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Robbo 403

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  1. Robbo 403


    Thanks to everyone who has taken time to object,anyone who has not now is the time.Always surprises me how few riders and officials object as they would be the main beneficiaries of a saved stadium.
  2. Robbo 403

    NDL Future

    A return to the old 13 heat formula would save a promoter enough money to run a team similar to the old Anglia junior league.Heat 15 alone must cost an unnecessary fortune with four of the highest paid riders having an extra race,often with no effect on the final outcome.Always more money to the star men and a greater gap between their income and the lower members of the team.
  3. Robbo 403

    Mildenhall 2023

    It was stated in the programme on Sunday attendances of 450 are hoped for,I was wondering if the attendance was at that level.
  4. Robbo 403

    NL Fantasy Team 2023

    1.Connor Coles,8.80 Berwick 2 L.Comlpin,7.27 Mildenhall. 3.A.Pijper,6.90 Workington. 4.A.Roynon,6.00 Edinburgh. 5.A.Boughen,4.95 Leicester. 6.L.Killen,3.00 Oxford. R7.L.Harrison,3.00 Workington. Total Ave.39.94 only.
  5. Robbo 403

    Rye House 2020

    Just seen a stadium announcement that motorcycle sport is finished at Rye House.
  6. Robbo 403


    And you being teatotal Rob.
  7. Robbo 403

    NL Fantasy Team (for fun!)

    1/ Clegg. C/H 8.63 2/Flint B/vue 8.55 3/ Edwards Mild. 6.73 4/ Priest Stoke 4.99 5/Shepard Ply.3.00 6/Ablitt Kent 2.00 7/ Thomson D. Lei. 2.00 Total 35.90
  8. As you will notice I am not usually one to comment on this forum but in this instance I feel I must defend Rye House.In the current setup they purely rent their track and stadium to Lakeside.All track preparation and running is by Lakesides promotion so any blame for a poor product should be directed at them,as far as I am aware their were only two members of Rye House track staff assisting to run this meeting and they both done it for the good of the sport ( unpaid). I was informed prior to the meeting a 10.30 curfew was in place,so we were lucky to achieve the result as it was nearer 10.45 when the result was declared.Personally I am happy to witness any racing at Rye House but feel the Lakeside promotion need to improve their public relations or they will be running in an empty stadium.
  9. Robbo 403

    What’s in a name ??

    The important difference crowd wise will be the race night is not midweek.
  10. A very merry Christmas to you also,hope you are well.
  11. Robbo 403

    Rye V Swindon 5/08/17

    Here comes the rain.
  12. Robbo 403

    Nl Fantasy Side (for Fun)

    Newley 8.65 Aryes 8.56 JPB 6.97 Hunter 4.00 Brennan 3.00 Jenkins 3.00 Buckley 3.00 Total 37.18

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