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I am sorry Phil but if I receive warning P M's from the promoters family then I have the God given right to reply and I will every time and the only way to stop me is to remove my account


I agree starshooter, if the truth hurts then they should act in a manor that people respect them, not the way they have, it's that simple for any normal family to do.

Edited by Devildodger

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I agree starshooter, if the truth hurts then they should act in a manor that people respect them, not the way they have, it's that simple for any normal family to do.


Some of the anti-Bowden posts have been a bit OTT at times,and thats not me having a dig at you personally,just answering your post.That said,giving some of the statements attributed to Bowden,I can well understand the ill-feeling toward your current promoter.

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The thing is you should never mix business with pleasure, i lost my respect like many for the promotor when he put one finger up to the supporters on bend two one friday evening at the SBA.

Edited by Devildodger

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I am sorry Phil but if I receive warning P M's from the promoters family then I have the God given right to reply and I will every time and the only way to stop me is to remove my account

suerly admin have the option to see all pm's and act on them in the same way they would with a post thats made in bad taste

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Best stick an L on end of the link or it won't work!

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As far as fisher goes I don't think he was ever likely to return to Plymouth (although I accept if Leicester go el he could double down with us). He has always stated he prefers bigger tracks and therefore I don't see him returning.


As for the meeting yesterday well the local rag says there's nothing to see yet so it's more waiting sadly!

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I would like to remind all those who are slamming Mike Bowden that until 6 years ago Plymouth had not had a speedway team or track for 40 years. When you are cricising him for his personal life (nothing at all to do with you) or the way the team has run (come up with the money and have a go yourself) remember that he is responsible for the return of speedway to Plymouth and without him there would be no speedway here! I can speak with personal knowledge as my wife and I worked tirelessly with Mike for 18 months as his planning agents to beat the planners, the antis and the nimbys. Suggest you vent your spleen on them!

Wether the consortium succeeds or not, get behind those working on your behalf and give support not venom.

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I would like to remind all those who are slamming Mike Bowden that until 6 years ago Plymouth had not had a speedway team or track for 40 years. When you are cricising him for his personal life (nothing at all to do with you) or the way the team has run (come up with the money and have a go yourself) remember that he is responsible for the return of speedway to Plymouth and without him there would be no speedway here! I can speak with personal knowledge as my wife and I worked tirelessly with Mike for 18 months as his planning agents to beat the planners, the antis and the nimbys. Suggest you vent your spleen on them!

Wether the consortium succeeds or not, get behind those working on your behalf and give support not venom.


I agree with you that Mike resurrected speedway in Plymouth after many years

The criticism of Mike & his family is not as a result of what goes on behind closed doors but what goes on in the public arena when paying members of the public are made to be witness the rows and foul language that has taken place at the SBA this year and the fact that even riders have gone public about the amount of money owed to them.

How can you suggest that the fan base should support Mike & his family after the shenanigans of the last 4 or 5 months, it’s not the nimbys etc that should get the blame, they have done what they thought was right at the time as are the fans of today, Mike deserves praise for bringing speedway back to Plymouth but if he continues like this then he will also be responsible for its demise

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You have to be blind, deaf and stupid not to notice the things that have been going on at the meetings on a friday night, you have to wonder what some people are looking at when they go, because it's very hard sometimes to watch the speedway.

And considering what has been going on the support for the team has been very good, some people think that we should support the promotor no matter what happens at the meetings, don't work that way, and they will say if you don't like it don't go, well lots of supporters have done just that, it's not the place for parents to take there family anymore, but that will change with the right person taking over.

Edited by Devildodger

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With only one year on Mike Bowden's lease and few riding assets the place can't be worth much.A shame, always enjoyed visiting the place. With Exeter, Trelawny and Weymouth long gone its a huge loss to the sport.

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There is more than one yr left where do you get your info from also there are a few assets. I am mike's daughter.


Name them?


I can only think of Glanz, Reade and I believe Danny Stoneman (although he may well have moved on now) as the only three unless your counting the now retired Mark Simmonds and Seemond Stephens. We have had other riders become assets but the likes of Paul Starke (IOW) have become assets elsewhere now after falling out with your dad.


The lease expires in 2014 so your quite right it's two years not one left.

Edited by Mikeyt

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