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About erniew

  • Birthday 04/13/1950

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  • Music
    Queen, Abba, John Denver, Beatles, The Who, good rock.
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    Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Interests
    Speedway, Golf, Football.
  • Team
    Newcastle Diamonds

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  1. erniew

    Cardiff 24

    Well, 5 weeks tomorrow and no signs of the tickets yet. First time I've used Ticketmaster for an event so I'm not sure when they normally release tickets. Does anyone know?
  2. erniew

    Cardiff 24

    The link in the SGP email took me straight to the Ticketmaster site where the earlybird discount was available. Following the 'technical' hiccup last year with Seetickets where the E-tickets disappeared it seemed quite straightforward to purchase. The only small issue was you needed a Ticketmaster account but even that was easy to set up.
  3. I notice the time stated on the ticket header in the wallet gives the time as 3.30 I'm assuming that's the time the stadium opens for a 5.00pm start.
  4. DazS, All very well saying pay on the day but the issue is that the few business days fix hasn't happened which leads me to believe the problem is more serious than they're admitting to. Cash on the day is fine for next year but doesn't solve this years issue. many people, me included, will have ordered and paid for, several tickets at a considerable cash outlay so the problem is slightly worrying, if the ticket problem is not solved, how do we gain entry? how do we get a refund/ Remembering also that many of us bought the tickets taking advantage of the early booking discount so having to re-purchase is at an additional cost. Definitely not good. Seetickets need to get their finger out and at least keep us informed
  5. Slightly off topic, but is anyone having trouble with the E-tickets from See Tickets? my app crashed and on reinstalling it, it says there are no tickets for this event. I've tried contacting customer service and all it does is send you an email confirming the order and saying the tickets will be dispatched about a week before the event. Now as far as I know, there are no paper tickets for Cardiff so I'm at a loss as what to do. Does anyone have any ideas?
  6. erniew

    Newcastle now closed !!!

    Must have missed you in the crowd
  7. erniew

    Newcastle now closed !!!

    Went to Cardiff for the GP. Went to the Queens Vaults by the stadium for a catchup with some other diamonds fans and no-one was there!
  8. erniew

    Cardiff 2022

    Thanks, got in through stadium website, tickets booked and I must say, much easier and more efficient than this year.
  9. erniew

    Cardiff 2022

    Not in the online ticket office they're not.
  10. erniew

    Cardiff 2022

    Will be nice when the Principality Stadium release the date when tickets for 2023 will be available.
  11. erniew

    Cardiff 2022

    I had some issues initially getting the app to work but once I'd logged in on my laptop and downloaded the tickets they appeared on my phone. I'm 72 and managed it. I agree, the app isn't the best I've ever used but I have seen much worse. Hopefully now I have the app next year should be a lot less of a problem.
  12. To answer some of the comments on here, there was 20 tons of new shale laid on the track and it will take a while to settle. at a recent grasstrack meeting they had two ambulances in attendance and thet cost £3,600!! That's a massive outlay when you're working on tight margins, admittedly the delays are very frustrating but the non availability of NHS ambulances is making the situation worse, remember, two meetings have been abandoned already this season because of the 6-8 hour delay in getting a county ambulance.
  13. It's not a joke, I noticed it at press & practice, the lights are fixed to the uprights so you can't rotate them.
  14. erniew

    Cardiff 2022

    Regarding the E-tickets, does anyone know if eack person has to have a copy on their own phone or can one person hold all the tickets? I booked the tickets for 5 of us and i have the app. so I will get the notification when they are issued. Do I then have to send each person their ticket? seems very convoluted if I do as we're all going to Cardiff together.

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