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  1. magnus

    Workington 2024

    Yet another strong unelaborated statement from you. You never explained your last one regarding what financial help Workington received from the speedway authorities and how the chairman helped put the team together
  2. magnus

    Plymouth v worky

    Could you please expand upon what financial help you believe Workington received from the speedway authority's and how the speedway chairman helped putting the team together? Very interesting comment..
  3. Cookie only gave his own honest opinion which he is entitled to do. The difference is he's not hiding behind a keyboard like many others on here do..
  4. I suspect if the SCB are carrying out dope testing this early, they will have more presence at other tracks early on too. Only time will tell!!
  5. I would agree with them scores. If he went and scored a maximum, I'm sure the keyboard warriors would still be on here stating that it won't last etc. Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't
  6. From what I saw, a slightly off night for the Norfolk top end tonight against a strong Leicester top end, but its only early yet and with more track time I'm sure the Lynn reserves will only get better. Watch this space, if they all improve.
  7. magnus

    Workington 2024

    I think Celina is going to prove a few people wrong this season. Well done girl...
  8. magnus

    Workington 2024

    I see Workington's merchandise looks fantastic.
  9. magnus

    Workington 2024

    Surely there's insurance, medical costs, referees, tyres, travel, upkeep, and whole lot of etc costs to be considered, before you start talking about bums on seats to cover wages.
  10. magnus

    Workington 2024

    I'd just like to add that it is fantastic that the Comets are back in the Championship in 2024..
  11. magnus

    Workington 2024

    I cannot react either and also agree.
  12. magnus

    Workington 2024

    So I think your saying Celina is more dialled into that track and Drew Kemp has limited experience there? So with the same mindset, please bear in mind that Celina has limited experience in the UK. So in comparison come on guys, give her some time to get dialled in to the UK tracks, as I believe almost all the current 4 point riders in the Championship have all got UK track experience. Or have I interpreted this wrong?
  13. magnus

    Workington 2024

    Time will tell I suppose...
  14. magnus

    Workington 2024

    Jacob Hook is a good example of a rider of that average, having seen him race at various tracks this year, and you may well use him, but there ain't many riders about on that average and of that calibre I suppose. I still think your under estimating Celina having witnessed her racing at Redcar earlier on this year and by signing Celina, I think Workington Speedway have certainly pulled a master stroke.
  15. magnus

    Workington 2024

    Osshhh. Your entitled to your opinion, but sounds like a jealous team manager who's missed out on a bit of a coup.

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