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If the track being watered regularly equates too twice, once before the meeting, and once after heat 12, then i guess it must be regular, but certainly doesnt equate to regular in my book. stood on the first bend, and got covered in shale. We were crying out for the track for to be watered, and cheered when the finally decided to put some water on it, which dried out very quick, and found ourselves being covered again after heat 13.


From where i was i did count 9 passes in the first 8 races, all be it, mainly coming out of the first and second bend on the first lap. Riders who went wide often lost ground on a slick track with most riders finding in very difficult to overtake after the first bend. Read a comment that only one race failed to register sub 60 seconds race time. i wud much rather it be the other way round, with 20 races 60+ and more racing, rather than the gate and go produced for most of yesterday. Best race of the evening was heat 18 with scott, hans and aj battling for first.


Crowd wasn't as big as expected, despite the long queue's assembling at 12.30ish. probably at a rough guess 3000 - 3500.

Cheers Chris for confirming all that yourself & A have told me.In you i trust. :approve:

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Of course they raced for the honour and pride and their sponsors. Do you really think riders can race any harder just for the money involved, I really dont think so. Dont think any of them in that final really desperately needed that money.



:lol::lol::lol: they ride for love of it .


It they don't ride or care for the money no need to do a deal in the first place .


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Doesn't BobC say as much in his post?


Well,you all know Im not a fan of Nicki Pedersen.


However,he was a deserved winner today.He showed exactly why he is World Champion.He was in a different class.Won it fair and square.One of the first times Ive actually enjoyed watching him race.Congratulations to him.


SCB...you say cheats never prosper,and ask where was Bjarne? Why dont you ask the same about Crump? He was the villian of the moment.He touched the tapes and got penalised 15 metres.In the rerun,he VERY CLEARLY moved long before Bjarne touched the tapes,and he was penalised 15 metres.Crump should have been kicked out for cheating,not moved back to 25 metres.Bjarne was moving,I know that,but he only touched the tapes because of Crump moving a second time.That bizarre moment spoilt a very enjoyable meeting.


The Russian Emil Sajfutdinov was a pleasure to watch,never far off the pace,while Chris Harris was a big disappointment.


Good meeting to open the season with,Holder already looking very impressive indeed.


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:lol::lol::lol: they ride for love of it .


It they don't ride or care for the money no need to do a deal in the first place .



And for our entertainment of course! :rolleyes:

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Of course they raced for the honour and pride and their sponsors. Do you really think riders can race any harder just for the money involved, I really dont think so. Dont think any of them in that final really desperately needed that money.


Well, you've just solved all the Elite League's problems. We'll just get all the riders to ride for nothing. :rolleyes:


I think money might be quite important to riders, somehow. :wink:


All the best



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If the track being watered regularly equates too twice, once before the meeting, and once after heat 12, then i guess it must be regular, but certainly doesnt equate to regular in my book. stood on the first bend, and got covered in shale. We were crying out for the track for to be watered, and cheered when the finally decided to put some water on it, which dried out very quick, and found ourselves being covered again after heat 13.


From where i was i did count 9 passes in the first 8 races, all be it, mainly coming out of the first and second bend on the first lap. Riders who went wide often lost ground on a slick track with most riders finding in very difficult to overtake after the first bend. Read a comment that only one race failed to register sub 60 seconds race time. i wud much rather it be the other way round, with 20 races 60+ and more racing, rather than the gate and go produced for most of yesterday. Best race of the evening was heat 18 with scott, hans and aj battling for first.


Crowd wasn't as big as expected, despite the long queue's assembling at 12.30ish. probably at a rough guess 3000 - 3500.


Throught the presentation of the event was very poor. To let fans in at 1pm, and be no entertainment until roughly 2.15pm, was disapointing. Didn't think much to the cheerleaders, as an only pre-meeting entertainment. i'm sure matt ford could have stretched to a local band to put a 45/60 min set together. It could of got the crowd going. Thought the build up was poor, and failed to create an electric atmosphere. Could have had an interval attraction also. Speaking to the ex-poole riders was ok, but dragged a little, and could have been better presented. Was however nice to see ceigelski in attendance. The build up to the final was poor, and failed to get the crowd going. Presentation to nicki was poor, what about the fans wanting to appreciate the efforts of both aj and scotty who deservedly made the rostrum (sorry what rostrum???) then to finish tractors came on to take the dirt of the track with presentations to nicki still going on. Then for nicki to go round the track for a final time, stood in the boot of a local poole cab was shocking presentation. Fireworks where pathetic also.


On the plus side thought dave lanning did ok in trying to get the fans going, but think he got a bout of illness from tony millard in the final when he commented that leigh adams had come through to second. Adams was actually at the back, and it was aj coming past scott.


At least the weather stayed off, and we got some speedway which in parts had a couple of good races. After getting soaked in poole on the saturday night, it appeared the meeting wudn't have even been on.

Other than that you loved it then... :P:blink:


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Rabbit - as usual it's left to yourself or Bob C to be the voice of reason. Incidentally, Bob reckoned around 4,000 when I saw him there yesterday - you two are a better judge than myself at Poole attendances, so around 4,000 it was. :wink:


Certainly puts those claiming that they were 5,500 there in their place. :rolleyes:


All the best


Sadly, it is the case (and has recently been proven conclusively) that there is only a minority of Poole fans who you can believe on this forum......the two who you name are certainly included.


If I were Matt Ford I'd be furious.

Don't you mean if you were Matt Ford you'd be pretty furious? :wink:

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It's not hard to see why this sport is treated with contempt by the national press and anyone who takes sport seriously.


Supporters are charged £30 to see what is billed as the richest 60 seconds in motor sport history and end up being treated to the biggest con in motor sport history with one of the con men proudly declaring his part in the deception.


We have the bspa making stupid statements about the sport not being taken seriously when there is no promotion and relegation and yet expect it to be taken seriously when competitors are allowed to proudly announce that a race worth £60k to the the INDIVIDUAL winner has been rigged so that the prize money is shared equally. The prize money having been obtained from mug punters like me who have handed over my £30 in good faith.


There were four parties to this deception and I for one would like to know what action is going to be taken against them.


If something like this had happened in horse racing, with the jockeys colluding to share out prize money, you can guarantee that racing licences would be revoked and possible criminal procedings put in place.

DONT WORRY 190557 you are not the only mug who coffed up for the privilege of watchig a as billed NON EVENT RACE,BUT I AM A BIGGER MUG than you cos i backed HARRIS to win as i thought his newport win would make him sharper!!!!!!!!! i sulked all the way back from poole in the car from poole and now i discover the worlds 60,000 race was a non event!!!!!! my luck can only get better(cant it!!!!!!)

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If the track being watered regularly equates too twice, once before the meeting, and once after heat 12, then i guess it must be regular, but certainly doesnt equate to regular in my book. stood on the first bend, and got covered in shale. We were crying out for the track for to be watered, and cheered when the finally decided to put some water on it, which dried out very quick, and found ourselves being covered again after heat 13.


........Then for nicki to go round the track for a final time, stood in the boot of a local poole cab was shocking presentation. Fireworks where pathetic also.


Very difficult conditions to judge to be perfectly honest. Track was soaking wet and very sludgy on arrival at the stadium at 10am-ish and it took constant grading for nearly 3 hours to get it to a decent state. Luckily the breeze got up which helped to dry it out, but not before I appear to have collected a large proportion of it on my shoes! :rolleyes: The meeting was raced with the constant threat of showers, any of which could have hit us and which were piling into the area - I know - we were keeping an eye on them on the rainfall radar all meeting in case anything should be building up and heading our way. At one stage mid-meeting it looked as if we were going to get unlucky, but thankfully it skimmed just to the north of us. So, agree, it may have been dusty, but decisions were taken based on the conditions and weather around on the day and knowing the riders, they wouldn't have wanted it watered anyway. And their say usually goes!


As for the cab, it's not a local taxi, just a vehicle bought for promotional purposes and painted with Poole advertising - replaces the Smart car used inprevious years. Not quite sure about the fireworks as it was still light and not a lot you can do when it's not got dark by the end of the meeting - guess frankie was just a bit too fast! :P I do agree with you about the track staff being a bit too quick off the mark to get back on track though whilst the presentations were still going on - we commented on the same.


Other than all that, I take it you had a great time? ;):P

Edited by rabbit

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Well, you've just solved all the Elite League's problems. We'll just get all the riders to ride for nothing. :rolleyes:


I think money might be quite important to riders, somehow. :wink:


All the best



Dont be daft Rob, we are talking about a one off meeting right at the start of the season. Of course money is important but 15k each at the start of the season seems Ok. Fair play to Nicki as well. He was a bang on cert to win that final as everyone in the stadium knew, yet he chose to share. what on earth is wrong with you all. I think it is brilliant

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Thats what I dont understand they decided to share it, whats the problem?

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Thats what I dont understand they decided to share it, whats the problem?


Easy the meetings was run under a winner takes take all event the richest 60 seconds in speedway the fact is it was not .

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Because the 4 riders decided who ever won split with the other three, if they'd decided that whoever won was going to donate the money to say to the SRBF would you all still be moaning?

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Because the 4 riders decided who ever won split with the other three, if they'd decided that whoever won was going to donate the money to say to the SRBF would you all still be moaning?


What ? you ask a question on what was wrong with spliting the money and i gave you an answer if a rider had won the meeting and then gave it to the srbf or lobbed the money into the crowd great he's free to do want he he wants to do with it .


The fact remains it was a winner take all evert and when those riders came to line for the final it was not.

Edited by orion

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