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False dawn

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False dawn last won the day on January 7 2020

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2,353 Excellent

About False dawn

  • Birthday March 8

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    An utterly insignificant blue/green planet, orbiting a small, unregarded sun
  • Interests
    Speedway obviously.
    Sidecar Racing.
  • Team
    Leicester (temporarily until the Bees return)

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  1. Kelvin was just talking about the tractor doing a grading session and then he said we can look at the drone. For one horrible moment I thought we were going to get aerial pictures of the tractors
  2. False dawn

    Poole 2024

    Perhaps we could get Glasgow to rejoin the party
  3. False dawn

    Track Records

    Before I start, I should declare that I am a long standing nerd who feels sometimes like the only person who really cares about race times and track records. I know this isn't really true but you know what I mean. On the subject of Sheffield's track record, I have often thought that it was appropriate that Ricky Ashworth would probably remain as the named track record in Sheffield's race programmes forever. I wasn't aware that Jack had posted a new TR (and neither do Sheffield, apparently, as Ricky is still named as the TR holder on their website). But the discrepancy between the new official time of 58.92 and the 62.19 high edge says he has timed "by hand" from the video, is not a small amount. Can the video replay speed be a factor? I really hope that it's not a function of using transponders.
  4. False dawn

    Ipswich v Sheffield Monday 10th June

    You think you're old.... 1, 2, 3, 4 let us hear the Brandon roar, B E E S, Bees
  5. I think there's plenty of folks on here (and lots of recent youtube clips) that would disagree with that analysis. But each to his own. Live and let live, eh?
  6. False dawn

    Poole 2024

    Have Sam and Tom signed for Ipswich then?
  7. I don't think he spells his name with a "G" Oh, you mean the money, sorry
  8. You're always interesting Norbold. That's why we buy your books. Unfortunately the nickname "Interesting" was taken years ago by a certain snooker player. How about "Sage"? Will that do for you?
  9. You know, you raise an interesting thought. In my mind anyway. I love the BV track and enjoy my 3 or 4 visits a year there immensely. But who decided it was OUR "National" stadium. I guess I always assumed that it was a title dreamt up by the BV management when it was built, making it no more "National" than any other stadium. But they can call it what they like. I don't think we have a better venue/racing strip on which to hold the British Final.
  10. False dawn

    SGP 2

    I wish all my desires came true in just 2 days
  11. I'd be amazed if Bomber let anyone win, anywhere, any day of the week. And especially as it was very apparent that he felt cheated of a (final?) Cardiff appearance after the British Final rain off 2 years ago. And the fans clearly wanted to see him at Cardiff again, as he received the biggest cheer before the start when he was paraded as one the previous winners.
  12. False dawn

    Brummies 2024...

    I agree that Leon is proving to be a bit of a disappointment this year. I hope it's a temporary dip in form and that he will resume his upward development in due course. I don't like making comparisons but in this case I will. Dan Thompson has been making steady progress for several seasons. He has clearly found a happy home at Ipswich and has made the next step. It is obvious (to me anyway) that any youngster entering the Rising Star system is going to find himself in a very daunting environment. They are going to need constant help with set ups, riding technique and ongoing help to maintain their confidence. This ain't a case of putting a lad (or lass) in the number 7 position in a top flight team and assuming just because they are there, that they'll make progress. Without constant mentoring they are likely to go backwards (metaphorically speaking).
  13. False dawn

    Glasgow Tigers 2024

    I bought the stream on BSN. It was a very long way to go to see it live. It's a shame because the empty stands on the stream were very obvious and a bit disappointing. My main reason for saying that is the effect it would have had on the competitors. Oh well. Despite the above, I thought this was an excellent meeting. Real commitment from the riders and a few surprises along the way. I have been to Glasgow a few times and I have to say that they have built an impressive set up and the racing is very entertaining. Well done. And a special mention to Sam Hagon. His transfer to Leicester is obviously paying off
  14. False dawn


    It seems I agree with you, eh?
  15. False dawn


    Granted, for the most part. But the win at home, get the aggregate point away, is not looking like a solid plan already. We've lost 2 home leagues meetings.

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