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Everything posted by Fozzie4388

  1. Fozzie4388

    Workington 2024

    How can Nathan Ablitt guest for Celina at Scunthorpe when Ablitt rides for Scunthorpe lol Plus Ablitt's average is higher then the publicity stunt
  2. True he did get 12, has he got 12 combined in the away matches since?
  3. The result tonight may answer that one. They don't need a 2nd leg
  4. Too many one track wonders. Douglas single handily won them it last year.
  5. Fozzie4388

    Birmingham v Sheffield - 22nd July

    Paco knew on Thursday he was riding at Birmingham tonight. Obviously whoever runs Pawlicki's Facebook pages scheduled the posts. Either way it's another example of Polish speedway ruling and British speedway bowing down
  6. Fozzie4388

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Kevin Boothby
  7. This could well be a lesson learnt here to give Riders who are based in Britain a chance rather then signing a failed ''Publicity Stunt'', As already said Watson for Liebmann will make no difference score wise.
  8. He'll be number 7 if at reserve. Gilkes has a higher average then Edwards (or at least did at some point during the season) and still rode at 7 for Sheffield
  9. Fozzie4388

    Belle Vue Colts 2024

    William Cairns has signed replacing Shimelt
  10. He'll clearly sign for Leicester when he's ready for the top flight in a couple years with his Dad been one of the Promotion
  11. Sheldon Davies has quit so Scunthorpe are giving SGP3 Bronze Medalist William Cairns his NDL Debut.
  12. Fozzie4388

    SON 2 Belle Vue Friday 12th July

    Because Great Britain finished last in the last running of the SON2 and shouldn't technically be in the meeting but because they are the hosts they changed the format
  13. Fozzie4388

    Oxford v Ipswich 4th July

    She'd missed a stitch in her knitting
  14. Did Adam Ellis show anything last night either? The only Belle Vue rider he beat was Tate Zischke once when he fell and got excluded and the other was when Rew put Zischke in the fence
  15. Fozzie4388

    Workington 2024

    Erik Riss won't sign the reason he isn't already in the Championship is because most meetings are on a weekend and clash with longtrack etc
  16. Fozzie4388

    Workington 2024

    Zischke has been taken to hospital after crashing at Belle Vue tonight Meeting was abandoned Dave Rowe on Eurosport reported Leg and Pelvic injuries. Best wishes to Tate
  17. Musielak can't ride over here till July 14th even if he wants to his Licence is suspended till then.
  18. Going to be an absolute massacre R/R for Jack Holder and Lewis Kerr for Woffinden
  19. It'll be R/R for Woffy no real option as Birmingham only team not riding. Brennan is riding for Ipswich Vs Belle Vue Worrall for Kings Lynn Vs Leicester Only really Lindgren but don't think he's allowed to guest anyway with been on a reassessed average
  20. Fozzie4388

    Oxford Spires 2024

    We'll see won't we
  21. Fozzie4388

    Oxford Spires 2024

    Maybe it's part of a plan waiting for another rider to get fit to replace Riss with?
  22. Fozzie4388

    Scunny v Edinburgh D/H 28.06.2024

    Scunthorpe's Facebook page said last night it will only be the Championship fixture that will be streamed
  23. I'd fancy Scunthorpe's chances of both teams had their 1-7 but with Rider Replacement AGAIN!! for Palm Toft and Mickie Simpson riding for Harrison. Edinburgh should win by about 10-12 points Monarchs have swapped Thomson and Fredriksen in their riding order
  24. Nothing less then a typical Scunthorpe away result.

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