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  1. Moranboys

    Scunthorpe 2024

    Was that performance last night good enough for you then? Even earned his self a ht 15 appearance.
  2. Moranboys

    Scunny V comets

    Yeah that's it..... problem solved,let's lose another track.....
  3. Moranboys

    Scunthorpe 2024

    Simon Lambert has been a v.solid rider for his club and remains loyal.its not always about what he brings on the track but what he gives as a whole and you can't ask for more than that.
  4. Then you woke up!
  5. Ok expert,do you know how bad he was after the fall? Stead said he could hardly move following the fall,but oh,I keep forgetting you must be an expert on these things.
  6. And why's that,still feeling the effects of his fall.
  7. Yeah,superb win against a team minus their two star riders.
  8. Moranboys

    Aces v Lions

    Not really,you just can't answer mine.
  9. Moranboys

    Aces v Lions

    I race,roughly a minute,15 races,roughly fifteen minutes is that not simple enough or would you care to enlighten me on where the rest of the entertainment comes from unless you make it yourself or are you talking about the occasional rider interview which invariably you can't hear or,like a lot of people,aren't really interested in.or maybe you're talking about the endless tractor grading,or fence repair or dodgy starting gates or sun breaks etc.
  10. Moranboys

    Aces v Lions

    Where do you get this 120minutes of entertainment from? It's 15 races@ roughly a minute a race.....????
  11. Moranboys

    Aces v Lions

    Plus a league that's as boring as f...with five teams in it......yawn
  12. Moranboys

    Aces v Lions

  13. Moranboys

    Aces v Lions

    Not really whingers,just want v.f.m and at this moment in time speedway doesn't really give that.look at the shambles of a meeting against the tigers the other week,and you'd want to pay all that money to see that? No,speedway just keeps shooting itself in the foot and the streaming of league meetings hasn't helped the situation.the 11.99 that bsn charges for streaming is about right and 15 quid should be the max charged for a speedway meeting.as mentioned dozens of times before,there is too much competition now for speedway to compete with and now,unless families have plenty of surplus money left at the end of the month and because of rising costs,it will be the last thing people will will want to part with their money for.take the s.o.n for example,65 quid to stand in the cheapest part of the stadium?..thanks but no thanks.ill watch it on the Tele for naff all.
  14. Moranboys

    Aces v Lions

    Family ticket my arse,just a cover up which means that the two adults tickets are ,£22.50 and the two under 16,s should be let in for free!!
  15. I did,and he's right,you do whinge,does it come natural or do you have to practice?

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