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Technik last won the day on April 24

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  1. It was an entertaining meeting with some excellent racing. On the whole Berwick riders made good starts but rode very wide in turn 2 allowing the Oxford riders a chance to work up to turn 3. There were some slick passes with Heeps & Jenkins proving their worth. Berwick pushed hard but in the main couldn't take enough heat advantages. I was pleased to see a meeting start prompt at 7:30 & even with the very real threat of rain an interval was taken & fully completed at 9:00 PM. There was a good supply of dust but given the forecast I can accept that. The tractors stayed off the track which shows they are not always needed when the race track is good.
  2. Belle Vue & the BSPA will have lost a fortune. This event just sucks money at the best of times, But to put it on against Euro24 was never going to work. The Polish TV company have far to many staff that need to be paid & their costs met. I'd say on the first night there were 800 paying public in the stadium & about 100 discovery sports staff.
  3. Technik

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Maybe a come back for Petri KoKKo is on the cards
  4. Technik

    Stars v Lions 1st July

    Buster Hater or not, Questions have to be asked. We've just had the first week this year without rain & there's a bloke in the car park that says there has not been any rain. Just how is the track waterlogged? Lynn may have a weaker team than they desire but this is getting very silly now
  5. I 100% would. I would also believe that Belle Vue helped finance the riders travel from Australia & his set up in the UK. I of course have no proof of this, But with Mr Lemons involvement in the Australian production system I can't discount it.
  6. Celina is by far & away the most talented female rider we currently have in speedway & I agree this is an easy win for her but it's not just about her or the event. These females all had a chance to be coached by some of the worlds best as well as competing against other females. Paddy Erhart is possibly the nearest female challenger to Celina at this point. we can only hope that the group will expand as this event moves forward.
  7. Technik

    'They Retired Too Soon'

    Another American Josh Larsen. He was in the UK for a couple of seasons & I felt he was making good progress then he was gone
  8. Yes I agree he is a former Russian national by birth that is beyond doubt. The point I made is that his adopted Polish nation was made prior to the conflict & he represented Poland in that time. The suspension of Russian riders was made after the conflict started & it was at this time that other Russians moved to Poland where they have since taken Polish national status.
  9. The last NDL fixture at Oxford teams were slammed for using older riders (Hutt/Mudgeway) & now todays teams are using unattached youngsters or guests to fill the gaps rather than R/R giving young British riders a chance to race
  10. He became a Polish National prior to the conflict so at the time was not Russian.
  11. I think you may need to revise your views. The FIM suspended the Russian riders from all events that much is correct. Laguta as Sayfutinov took off to Poland & both now hold Polish passports & race on Polish licences. No former Russians have been used in the Polish National teams or the Polish Championship. Your arguement should be with the PZM & not the FIM
  12. Nick Barber is the biggest daeler in speedway badges or go on ebay
  13. Technik

    SGP 2

    Doe's anyone have a result. I have been working & can't find the result anywhere
  14. Technik

    SGP 2

    It suprises me that some of these riders have the same number as SGP riders that are still operating. Przyjemski using 505 is Lamberts number Nagel 108 Woffinden. What would happen if they were to qualify for the SGP whilst the original riders were still in
  15. Technik

    SGP 2

    I would think Villads Nagel (Den) could have a strong case, He missed a qualification after run off but he defeated 2 of the riders that were in the top 4 through the heats. Slater Lightcap (US) is another that scored well but just fell short & it would be another flag on parade which always makes the FIM happy. The third spot is a little harder Bedner (CZ) would be another flag but his scores were disappointing. Blordon (Ger) or Rew (Aus) would also be in the mix.

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