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foreverblue last won the day on October 7 2022

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  1. There have been good meetings at Leicester in the past though, I remember Doyle and Magic used have some good battles with plenty of passing
  2. You cannot compare, Poland has always been alot cheaper but their gate receipt more than compensate.
  3. Oh really didn't know that, I seem to remember beating your team in a play off final without guests but you have won a couple with guests or a very late replacement like Robert Lambert.
  4. Nah, I think some on here would rather talk about our distant history when we happened to lose at home heavily.
  5. I did say I doubt! I knew someone would come up with the answer. Obvious it would have happened at some point in our history.
  6. Obviously I knew it must have happened in the dim and distant past especially when facing a truly great Ipswich side.
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