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Ray Stadia

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Ray Stadia last won the day on February 26 2014

Ray Stadia had the most liked content!

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1,073 Excellent

About Ray Stadia

  • Birthday 05/03/1958

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    Financial Adviser

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  • Interests
    Keeping Fit, Speedway, Grass Track

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  1. Ray Stadia


    He did, but allowed the club to die again.
  2. Ray Stadia

    Nora Speedway

    And of course, traditional league speedway is a runaway success, with more and more clubs wanting to open. Sorry to be cynical.
  3. Ray Stadia


    The Rye House stadium is right in the middle of Hoddesdon and I'm not sure if the local residents are sympathetic about the loss of speedway in their town. People on here have mentioned about the rundown look of the stadium when it hosted speedway. In my opinion, Len Silver had a great opportunity to secure the longevity of Rye House Speedway, but failed. If it returns, wonderful, but I wouldn't bet on it. The club had its chance, when it was lost before, but has squandered that lease of life, in my opinion.
  4. Ray Stadia

    Break in at worky

    Sorry.......I meant Northside.
  5. Ray Stadia

    Break in at worky

    If you like!
  6. Ray Stadia

    Break in at worky

    I thought, when they were constructing the track, they said they had security in place! Northfield was turned over, before the new set-up. I'm sure it was suggested then, it was the scourge of our nation, whose description begins with G and ends in s!
  7. Ray Stadia

    Graham Reeve

    Thank you Rusky. Condolences to Graham's family.
  8. Ray Stadia

    Graham Reeve

    RIP Graham, however, maybe someone could put up a bit of information on Graham's connection to speedway, as I didn't know him, but would like to hear about the chap.
  9. Ray Stadia

    US national championships 20s + 30s

    Wasn't there a Mexican speedway rider called Speedy Gonzales?
  10. Ray Stadia

    Jason Garrity

    What is p***k...Plonk? 'Plonk' is slang for wine, I believe!
  11. Ray Stadia

    Mildenhall 2023

    I hope it does happen for 2025, but the guy is already talking about 'pulling the plug'!
  12. Ray Stadia

    Jason Garrity

    So, some speedway riders definitely aren't holier than thou! For a professional sport, that's unprofessional behaviour! (and mean).
  13. Ray Stadia

    Jason Garrity

    I agree, it is possible the tabloids could get create a negative story, if Jason was allowed back into the sport, but Oscar Wilde said 'there's only one thing worse than being talked about and that's not being talked about'. Is it likely a planning officer/committee would have it brought to their attention that 'speedway employs convicted criminals'? They seem to worry about how the surrounding public are going to be affected, such as: Will the roads be able to take the extra traffic, will the stadium have adequate parking, will the environment be affected, will the greasy motor bike types cause trouble in the area, the noise polution, etc etc
  14. Ray Stadia

    Jason Garrity

    Was Jason a good 'spares van' customer then?
  15. Ray Stadia

    Jason Garrity

    I don't see why speedway riders must be holier than thou, to be riders. I'm pretty sure many riders have a 'back catalogue' or skeletons in their cupboard. Many boxers have skeletons and back catalogues. I do understand speedway promoters getting worried about the affect on their gates. On the other hand, he might be a draw. 'Come and see the bad boy come good'!

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