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Arch Stanton

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Arch Stanton last won the day on November 27 2023

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  1. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Would you like some tissues?
  2. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Of course it would! You’re living in cloud cuckoo land if you don’t think Hawkins would have got stick if he’d selected by far Ipswich’ most important rider in a dead rubber heat and he’d picked up an injury that ended Ipswich’ season stone dead. It’s a cast iron certainty he’d have been slaughtered on here today. The chances of him riding in it and getting injured are slim at best, but it’s still a risk nonetheless which makes absolutely no sense to make. I don’t accept the “short changed” nonsense either because we were running with Rider Replacement so Emil still took to the track five times which he would have done if they were running with a full septet.
  3. I wonder if we’ll get our “guest” man a team suit for 4/6 meetings in September instead of a bib? Make him essentially a proper team member in effect
  4. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Well reasoned post Siggy. As for Monday, Uppa Stars!!
  5. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Absolutely. Fans have been starved of action recently and as you say, school holidays have now started. As for the result, I think Tel is being a little mischievous there. Yes, it was a meeting that we SHOULD be winning, but I didn’t see anyone predicting 55+ for Ipswich leading up to the meeting. I personally predicted a very tight meeting as most did, and if Kvech had ridden like he has previously at home and done a little better, it would have been just that.
  6. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Why? The meeting was over. Hawkins has explained his decision which at the end of the day, is his to make and the only one that matters. Jenkins had only had three rides because he was replaced in an earlier ride when the result was still in doubt. Giving him his fourth ride when the meeting was already won makes sense to me. He’s the one rider we have that seems to be struggling and a little low on confidence, so they gave him his 4th ride to try and get him going and get a confidence boost and by all accounts, despite not beating a Lynn rider he rode well in 15? So that may have been achieved. I understand people want to see the best riders as often as possible, that’s obvious. But sometimes you have to get over your disappointment and try and understand why certain decisions like last night are made. We have bigger fish to fry and have already struggled to navigate missing riders through injury pretty much all season.
  7. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Disagree with you totally. The meeting was won, and we have a cup final and the play offs to come. This is the very track that we lost our number 1 and STILL haven’t managed to replace him. Both Emil and Rew are both hugely important to any success we’re hoping to have this year. Lose either and it’s season over. You don’t risk either if you don’t need to, I’m sorry but that’s just bonkers to do so. I understand people being disappointed at not seeing them, but you have to be sensible here. If Emil was put in heat 15 last night when he wasn’t needed and he picked up an injury, I can guarantee this forum would be flooded with people this morning slaughtering Hawkins.
  8. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    https://ipswichwitches.co/raceday-report-kings-lynn-41-49-ipswich-rowe-motor-oil-premiership-r2-a/ Hawkins explains his heat 15 decision here.
  9. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    And much better is what we got. Well done boys.
  10. Arch Stanton

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    Sayfutdinov goes well here like he does most places, and he’ll more than likely score more than anyone else on either team. But he ain’t unbeatable, Kvech will lower his colours at some point I’m sure of that. Rew hates the place and Ipswich still have fitness concerns with three riders. So it could genuinely go either way.
  11. You can accept or not accept anything you like fella.
  12. TBF there was no tapping up involved. Ipswich have nothing to do with Musielak not returning to King’s Lynn. They’ve simply enquired as to his availability once it was known he wasn’t returning to Lynn. Whether you believe it or not is up to you of course.
  13. Daniel Smith is correct unfortunately.
  14. Can’t see it personally. It’ll be Lindgren.
  15. Arch Stanton

    Belle Vue 2024

    Me too actually. Great entertainment and the NSS would suit him down to the ground.

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