different area but I've been out today on my motorbike round mid Wales to places I didn't go last year. Couldn't believe how many new houses and estates had gone up , obviously no local jobs anywhere so majority must be commuting or retiring there maybe
  7. bruno

    Sheffield vs Ipswich 13th May

    Its easier being controversial when your at the top of your game but you look a bit of a pillock when you start dropping down the rankings
  8. bruno

    Oxford Spires 2024

    I started going to Wolves in the late 90s following them home and away a few years later. When Billy joined I started cheering for Wolves rather than the opposition. Then after a defeat at Swindon I was gutted and realised I maybe was a Wolves fan. Never the same as supporting Cradley obviously. When we came back I started following the Heathens again then back to Wolves when we folded and now nothing. I'd rather follow Wolves than nothing that's for sure
  9. bruno

    Witches v Lynn May 6th 2.15pm

    Coming down to this from the midlands for a day out is the parade going to affect the traffic on the way to Foxhall
  10. bruno

    Birmingham/ Aces

    Brilliant, well-done Brummies. Enjoyed that
  11. bruno

    Birmingham/ Aces

    Come on the Brummies, once a Wolf, maybe soon to be a Brummie always a Heathen lol
  12. bruno

    Birmingham/ Aces

    Not a bad meeting I've watched some cracking Polish meetings but seen some rubbish as well

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