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The Best World Champion Ever

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Who was the best ever World Champion and how do we measure or compare?.

Do we base it on titles won and if so it has to be Mauger or Rickardsson.

Or do we look at Finals competed, WC points scored or podiums.

I believe we should look at a World Champion's complete career, accepting that for some their careers were not that long...Craven for a tragic reason and Penhall for early retirement for example.


Based on World titles won, Finals competed, points scored, podium places, domestic and international competition, BLRC and British Finals etc., there is a clear winner for me.

Should anyone be in any doubt to whom I am referring. BLRC is the clue.


Should you wish to base the answer solely on WC victories then who was better?

6 wins...Mauger or Rikardsson

4 wins...Briggs or Nielsen

3 wins ...Pedersen, Gundersen or Olsen

2 wins...too many to mention.


If I have forgotten anybody my apologies.

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Mauger ((6)

briggs (4)

olsen (3)

Moore (2)

peter collins (1)


Best of all time, I'd agree its a kiwi, but go with a different one to you

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I would probably have to say Ivan Mauger, to answer the question as best, and as honestly, I can.


However, my favourite World Champion would definitely be 'Briggo'.

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Mauger made it all look too easy but Briggs was a battler. As good as Mauger was I never enjoyed watching him but Briggs was always a joy.

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Yes, Customhouseregular you have forgotten somebody. Ove Fundin won the world title five times! Your apologies are accepted.

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I would never forget the Fox...I saw him win his 5th. title. I did not include him as I was comparing like for like. As I did not have another 5-time winner I could link anyone up with Ove.

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@Customhouseregular but with your name I assume that your favourite ex-World Champion must be Björn Knutson as was mine. It's such a shame he retired so early as he would surely have gone on to win the title again and again. His name was always written with a double S but this was apparently incorrect.

Edited by Split
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I have to confess that, as time goes by and threads like this appear, I am reconsidering my previous lists

At the moment, I would probably go


1 Nielsen

2 Mauger

3 Fundin

4 Rickardsson

5 Penhall

6 Briggs

7 Gundersen

8 Craven

9 Lee

10 Knutsson


They are 10 I saw at their peak, so I cannot quite include Moore

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@Customhouseregular but with your name I assume that your favourite ex-World Champion must be Björn Knutson as was mine. It's such a shame he retired so early as he would surely have gone on to win the title again and again. His name was always written with a double S but this was apparently incorrect.

Bjorn was my favourite being an "Ammer" but he was not the best. As much as I loved him he was not "Briggo".

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CHR, do you remember the match race between Briggo and Bjorn at Custom House towards the end of the 1964 season? It was held to settle a difference of opinion as to the best way round the track. Bjorn always maintained it was the white line; Briggo, the outside. So they lined up with Bjorn in 1 and Briggo in 4. As the tapes went up they promptly crossed over and Bjorn rode the outside, while Briggo took the inside line. If memory serves me right, I believe Bjorn proved Briggo right by winning!

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Three titles for Greg Hancock and the fact he has ridden at the highest level for so long should not be overlooked!

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Think greg would be ranked by most behind riders like olsen craven moore who won same/lower number of titles, and also possibly others such as gundersen penhall and collins.


pedersen or hancock higher in the all time greatness stakes?

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CHR, do you remember the match race between Briggo and Bjorn at Custom House towards the end of the 1964 season? It was held to settle a difference of opinion as to the best way round the track. Bjorn always maintained it was the white line; Briggo, the outside. So they lined up with Bjorn in 1 and Briggo in 4. As the tapes went up they promptly crossed over and Bjorn rode the outside, while Briggo took the inside line. If memory serves me right, I believe Bjorn proved Briggo right by winning!

I'd love to say I remember it well but in truth the memory has faded.

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My greatest ever world champion would be Ove Fundin, then Jack Milne and 'Bluey' Wilkinson close behind the Swedish super star.

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This is a hard one but in my era I would have to say Mauger for his professionalism and made it look oh so easy and could ride any type of track. But my favorite I would have to say was Olsen from the early seventies he was breath taking at times and for such a tall guy he was so stylist.

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