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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. Silver Fox

    Kenny Carter Racing Jacket

    After Kennys death i along with alot of people went to an auction in Halifax where alot of Kennys stuff was sold. I bought a KC racing jacket. I think it was Kennys own it has Kenny Carter embroided on the front.Did you own one? Have you got any photos with KC wearing one. Id love to hear from anyone who can help
  2. Silver Fox

    Kenny Carter Racing Jacket

    Thanks really appreciate that.
  3. Silver Fox

    Riders From New Zealand In British League ?

    chris bailey belle vue halifax
  4. Silver Fox

    Josh Auty @ Coventry

    Sean Wilson is his mentor. Couldnt be further from the truth. At the under 15 round at owlerton last year Sean was helping and adviseing Shane Waldron.
  5. Has anyone got the under15s heat details
  6. Silver Fox

    Crashes and Smashes

    The most horrific crash i saw was at hyde road when both Mike Lohmann who had just joined Belle Vue from Halifax and Mick Mckeon (Halifax). Both riders suffered serious injuries. Lohmann was rushed off to hospital while Mckeon was taken to hospital in a cortina estate.
  7. Silver Fox

    That's another fine race you've gotten me in to.

    A legend indeed. Some of my favourites Lanningisms: "Poetry on Wheels" - Peter Collins "Heat Seeking Missile" - Kenny Carter "Applecart Merchant" - Egon Muller Sometimes, I didn't know what he was on about, but he always brought colour to every broadcast. Kenny Carter was being interviewed by Gary (Somebody) on World of Sport. The conversation went like this. Gary" I understand you have new baby Kenny what you going to call it." KC "Well Gary i was thinking of calling it after you." Gary "Really Thats nice he said smileing. Kc Thats right were calling him Wally
  8. Silver Fox

    Unforgettable Speedway Names

    one race at halifax featured Steve Finch Carl Blackbird Glen Parrot and Peter Raven (I think)
  9. Silver Fox

    Halifax Dukes

    Yes i remember Hennys 21 point maximum.In fact i have the leathers he wore in the meeting. I was a regular at the shay from 1967 until the ham brothers took over(1981ish . I used to help Dougie Adams (set up the pa play records) and have so many memories from the shay. Some fantastic racing and great charicters riders and referees and of course Dougie. I remember lots of incidents and the riders who took exception to a reffereeing decsion and climbed the dreaded ladder to vent there anger (Jimmy Mcmillan) for one. i remember Kenny Carter when he broke his jaw watching a meeting from the box he was the king. My personal favorite referee was John Rhodes. He was a big bloke with a personality to match. He once excluded Ole Olsen under the two minute rule when Ole tried to get some extra time for one of his team mates by siting on his bike outside the pit gates. On came the red lights on went the white and yellow and black exclustion lights. Olsen was quickly on the phone to protest he was ready to race and only waiting for his partner. John was haveing none of it the crowd where insensed pure theatre. The time when Kenny was rideing for England V Denmark and Erik Gundersun made the gate and pinned KC to the white line on bend 2 only for KC to take one hand off the handle bars and hit Erik on the shoulder that got him a good ticking off from John Whittaker. I could go on all night. Does anyone remember Mick Newtons bike setting alight at the tapes when Ivan Mauger was Lieing up for a second half race.Never seen Ivan leave in such a hurry. But i think Henny apart my personal duke was Mick Mckeon. That bloke had a heart has big has a lion. The crash at the Old Belle Vue when he and Mike Lohmann both recived very nasty injuries was the worst crash i ever saw. I remember Micks last meeting at the shay on completeing his race got a Halifax scarf from someone in the crowd and did a lap appaulding the fans. I was in tears. Great memories. So sad its lost forever.

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