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LisaColette last won the day on March 18

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About LisaColette

  • Birthday 06/04/1982

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  1. Why not! I was thinking he could fit in the team the other day and lives near Swindon? So not that far for him.
  2. Plus also the money saved from riding in the Championship rather than the Prem.
  3. Could be more of a possibility if Prem moves from Mon/Thurs to Mon/Weds because of Ben Cook, Pickering etc doing Poland on Thurs.
  4. Maybe worth a RS position in the Prem next season?
  5. Plus if you could put anyone at reserve, may as well just put Lawson down there Reserves have to be two lowest averages, no1 has to be highest average but the others are up to the TM what number they ride at.
  6. You can't swap them! It is based on averages. If Sam's is higher than Tobi's then he stays in top 5.
  7. Yeah when we were at or near the bottom of the league. Teams at the top don't lose at home by 16. Worky have though!
  8. Did you pull it back at home though? Tell me how many teams have won by 18 points away from home?
  9. I was thinking of 2003. Unless I have gone too far back 😂 Seems like Poole vs Oxford is turning into a similar rivalry!
  10. Finals!!! Poland has to be Ben's top priority now imo. Plus the stand in captain was pretty decent!
  11. Wasn't that a KO cup final though? They put a load of sawdust down so it could go ahead as it was on the last few days of October!
  12. If Ben was to do championship it would be at Poole. Don't see Tom doing Champ either, think he only did Poole this year incase he got dropped in Poland or not used much in Sweden so still had the meetings.
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