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Everything posted by richtea

  1. All good publicity but I dont think Tai comes over very well and to be frank he looks a mess with all those tattoos and his ear things.
  2. If he isnt claiming benefits why cant he stay in the UK? Hes contributing to the economy if he lives here so does it matter?
  3. richtea

    Eastbourne 2014

    Haha. I could tolerate Hans but no way to Batch
  4. richtea

    Gp In Auckland 2012

    Personally I detest airhorns so would be tempted by a meeting that didnt have them. The speedway equivalent of the vuvuzelas
  5. richtea

    Kennett Suspended!

    It raises a question over everyone in the sport and is very damaging to reputations. Now any rider who did well this season has doubts placed over him! I dont believe for a second that Ed was the only one doing this
  6. richtea

    Kennett Suspended!

    I think it was used because the checks done by the MEs at the track could be fooled by the modifications that people were suggesting were done, it was only through a much more detailed check that the modifications could be detected?
  7. richtea

    Lewis Bridger

    Or lets start threads for all the riders slagging him off, Im starting one for Hans right now, or wait, I dont actually give a *****.
  8. This is what you want http://www.youtube.com/t/copyright_notice
  9. You respect people enough to post what they tell you, presumably not intended to be circulated, but out of respect for them you wont drop them in it? Surely if you respected them you wouldnt post in the first place? There are a lot of people around who know things but they dont say them because it would be rude. Theres also a lot of people who pretend to know things and dont
  10. So when does Matt Frod take legal action to get it moved back?
  11. richtea


    There are fans who only follow the star riders though, theres a family of Eastbourne "fans" who stand near me who only come to meetings when they like the riders who are appearing. Horrible chav family so Im quite glad of this
  12. richtea


    Not if the said business is making less profit than the cost of running the team!
  13. richtea


    The thing that annoys me most about the elite league is the lack of variety. I can see the attraction of the premier league for that reason but I agree that it is a lower standard and that means the elite league remains the preferred option. I don't know how though that it is possible to bring more variety to the el without watering down the product.
  14. richtea


    Maybe there is a difference between making money and acceptable losses? If I have a hobby and it takes up 20% of my disposable income and then it starts to take up 50% im going to think about why that hobby is costing so much more. If I can make it cost less then why wouldnt I? Doesnt mean I want to make money at it but there is an acceptable cost and an unacceptable cost. Surely you can see the difference?
  15. I was expecting better of you - your basically saying that it happens so nothing to worry about it. It happens that BSI have control over the GP circus and they pick the riders who get through
  16. Have you taken Polish nationality as well now? Try and show a little support for the British please As to East and integrity - I hope you dont mean Poland or maybe Povazhny, Smith and Holta really are all Polish Poland is just as corrupt as the UK
  17. richtea


    I was at the meeting in Lezno and the banner certainly wound some of the fans up - somehow the home fans managed to get hold of it and tried to torch it Was a brilliant atmosphere but wouldnt have fancied being in the cage with the away fans. I would suspect that this match was fairly tame compared to some matches judging by the patched up damage in parts of the stadium. Something certainly gave me the impression that the Lezno fans didnt like Rune Holta and Ive never seen such an insencere or forced handshake as that between Holta and the Kazparzaks. One thing that did surprise me was the poor turn out of Poles at the WTC - it was a big dissapointment. The team were awesome just a shame there werent that many fans there to support them. Possibly because the prices were too high or maybe in Poland its that the teams are more important than the country?
  18. richtea

    Leigh Adams Testimonial

    Cant believe Rune Holta didnt ride
  19. I was only mucking about - now Olly rides for us I see the incident in a completly different light. Martin Dugard never did anything wrong and neither has Floppy - they are both up for sainthoods
  20. They barely touched him no wonder the Lezno fans were so annoyed about it. Olly Allen did far worse to Steen Jensen last year and Ive seen worse lots of times.
  21. Rubbish - its not racing at all. If Trick had put the hammer down and passed him that would have been racing - instead he tried to elbow him out of the way. Mind you as a Poole fan you probably wouldnt recognise a racing incident if you saw one as you dont get much racing down your way
  22. richtea

    World Cup Round 2

    She is Scottish - they never like seeing Great Britain win I didnt like the Aussie Kevlars but the Poles did look very smart
  23. richtea

    How Long

    After his performance tonight a bit of flaggelation will probably be dished out by the rest of the Polish team
  24. richtea

    Heat 25

    SCB - you said to stop Poland winning the meeting - they wouldnt have won the meeting if Adams hadnt stopped them. However I never win my arguments with you so Ill let you off your small mistake

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