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SteelShoe last won the day on March 24

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    Underachieving Deep Thinker

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    Workington Comets

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  1. Nothing in the track for Nicholls to use, the heat leaders had to gate and be in front coming out of turn 2 otherwise that was it, proved that was the case in the race Ben Cook was last.
  2. Very much a one line track . Congrats to Poole your name was on it. Top of the league best team all year.
  3. Foord Wow needs to tone it down or injury could finish him , he has been lucky tonight in that regard.
  4. You gotta fancy Poole to turn this around at home, depends if there name is on it this season.
  5. Watching on BSN lsst night and spotted a good few people smoking and vaping in the enclosure. Is this allowed at Oxford ?
  6. If the Cheetahs lose by a point or 2 on aggregate everyone will point to that dreadful decision.
  7. Well we know Rich Lawson already. Zach gotta be a shoe in too. Howarth wouldn't have thought so . Anders Rowe strong possibility with his Polish aspirations. Starke depends how much he is worth to the Pirates, Vinnie a strong possibility. William Cairns ? Personally I think there are better tracks for this young man to hone his skills on. Poole will be after him no doubt and have the financial clout to turn his head.
  8. Worky crowd concerningly did drop away in the 3 end of season meetings against Poole x2 and Plymouth. Reasons probably include missing riders due to injury, substantial first leg defeats against Poole, low attendance of away fans due to distances involved , the BSN effect, big gaps between meetings and fixture clashes at the start of the football season. Even some locals watched the home play off semi final second leg on BSN instead of attending. One wonders what effect screening so many meetings has had on club attendances overall this season. Have other clubs suffered reduced attendances and if so what reasons do fans think are the contributing factors?
  9. Successful 1st season for Antti in the UK, a Premiership winners medal ain't bad. During the regular season he was generally really strong round Northside. if he could reproduce his home form around more of the away tracks next season he would be good value on his average. Very level headed, professional with reliable equipment .
  10. Well done the Pirates , the only question that remains is can the Cheetahs plunder any of the remaining treasure ?
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