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Everything posted by Skidder1

  1. Bomber's had some cracking races at Wimborne Road, both for and against the Pirates - all of them available via TV, You tube or stream.
  2. So unless there is a last minute change, it looks like its the same referee, Dave Watters, as at Glasgow last evening!!! Lets hope for no first bend 'offs' or startline tardiness, as well as punishing any/all 'rollers'!!
  3. One can only wish for a diary date!!!
  4. We'll have another chance on Wednesday!!!
  5. I expect if the promoters asked for volunteers to film then I'm sure a few would.
  6. My health IS everything. Joking apart I wish you, err well let me think on it......
  7. Not physically able to travel away these days so just stick to home meetings and sponsorship. Hope that's OK with you Lewy!
  8. My man in the pits was relaying info heat by heat.
  9. A 2 point away win after 2 dubious heat leader exclusions!!? Not bad at all really. Suck it up Gav.
  10. He's perked up a bit due to all the caffeine!
  11. Poole don't pay big money but they do guarantee payment on time.
  12. Howarth now 'unavailable' against the Pirates! Ashton Boughen guests for Pirates Tobias Thomsen.
  13. To watch him leave the track on crutches was not nice. He has said this morning he's hoping to see his own doctor in Denmark asap. He thinks its another sprain but worse than previously. To be honest I'd be more than happy if he rests up and we cope with what we've got, Tobias moves to reserve for August (Sam Hagon to 2) so he could easily clean up for the Pirates next month!
  14. By the way excellent guest booking for Saturday. Fresh from Wimborne Road - Go Howarth!!
  15. One thing is for sure Pirates won't lose by 32 points 'on scorpions turf'!
  16. Plus Rider of the Night award. He said in interview that his shoulder was still troubling him and had it strapped up.
  17. Tobias was on crutches at the end being assisted to the changing rooms.
  18. Light rain/drizzle from 6pm. Not causing any issues at 7pm
  19. Quite bright and breezy so far today but now a little overcast and showers forecast this evening from 6pm. Fingers crossed..... 4.15 UPDATE- Track prep is all looking good. Still overcast and breezy. Light shower now forecast around 8pm ish.
  20. I understand what you are saying but I wonder why this only seems to happen at Glasgow? Most other clubs run multi camera streams very successfully with no negative effect on attendance.
  21. But it becomes a debate when a well run club like Glasgow (apparently) are the only club not providing the opportunity for opposing fans to add to the club's revenue? Very strange imo.
  22. Club loyalties aside, surely you must question the validity of 'no streaming' at Glasgow?! It just seems strange when every other team does it and generates an extra income stream!

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