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BackInTheDHSS last won the day on May 30

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  1. BackInTheDHSS

    Scunny V comets

    And Gary Havelock.
  2. BackInTheDHSS

    Middlesbrough vs Oxford - 26th July

    Thought they'd banned you? Did you tell them how much you love Peter Schroeck and they let you back in?
  3. Oxford are surely Poole's only rivals for the title - not that I expect most Poole fans will (rightly) be unduly worried about us.
  4. BackInTheDHSS

    Oxford vs Berwick - Wed 24th July

    A lot of Berwick fans moaning about their team’s performance after saying they would get hammered anyway. You did better than you thought. In fact, you did better at Sandy Lane than every other team (bar Poole, obviously) that’s visited in the league. And with a far from fully-fit Lewis Kerr. Give yourselves a break, the Bandits showed far more fighting spirit than most of the other teams I’ve seen.
  5. BackInTheDHSS

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Exactly. There’s a world of difference between Heeps and Killeen.
  6. BackInTheDHSS

    Oxford Spires 2024

    I just went over the Oxford Speedway Facebook page and 99% of the comments are positive about the team changes. It's more censored than the Russian media!
  7. BackInTheDHSS

    Oxford vs Berwick - Wed 24th July

    They will have to get maximums for Berwick to have any chance. Big Cheetahs win. 56-34.
  8. Big clash between the Championship title winners and the team that were well beaten. Corrected it for you.
  9. BackInTheDHSS

    Aces v Oxford

    Is there any point Oxford having a team manager? Where's the tac sub Peter? Heat 9 was surely the time to use it. Edit: Guess heat 12 was better than nothing. Still shocked he didn't wait until heat 14.
  10. BackInTheDHSS

    King's Lynn v Ipswich 25/07/24

    That's probably down to the amount of BullSh!+ on this forum!
  11. BackInTheDHSS

    Oxford v Aces

    You've changed your tune.
  12. BackInTheDHSS

    Oxford v Aces

    Amazing how many people confuse a bad track with a badly-prepared track. There’s a world of difference, and this was very much the latter.
  13. BackInTheDHSS

    Oxford v Aces

    Yeah, the track is different. It’s wider….so technically there’s a shorter way around now. Not that anybody has got close to Nielsen’s old record still.
  14. If you got rid of those two, would the club even exist at all? Speedway club owners sadly don't grow on trees.

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