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Ray Stadia

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Ray Stadia last won the day on February 26 2014

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About Ray Stadia

  • Birthday 05/03/1958

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    Financial Adviser

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    Keeping Fit, Speedway, Grass Track

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  1. The funny thing is, cycle speedway, appears to be going great guns in Newport! Newport needs another Tim!
  2. I don't know, but corporates talking to corporates might have more sway than action groups talking to corporates? Surely the stadium is a bit of a 'thorn in the side' for BE?
  3. As Coventry staged a GP in the past and successfully, as I recall, perhaps the GP organisers could have taken the opportunity to try and buy the stadium, to have as a British GP 'flagship', but with Belle Vue as a second British GP venue?
  4. When I first heard Belle Vue was going to also host a GP round, I thought, that's great for GB speedway, 2 venues in one year! Now, what do I think? I think it could be a disaster, from an attendance point of view. Also, how do fans choose between day 1 and day 2? Or are the organisers expecting fans to attend day 1 and 2? I doubt a huge number could.
  5. True. Seeing the video of Brandon was very sad. So much history left to rack and ruin. ☚ī¸
  6. What do you mean, trying to save Coventry speedway is 'flogging a dead horse'? 😏
  7. See my post above please. All I am saying, is it is a pity Sandhu bought the stadium, in my opinion. But, also as we know, speedway in general, is in a bad place and many stadiums are targets for building developers.
  8. No, Brandon Estates were the owners, but on further research, it appears Sandhu did get into financial difficulty and it was sold to BE, after NatWest called in the loan agreement. At the end of the day, it all went wrong after Sandhu bought the stadium, so yes, I do blame him!
  9. Sandhu was the last person to own the stadium, before selling the stadium to Brandon Estates, although I seem to recall with his brother. He bought it from the Ochiltrees and other owners of the stadium, but the Ochiltrees were dedicated to Coventry seedway. Horton, I believe, was the final promoter, but as we know, a promoter is not necessarily the owner, more often a manager. Horton, obviously made a dogs dinner of it and then Coventry closed. Sandhu had some financial issues as I recall, especially surrounding his brother. I think Sandhu bought the stadium, not to ensure speedway security/longevity, but to hope to build on the land, which is where the situation is now, after he sold out to Brandon Estates.
  10. I do. When he bought the stadium, he said he was committed to speedway and presumably, bangers and stocks!
  11. I used to enjoy watching the odd game of golf when Peter Alliss was a commentator. He had the knack to make it sound interesting, in my opinion. He had a dry sense of humour!
  12. The advert has a moto X bike. Are there a lot of grasstrack bikes? Do they have speedway bikes there?
  13. I suppose Oxford is the nearest, as I seem to recall, Swindon versus Oxford was known as a local derby? And it has always been said, that Bristol got big crowds! I don't know why someone couldn't do something like 'a Workington' somewhere near Bristol, Swindon or South Wales. Maybe there isn't anyone with the money or the interest to start something up. However, there is a Swindon action group, how are they getting on?
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