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Everything posted by Ryan555

  1. First of all shame about Zaine and hope he recovers well. Secondly that leaves us very tight in terms of replacement the only I could see looking at the averages is could Kasper Anderson be convinced to do the UK again I know he said he wasn’t wanting to do it at the end of last year
  2. Seems to be putting in strong performances over in Aus
  3. Yeah my team (Scunthorpe United) are now in the conference and it’s £21 so when you compare it to that it’s proportional
  4. I understand that Mountain has had a good few seasons and do feel he deserves a place somewhere in the prem however I think people are forgetting Jake Allen’s quality. Not long ago he was averaging around 8 in the championship and after a tough last year still averages 6.30 and considering his prem average has been above 5 for a few years to catch him on a 4 points average could well be a steal
  5. No because of the 2.5% team building reductions for British riders so Lambo and Mountain
  6. Bit of a random one I know but do British riders in the Premiership get the 2.5 percent reduction or is it just championship?
  7. Just what I thought seems to be near the sharp end over in Aus
  8. What points limit are you building to ?!
  9. I’d be inclined to agree and I’d be happy if that was the team to be honest
  10. This side that was followed on the new Instagram is just over 40 points and if you swap Thompson for Roynon it’s just under 40 points so there’s every chance the other 6 are 2023 Scorpions
  11. Yeah I agree with everything you say he gets hard time for no real reason he averaged 4 points away this season and 6.24 at home which is a fairly normal difference between home and away averages I would say
  12. I did just presume it was Joe to be honest no insider knowledge sadly !!
  13. If he gets going at the EWR I see no reason why he can’t put at least a point on the 3.00 average he’s currently on
  14. Definitely agree on Connor mountain being a good addition however not convinced on the Thompsons around the EWR but time will tell? Wonder who else it could be ?
  15. Yeah but doesn’t it go off their most recent average achieved which would be this years Premiership converted ?
  16. I thought the same however with his prem average being 6.35x1.6 it means his average would be 10.16 if I’ve worked it out right ? Please don’t shoot me down in flames if I’m wrong !
  17. Considering neither of the Thompsons go particularly well around Scunny I’m not sure about this team
  18. Not sure if he is going to continue riding however he would be on a 6.59 average with a reduction if my calculations are correct and would be worth a consideration
  19. According to kings Lynn he was out for an aggravated shoulder injury
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