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Everything posted by wealdstone

  1. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Why are all these nasty people being so beastly to poor little Darcy, when I am sure all he did was take some medicine for his poor little sore throat.
  2. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    See Poole and Ward seeking to abrogate responsibility by claiming test improperly carried out.
  3. wealdstone

    Witches V Panthers Thus Sept 4th Plextra

    The fact that no mention of this fixture appears on any Panthers forums is indicative of the level of interest by supporters and management. Fire brigade action required urgently please please come back RF but this time pick your fellow management with more care.
  4. Well done Rebels . Panthers hang your heads in shame.
  5. wealdstone

    World Champions That Never Were

    Brian Crutcher
  6. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    So Ward gets his comeuppance at last. Fortunately the ban comes direct from FIM. I have no doubt that had it come from a lesser body Poole and Ford would have pulled some stunt to nullify it.
  7. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    The most likely scenario is that they are looking for a way out. Understand that if banned Ward has threatened to scream and scream untill he is sick.
  8. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    In the long term it will do Ward good if he is taught a salatory lesson whilst there is still time.
  9. None so blind as those that will not see.!!!
  10. wealdstone

    Peterborough Panthers 2014

    I would be very pleased for a return of RF and Elite League. A major change in the rest of management would also be required. One of the few things RF did right in selection of his management was Ryan Sullivan and that is no longer an option.
  11. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    It does no follow that the fact that Darcy Ward is without doubt a great rider and entertainer that he can be allowed to flout the rules and the norms of reasonable behaviour with impunity.
  12. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Does anybody seriously believe that Darcy would have spent less time at the Bar even if he did not have this sad family news?.
  13. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Hardly a relevant comparisom
  14. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Yes It seems to that this is another one he will slide out of. Await with interest his next transgression and the "mitigating" circumstances for its reason.
  15. wealdstone

    The Future Of The Elite League

    One has to speculate whether the perceived serial rule bending by the likes of Poole is a major contributing factor in the continuing demise of Speedway.
  16. wealdstone

    Poole Vs Leicester 20/08/2014

    Suspect Ward will get a rapturous reception for Poole fans tonight.
  17. wealdstone

    Pirates 2014

    Is didn't hydrate a euphemism for still stocious.?
  18. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    I read somewhere today that Ward whilst sorry does not see why he should either be fined or banned. If true it shows a complete denial of any responsibility or culpability for his actions.
  19. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Despite protestations by Star Fever few if any are anti Ward. What they see however is a rider of immense talent who makes mistake after mistake seemingly with impunity , who cannot or will not see the error of his ways. The time has come for him to pay the price at last. By all means give him help if necessary but with his past record one wonders if he will be willing to accept it.
  20. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    So all these dastardly Ward haters spiked his Lemonade to get him banned!!!!
  21. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Yes it beggars belief does it not, that anybody can hold that view.
  22. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    No rejoicing but its about time he started acting in a responsible manner. Best thing he can do is accept whatever punishment he gets, don't make excuses and resolve to start afresh.
  23. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Yes he is a poor little misunderstood chap, give him a hug and a spoonfull of sugar and it will all go away. Nasty FIM making the poor little boy have a breath test. Ah didums!!!
  24. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    As far as we understand this incident arose following some upsetting family news. Not sure what that news was but most I am sure would have some sympathy. That being the case the sensible thing would have been to withdraw from the meeting as he was not in the right frame of mind. After that he could have spent all night and the rest of next day in the bar with impunity is so desired. .Darcy despite other incidents in recent past shows no sign of learning from his mistakes or any sign of maturity. I fear that arguably the greatest natural talent for a long long time will throw away what should have been a glittering career.
  25. wealdstone

    Darcy Ward

    Seems to me he has had so much slack that the string has now broken.

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