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IainB last won the day on January 15

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About IainB

  • Birthday 06/14/1971

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    Keyboard Warrior
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    Leicester Lions

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  1. Kvech came mid season also and sometimes decent riders get binned off when a double change is made, didn't that happen to Chris Harris at Leicester the season before last? Having said that it's not really the way to go about team building and Brum seemed more than reluctant to make any team changes last season with Pisspoor Pawlicki almost completing the season.
  2. Riders sometimes look to increase their bike time once the season has started especially if they've had a crap start or been binned off by another club, so the rider market may open up a bit
  3. They seem to draw the line at Eurosport though 😂 I think the Elite League was sponsored by SkyBet for a time during the Sky years wasn't it?
  4. Speedway has dabbled with betting companies in the past and nothing has ever really come from it, which is a shame as it looks to be a huge untapped cash cow 🐄 for the sport and are effectively the modern day equivalent to tobacco companies, you only have to look at most other sports who have obscure betting companies plastered all over their clothing etc. Victor Chandler used to sponsor Coventry, I'm pretty sure there was some on course betting at a few tracks back in the noughties and Bet365 showed meetings (similar to dog meetings) for a while. Not sure why it didn't work as you'd think it would be a humane alternative to the doggies 🐕 Good for Oxford though 🎰
  5. If (When) he falls off... will he have dropped his gusts (close enough 😁)
  6. He's been a bit injury prone in recent seasons hasn't he?
  7. You've certainly been tested in recent years as have Brummie fans
  8. Assuming the word fan is shorthand for fanatic... I would suggest it does. You're probably more of a follower of Speedway or an occasional attendee than a "fan"
  9. Is that really any way to build loyalty with the fans though? Especially if it's being reported elsewhere. Silence will probably be the order of the day.
  10. Birmingham do have form for this... Adam Ellis
  11. Let's hope Brum don't sign Artem Laguta or the forum could go into meltdown 🤣
  12. A decent enough signing, only ever really done 2 seasons over here and never really kicked on and reached the heights that I thought he would, a solid 6 and a half pointer (hopefully). I would suspect that if he's challenging for the No 1 spot Brummies will have had another disaster of a season! Didn't we used to have a "MJJRacingFan" on these forums? Hopefully they'll return 😂
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