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    Birmingham Brummies

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  1. HGould

    Birmingham v Sheffield - 22nd July

    Edwards is a joy to watch on a bike for an old timer like me coming from the upright 2 and 4 valve days. He looks so comfortable on the bike, moves around a lot less than the modern trend but never seems flapped or out of control. Going to Sheffield has probably been ideal for him to let the bike run in the corners and ride in deeper into the bend, having been bought up on the more technical tracks. Steadily improving and fair play to him. Hopefully he can find a PL spot when his Rising Star period ends. Off the bike he seems universally popular and a very good and interesting communicator. Fair play to the lad.
  2. I suspect the truth is that VJF was fit enough to continue. I suspect the problem was that having wrecked 2 bikes that when the other 6 Pirates were asked to lend him one the universal answer was Erm... "no" Not without a signed damage waiver at the very least. The kid is very fast but very wild. No one wants to see him (or anyone) hurt but he really does need a wise head in his ear to calm him down.. Poole couldn't risk the spectacle of 3 riders and only 1 Pirate because no one would risk their machinery.
  3. HGould

    Plymouth Gladiators 2024

    Start of the main English Schools 6 weeks holiday - what do you expect... Rain and more Rain! The M5 will be a grid locked Car Park all day anyway, so saved anyone travelling down from Midlands a journey from hell!
  4. I find it very hard to make any negative comment about Nigel Tolley as a man and benefactor of the Club I've got no inside knowledge of how much money he has put in, but adding the dots, it would not be a surprise if it was north of £400k. So to those who moan and whinge I'd ask, would you put £400k in ??, if you had it. Now there are the analogies of "only fools parting with money" and the usual suspects will attack him for that, but without him the Club would have died when David and Peter Mason left, and why did they leave, hey ho....losing too much money. Other Clubs have similarly suffered and other people have lost money trying to save Speedway Clubs. If there is one criticism of Nigel it is that he is not great at PR and hasn't got the right people around him. That's partially valid in terms of his PR skills in my opinion but in terms of having "the right people around him" , whilst he hasn't chosen well, or inherited well, the biggest problem lies with the BSPL who insist that (the ever dwindling list) of failures and hangers on, aka "Promoters" who have and continue to make a living out of Speedway, have to be maintained as the are "experienced admistrators". I know everyone will again scapegoat Laurence, I won't ever attack his hard work and dedication to the cause and again, without him and the fact that he sought out and found Nigel when the Club was literally bordering on extinction, but i'm sure he and Nigel will be looking back and considering what went wrong. The Site Owners decision to leave the Club with only a "Monday option" can't also be forgotten, that forced the hand to go up to the PL, that creates massive extra cost and despite some TV money it was never going to bridge the gap. Trying to pay more out than comes in is atypical of the vast majority of UK Speedway Clubs and how many are actually self sufficient, Poole / Ipswich / Sheffield at a push......others are reliant on individuals like Glasgow and Oxford, others may be on Sponsorship like Leicester, but the whole model is utterly BROKEN. Shocking too the hear Mark Lemons comments about Belle Vue and the future of the NSS being reliant on bigger Crowds for Major Events. Is there a Plan B- is there a realistic option. May be look at IOW and Barry Bishop, he's created and found a niche that works for him, full credit to him, but would that model work at PL + CL clubs who have to pay massive rental costs?. Look at last weekend as the perfect example of the malaise in relation to the past. NOT ONE Saturday Fixture / Sunday Fixture other than NDL as the one scheduled Fixture was cancelled because a rider went on holiday and very few others can make weekends pay, as all the best riders that draw the crowds are filling their pockets in Europe. I sadly cannot see a sustainable future for Birmingham Speedway if the only option is Monday night in the PL. Too many counter attractions in terms of Sport and Entertainment, millions still seeing mortgages and rents rising ; and in reality, how can you budget to break even on a hard core of 500 people ??... I thank Nigel and Laurence for their efforts and hard work, I thank Sam for his days as a rider, he certainly ain't a team manager but more than anything for those, especially the likes of Brian Buck, Joe McLaughlin etc who have put their lives and souls in to trying to save the Club and to reenergise it not that long ago, I feel desperately sad that we seem to have arrived at the end of a cul-de-sac that on this occasion, there is no way out of.
  5. The missing one who booked his holibibs.. Go figure...
  6. HGould

    Workington 2024

    Dear All "Wish we weren't here" "Very wet holiday" CV
  7. HGould

    Workington 2024

    Looks to me like Richie Worrall has been saving a sample up for another piss test to prove he's innocent...
  8. It would have been far simpler on Tuesday after England won to have put out a simple message. Workington Speedway are mindful in these difficult economic times for our Sport that to directly compete with England v Switzerland in the European Football Championships would be financial suicide. We will therefore seek to rearrange the Fixture for a more economically beneficial date, and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
  9. HGould

    Poole 2024

    Hearing Eddie Kennett has signed a 28 day deal. Poole got his average reduced by 75%, as he's only done 1 lap in 3 years
  10. HGould

    Poole 2024

    Don't worry he won't miss any League matches. He will ride for decent points money in the League but individuals on BSPL Staged meeting rates not his favourite.
  11. HGould

    Berwick 2024

    I've never been a big Rory fan but this is sad news. I'd imagine that having retired once and come back, this may be career ending definitely season ending. With the exception of possibly R Worrall there would be very few replacements available, a fact that is overlooked in my opinion. It's all very well to hope for new clubs or returning clubs but where are the riders at heat leader level especially but also second string and credible reserves to staff them. Further reduction of second tier points limit or advent of six man teams would appear to be the only logical solution.
  12. With all due respect Sonny Springer and Vinnie Foord have nowhere near the Youth pedigree of Max. Springer is too young anyway, Foord is very fast but still very wild. They are more for 2026 at earliest I'd say. Let's not forget the terrible crash that Max had last Autumn. He deserves patience and respect.
  13. HGould

    Brummies 2024...

    Brennan is the shining light of the season for me. He's gone up a notch from the Kemps, Flints etc, He's out scoring the likes of Worrall, Lawson, Wright, and other established British riders in the PL He's not in the Bewdley, Lambert level yet, no where near, but he's got to target the scoring prowess of Bomber and Scott by season end PL season and then consolidate at that level.
  14. HGould

    Brummies 2024...

    We'll wait for the.. Andy Street (former Mayor) promised me he'd sort it as he's a Speedway fan" Excuse...
  15. Left field suggestion Jan Kvech Untried in UK but very solid year on year progress through age groups and in Poland Not sure if he'd come in on a 6 point average? Might allow wriggle room lower down.

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