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Everything posted by BackInTheDHSS

  1. One of the most ignorant responses I've ever read. There's a bit difference between entertaining, and existing just to entertain. You understand the difference, right?
  2. I find your lack of concern for rider welfare vile. Do they just exist to entertain you? I find that attitude abhorrent.
  3. If you can't tell the difference between Jason Garrad riding around and falling off on his own, and Vinnie Foord riding around and dangerously taking off an opposing rider(s) because he doesn't have the skill to control his speed - then I'm not sure your opinion is worth listening to. Sorry.
  4. True, but no harm in remembering some of those that we've seen and sadly miss. The sheer size of that list is shocking by the way.
  5. I've already answered that question. And a lot of people seem fixated on just the two crashes at Poole... what about all the other wrecked air fences from other meetings?
  6. It's not strange, and I didn't say that anyway. However, some non-riders (most Poole fans, it seems) don't recognise the danger, and just enjoy the 'entertainment'. It's not rocket science.
  7. I bet his thoughts change once he has shared the track with him - although, as I’ve said before, hopefully he’s turned a corner now. And remind me, your experience of sharing a race track with dangerous riders is what exactly? Getting hit by shale from the terraces doesn’t count. I’ve had personal experience of it, so apologies if 1) it bothers me a little more than you, and 2) I don’t take what you think seriously.
  8. See @LisaColette, non-Poole fans can admit when they're wrong. If it was the other way around, you'd be trying to argue the passing of time is different on the south coast.
  9. I didn't stop going after him. I made my point about how dangerous he is, and there isn't anything else to say. He rode far more sensibly at Oxford, which I stated so at the time, so hopefully he's listening to some sage advice. Many others agreed he's too dangerous (and many others didn't), hence the eight pages on the thread. So far you've just buried your head in the sand about his riding style and offered nothing constructive - which I'm guessing is because you're a Poole fan.
  10. The ability of some Poole fans to not accept when they've said something stupid baffles me. They will argue it to the ends of the earth. I know a lot of them are usually on the wind up, but I think this one was serious!
  11. Being from Paisley, you're probably more acclimatised to danger than us soft people from Oxford.
  12. Most people in any walk of life will try and get as much cash regardless.
  13. I know, but that’s not what you said. ‘Waiving’ means to refrain from using! The ‘i’ completely changed the context of what you were trying to say. English is important.
  14. ‘Waives a big white flag’ means exactly the opposite of what you were trying to say! 😛
  15. Sorry, by main body of the team I meant not a rising star. Poor choice of words.
  16. Let’s see if his ‘not planning a return’ philosophy holds up if he gets a call and is offered a full season in the UK. I can understand him not wanting to do it if he gets a call mid-season, but it would be hard to say no if he’s in from the start.
  17. Let’s get Dillion Ruml back. He was superb in 2022.
  18. Completely incorrect. 1) Ipswich wasn't Jordan's first choice. 2) In the end Jordan didn't have an option NOT to be a rising star. If he was picked - as he was - he had to be in the scheme.
  19. Nicholls will surely be back. Peter Schroeck has already said Scott has a job for life at Oxford as long as he wants it, and I haven't heard any murmurings of a retirement on the horizon. Yes he crashed last night (and hope he's okay), but he's otherwise still thoroughly enjoying it as far as I know.
  20. Having spoken to Jordan, he didn't think he would be on the rising star scheme again. Therefore his first choice was Oxford, and to be in the main body of the team. But as soon as he knew he would be on the rising star list again - and knowing Oxford wanted to protect Killeen - his focus was definitely on Ipswich. So just goes to show that Birmingham didn't really have a chance of getting him - or Flint - for that matter.
  21. Agreed. Poole provide the blueprint of how to run a successful Championship team. Not just the on track performances, but off track as well. It's an exceptionally well run club and they deserve the success. The club just suffers from the fact their fans aren't particularly likeable (or at least some forum members aren't - some, not all - you know who you are) and that tarnishes the club's reputation slightly. But that's not Poole's fault.
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