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mikebv last won the day on November 30 2024

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About mikebv

  • Birthday 09/18/1967

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    stone roses, james, the smiths, morrissey, the pogues
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  • Profession
    Supermarket Manager

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  • Interests
    man united, speedway, cycle speedway,
  • Team
    belle vue

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  1. Very true... Private Eye may be a better call though... They know how to say everything without saying anything...😀 They love a good council/developer story...
  2. You could easily do a 3 match Test Series against the Aussies before Poland starts . Glasgow, The NSS and Poole (or Ipswich), would guarantee very decent crowds.. And start the domestic season off with a bit of publicity off the back of it .
  3. Only "In the interests of Speedway" though obviously...😁
  4. Hated, Adored, But Never Ignored..... Just like Poole...
  5. If Speedway is on TNT, and you need to subscribe, cancel Sky, telling them why... (Watching the Speedway, can't afford both).. You will get offered the sports package by Sky for less than £20 a month.. "If" Speedway is being shown obviously...
  6. I wonder if when the TNT execs heard that they also had speedway, they said... "Speedway? Is that still going?" 😀 Just like, it seems, about half the UK population...
  7. Kabaddi....😀. With Bomber guesting for the Punjab Panthers .
  8. But who is now going to take on the mantle of just switching programme channels at the drop of a hat, completely screwing up your recording of it? Or joining a meeting 3 heats in because the tennis over ran? Or even not showing the speedway meeting at all live but putting it on later, (when the Kabaddi has finished)... Add to this who are now going to consistently show the wrong captions for riders, teams, tac subs, scores, rising stars etc? Big shoes to fill...
  9. I am always impressed that both the teams get to the final each year...
  10. He would definitely get me and my lad there... The six rider final with Doyle in it is great....
  11. BV at the dog bowl used to have a betting hut... Lasted a couple of years but never really took off...
  12. They were closer last year to the limit simply through made up averages for their top two... The reality was somewhat different.. This team looks stronger, and has more potential to improve... Sixth for me, depending on whether Oxford can pull a rabbit out of the hat.. There is probably one team too many in the top league for all to be competitive given the lack of interest from those one and two tier riders who are not interested in riding over here.. And the second division fans bemoan their lack of meetings.. A shame a compromise couldn't be achieved for Birmingham to ride on Monday in the second division, especially as it wouldn't be too difficult to work around so few fixture clashes... Or maybe Oxford just ran in the second division for a season to see how Birmingham unfolds track wise? Six teams would have delivered a very competitive league with decent riders on standby for injuries...
  13. The issue will be the EAN (barcode number), not being loaded into their POS system.. The buyer usually sorts this by setting up the EAN, and price, on the central pricing system that each major retailer uses... If a barcode number changes then the change can sometimes get missed by the retailer... The retailer should flag up any "not on File" products (those that won't scan), to their central control teams to sort...
  14. Get hold of Private Eye and let them loose on the story..... They love council decision making, and highlight plenty of "questions" around why decisions got made, after initially a completely different decision was announced.. Rotten Borough's is the title .
  15. Had to wait till dinner break to get access to their phone.....😀
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